Of course. Nothing I say will change anyone’s opinions! There’s never a problem that can’t be solved with the use of Latin and anathemas.I think this is a classic case where conservative catholic / trad catholic just have different viewpoints.
Speaking for all Trads ( i have been appointed ya know) there is NO context that would make a “gay mass” acceptable – even if the intention is noble.
The ends never justify the means
However, in terms of facts, Cormac has NOT ‘bowed to Gay activist pressure.’ That’s misreporting. He organised all this last year as a solution to rogue Gay Masses. Radicals had nothing to do with it except Cormac heading them off! He is NOT a liberal and will not bow to the radicals! He is, however, a pastor and trying not to pander to the charicatures of the Press here.
He has had youth Masses, Masses for the elderly, Masses for married couples… It’s not unusual here. But the media reporting is super-hostile, almost Soviet.
Cormac allows a ‘Gay Mass’ (on HIS terms) and he has bowed to the activists.
He refuses to have such then schismatics hold such Masses and Cormac and the Church are smeared as homophobes and the screw tightens in legislation.
try and have some understanding of his positon and if you can’t sympathise at least condemn him for what he is doing and not he is reported as doing. There is a LOT of misreporting going on!