U.S. Catholic bishops are considering punishing Catholics who enforce Trump's immigration policy

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Help me out here if you will. If the U.S. Catholic bishops are seriously considering punishing those Catholics who enforce Trump’s immigration policy with canonical penalties, such as the border agents who are simply doing their jobs enforcing federal laws, then what should be the punishment for those priests and bishops (below) who are failing horribly in their jobs to teach the truths of Christ, whose Church they happen to be the stewards of? I wonder, who is it that’s risking the salvation of more people’s souls???



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what should be the punishment for those priests and bishops (below) who are failing horribly in their jobs to teach the truths of Christ
You only think they are failing because you don’t understand the Gospel or what the “truths of Christ” as you put it really are.
You only think they are failing because you don’t understand the Gospel or what the “truths of Christ” as you put it really are.
Oh…so that’s what it is. Those silly cloistered nuns, who used to teach me catechism in the 60’s and 70’s, how “rigid” they were!!!
You only think they are failing because you don’t understand the Gospel or what the “truths of Christ” as you put it really are.
Oh…so that’s what it is. Those silly cloistered nuns, who used to teach me catechism in the 60’s and 70’s, how “rigid” they were!!!
Nuns are not infallible.
Unless it’s a genocide situation or a natural disaster emergency, which it isn’t, I am not comfortable bringing total strangers to stay at my house, especially when they are breaking US law. I think most people have the common sense to see the problems inherent in such an approach.
Substitute “country” for “house” above and you have the present U.S. policy nailed.
Donald Trump.
The Republican party.
Half the people who have posted here.
Don’t you need at least a quote, a plank of a platform or a poll to back up what appears without such to be just a rash judgement based on emotions?
Nuns are not infallible.
But apparently you are, as per your statement in your previous post. No, you’re right. Nuns aren’t infallible. But compared to the catechists that are teaching the Faith today …they’re Thomas Aquinas!!!
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You needed none for your broad statement, “but who isn’t,” unless that was a legitimate question and not saying that no one is ever against the preference for the poor. If that was the case, then do not ask a question and scoff at one who answers.

As to the party, we do have a current preferential option for the rich in our immigration law, so I am okay there. As to half here, no, I need no poll. The current immigration law’s predilection for serving the needs of the US of A more than social justice is defended vigorously every time its contradiction with Catholic doctrine has come up.
Trump is anti-abortion, because he wants to punish poor pregnant women by forcing them to remain pregnant, knowing that it will cause tremendous social problems for them.
Wow. Yet another omniscient poster who can read minds.
It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to put two & two together. It does require willful blindness not to see it once it’s pointed out.
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People who have the where with all to leave home & family to seek a better life are exactly the kind of migrants we want.
Some inconsistency here. Do we only want wealthy immigrants?
Sorry, my bad. Perhaps gumption, drive, ambition, vision or some such word would have better made my point. Thanks for asking for clarification.
You needed none for your broad statement, “but who isn’t” …
Point of grammar, friend. A “question” is not a “statement”. I asked a question; you made a statement. Big difference.
Nuns are not infallible.
But apparently you are, as per your statement in your previous post. No, you’re right. Nuns aren’t infallible. But compared to the catechists that are teaching the Faith today …they’re Thomas Aquinas!!!
Even Thomas Aquinas had to be corrected by JP2 when it came to his faulty reasoning about women that is responsible for a great deal of the entrenched sexism you find in the Church today.

In any case, I am sure the nuns taught you about how authority works in the Church. Bishops police themselves & Jesuits obey their superiors. Elevating yourself to a position to judge either is what Protestants do.
Trump is anti-abortion,

… well, now we agree more … I was skeptical on this point till he started taking Planned Parenthood’s money away and naming a pro-life (so far) Supreme Court judge

… because he wants to punish poor pregnant women by forcing them to remain pregnant,

Fools errand even if true. Women don’t stay pregnant. As I’ve posted he opposed partial birth abortion …

… which involved a woman going ALL the way through pregnancy,

… then having a “doctor” BREACH her child in the womb … 😵😬😱

… pull it out backwards, and killing it

…with the head still in the birth canal (for what looks like the purpose of:

… harvesting its body parts,

… charging the woman for that …

**… not even giving her the money
for "her sacrifice"

… knowing that it will cause tremendous social problems for them.

the “I regret my abortion” women speak to some social problems they’ve had.

And however (the imagined evil) Trump might “wish” it … the woman who has given birth can give the baby up for adoption, go back to school, OR consider the problems of raising her child as worth it.

His selective use of Pro-Life rhetoric…

… the rhetoric is less offensive to me when coupled with pro-life action. Which is just.
And calling people to responsibility
in a rather minimal way, IMO

… is like Satan quoting scripture

Satan does that, even to Jesus. Thanks for closing on a higher spiritual note.

… to defend his greater evil purpose.

**OK. I’ve been warned of this possibility, and am no poorer for the warning. I’ll stay vigilant in scrutinizing even those leaders I’m presently liking due to actions I would have recommended to any leader we’d have now. **

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Even Thomas Aquinas had to be corrected by JP2 when it came to his faulty reasoning about women that is responsible for a great deal of the entrenched sexism you find in the Church today.
Do you have a source for this? A link that we could read?
Even Thomas Aquinas had to be corrected by JP2 when it came to his faulty reasoning about women that is responsible for a great deal of the entrenched sexism you find in the Church today.
Do you have a source for this? A link that we could read?
Google Mulieris dignitatem
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