I’m studying a course which explains the devastating consequences of colonization in Americas. There were, perhaps other ways to evangelize the Aboriginal peoples of North America. Their traditional beliefs are not really related to religion but mostly conveyed in songs, story-telling of how their fathers lived, etc., and mostly in art.
The Mikmaw people of Canada are largely Roman Catholic. They practice the faith while keeping their traditions. They choose to keep the faith, while some believe in other religions.
The thing is, the approach to evangelization was largely different. Rather than inviting the children to church, the governments rather took children by force from their families and put them in residential schools. They were separated from their mothers and fathers, which might had a horrible effect on their self-esteem. If they were allowed to see their parents, it would have had much better outcomes. Many children caught tuberculosis and died; some children were sexually abused by priests and teachers; some were beaten and abused; some children committed suicide. Those were horrible times for the children, for their families, and for the Indigenous peoples.
Aboriginal youth today suffer from devastating consequences of abuse, abandonment, drug addiction, as this history passes on from generation to generation. Thankfully, TRC is working to establish reconciliation- and also the Catholic priests and bishops are involved as well. We are humans and we make mistakes. After all, priests are also sinners. We all are. TRC is all about recognizing that, the parties involved in the abuse were also sinners, and it’s time to say “This is not the right way to allow others to become Catholic, and we apologize.”
We just have to make sure that things are not going to happen by force and the pain of those who don’t deserve it. There must be other ways to evangelize than tearing families apart and leading to deaths of thousands of indigenous peoples worldwide.