U.S. Middle school hangs LGBT flag in cafeteria, bans flag of traditional family

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Not everyone in Marshall is opposed to the rainbow flag. According to one news site:
Plenty – some of them pastors themselves, and some of them students – spoke out in favor of the flag, and have been for weeks.

And it appears that there was also a bit of misinformation being reported by an opponent of the flag at the school board meeting:
Then there was this guy, who cryptically claimed the “lifespan of a homosexual” was around 42 years.
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What, pray tell, is the “flag of traditional family”? I think Russia has one, but, I’m thinking this is some item that someone is trying to sell by creating outrage.
Although I support the LGBT cause, I believe the flag should be taken down, especially since this is a public school. The flag of the United States is enough.
This should surprise no one. Should they not advertise what they teach?

This is truth in advertising.

The hidden agendas are the threat.
Realize that when a group plants a flag, this land is theirs. It’s true. They are claiming it.
Taking it down does not change a thing of what’s going on on the inside.
We are all free to act as we please and if that’s what any particular group wants, then who are we to deny them. This doesn’t mean we should hide or withhold our own personal opinion rather that we should not force anyone to do anything they don’t want.

Mutual respect would suggest that we accept peoples differences no matter what it might be.
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I just have to remind myself that the thing to do is pray for the poor souls responsible for hanging that flag there.

As a culture I wish there were not this impulse to advertise. Not just the homosexual stuff. Whether it be this sad statement in a school, or a sticker on your car saying you’re whoever, have been wherever, have done whatever. Or a tattoo, or a porch flag of your college or sports team. As if it’s all a part of an authentic identity. I just do not need to know. Little surprise that this particular sad event occurs.
As a culture I wish there were not this impulse to advertise. Not just the homosexual stuff. Whether it be this sad statement in a school, or a sticker on your car saying you’re whoever, have been wherever, have done whatever. Or a tattoo, or a porch flag of your college or sports team. As if it’s all a part of an authentic identity. I just do not need to know. Little surprise that this particular sad event occurs.
I don’t see what’s wrong with people wearing T-shirts for the college they attended or the sports team they like. I have T-shirts for my alma mater and although I don’t wear them very often, the university I attended is an important part of my identity. I was a student there both as an undergraduate and in graduate school and quite a big chunk of my life was spent there. I don’t wear the T-shirts for other people, I wear them for myself. If some others don’t want to see them, they just have to realize that they can’t get everything they want.
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We are all free to act as we please and if that’s what any particular group wants, then who are we to deny them.
If we are all free then that alone is sufficient justification. I do think the issue is overblown.
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Although I support the LGBT cause, I believe the flag should be taken down, especially since this is a public school. The flag of the United States is enough.
One benefit I see to this flag is that it sends the message to LGBT students that this school is trying to be a safe place for them. As someone who got bullied when I was in school for being gay, it would have been nice for me to know that my school was making an effort to be inclusive.
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Free to act as the will pleases is more like it…and we must always consider the consequences of our beliefs upon others. as well as theirs upon ours. IMHO here lies the dilemma.

I try extremely hard not to separate myself from those that think, live and believe differently to me. I ALWAYS try to put my own bias aside so that I can truly feel what is being said, whether i believe it or not seems to be up to each individual and doctrine is only one tool in the toolbox to help better understand this. Even if we call doctrine the only toolbox that matters…for me it does not justify me judging another to be wrong.

I know this is very much a religious matter and what I am suggesting is maybe we need to tackle it with more of our open heart rather than what may be seen as strict learning.
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Time to speak with an attorney; there are a number of law firms which deal with issues which may involve either free speech and/or religion.
This reminds of a non denominational church I pass that has a big gay flag draped across the front. At least adults can choose not to go to that place. Unless someone is rich or capable of home schooling they can’t take their kids out of this school. If enough parents oppose it then take it down. I’d like to tell you what I’d like to do with all these gay flags. But I better not therefore I will mute this thread. Have fun.
Oy ve…There is no agenda…or is there some secret underground society within the public schools that keeps it secret from some teachers…?
Those are most blind who willingly blind themselves.
Or some of us have been around it for 20ish years and haven’t witnessed such an agenda.
So mandatory LGBT training is part of basic education?
Who’s in charge of it? I’ve yet to see this included in the curriculum?

As far as lifsite news is concerned…it’s tough to take a publication seriously who writes that for homosexuals it’s a choice.

Also, I read three local articles. None of which indicated that “traditional family flags” were banned. Some kids came up with their own, put them on their lockers and someone took them. Options for one of these two flags to fly next to the rainbow flag was given to the school board, which sounds like they were set to review on 3/2. Meeting minutes for the 3/2 meeting were not available on the district website, so I’m assuming that the meeting has not happened yet and due to school building closures may not happen for a few months.
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Passed into law in Washington State, where you can also have your doctor kill you, then compost your remains.

Soylent Green.

Don’t say you were not warned.
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