U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade

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The answer is simple. People just do not want to let go of the ability to have consequence-free sex.
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That is a gross oversimplification, and the answer is not that simple. If you want to stop abortion, you need to understand more of the issues on the minds of Americans (and others) when they think of abortion. I haven’t collected a comprehensive list, but here’s what I’ve got for starters: Abortion in the minds of Americans ties into:
  • personal liberty, autonomy, self-determination
  • equal rights and opportunities
  • sex, relationships, and marriage
  • economics, personal finance
  • college education opportunities
  • job and career opportunities
  • social stigma and lack of respect for pregnancy and motherhood
  • pregnancy/childbirth health and healthcare
  • and last, if it comes to mind at all, the life of the child
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How can 56% of Catholics say that abortion should be legal when this is not?
Because most American Catholics are so poorly catechized nowadays. Many don’t even believe in the Real Presence any more.

Most American Catholics are taught “watered down Catholicism” these days. It’s sad but true.
Just because the majority says abortion should be legal does not make it right.
It also depends a great deal on how the question is framed.

Also, many people don’t understand what abortion means or what it does.
I used to think abortion was a responsible choice. In my mind, it had nothing to do with a baby. I thank God that he opened my mind one morning.
That is a gross oversimplification, and the answer is not that simple. If you want to stop abortion, you need to understand more of the issues on the minds of Americans (and others) when they think of abortion. I haven’t collected a comprehensive list, but here’s what I’ve got for starters: Abortion in the minds of Americans ties into:
  • personal liberty, autonomy, self-determination
  • equal rights and opportunities
  • sex, relationships, and marriage
  • economics, personal finance
  • college education opportunities
  • job and career opportunities
  • social stigma and lack of respect for pregnancy and motherhood
  • pregnancy/childbirth health and healthcare
I don’t know. The answer seems very simple.

The majority of Americans and Catholics value all, or some, of the above OVER the life of an innocent human being.

Not that complicated really.

If we were to condone taking the life of any human being – brother, mother, father, sister, neighbour, stranger, friend, acquaintance, enemy, etc., etc., for any of the above reasons, I am wondering what the moral compass in the heads of that majority would do?

I would hope paroxysms of concern and remorse.

Unfortunately, I am even more concerned that that same majority will begin to think, "Well, if those justify killing a baby in the womb, why not a baby out of the womb? Why not a child? Why not my spouse?
“Well, I killed my wife and child and disposed of them in the dumpster because they stood in the way of my quest for *personal liberty, autonomy, self-determination.”
SCOTUS: “Well, we cannot stand in the way of your right to determine your own world view, or restrict your freedom for the pursuit of happiness. That right appears in the Constitution. We find the defendant innocent with a lawful right to act in the way they saw fit.”
I would be very careful with how morality is made “complicated” to the detriment of all those innocent human beings who stand in the way of someone’s quest for …
  • personal liberty, autonomy, self-determination
  • equal rights and opportunities
  • sex, relationships, and marriage
  • economics, personal finance
  • college education opportunities
  • job and career opportunities
  • social stigma and lack of respect for pregnancy and motherhood
  • pregnancy/childbirth health and healthcare
Degrading the morality of a society and then justifying or excusing that degradation may not turn out the way “the majority” suppose it will – for anyone.
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I am saddened, as well, by our capacity to dismiss the lives of others so easily. Abortion is the camel’s nose in the tent.

Euthanasia and the expansion of abortion to include infants after birth if they survive the abortion attempt keeps eroding the parameters and any sense of true empathy within our culture that serves as a bulwark against human indifference.
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I don’t recall being asked my view. (I support overturning Roe V. Wade, and am active in the pro-life movement.)
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Because we are raised to the ‘human life is expendable ‘ discourse thanks to popular media and Hollywood and computer games and wars
Serious question. Let’s say abortion becomes illegal in USA. How would you enforce the law particularly in women that don’t believe that life starts at conception or that are facing a very high risk pregnancy? You can not force an other woman to bring to term a pregnancy. How would you practically do that without using methods that are against human dignity and freedom? I believe more in providing a strict regulation of abortion and in extensive programs to support pregnant women and struggling mothers.
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Well, how was it enforced for the previous 200 years before it became a magically-discovered Constitutional right?

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The judicial system generally went after the doctors, and they lost their licenses just like they would for performing any other illegal procedure.
That is a gross oversimplification, and the answer is not that simple. If you want to stop abortion, you need to understand more of the issues on the minds of Americans (and others) when they think of abortion.
This is difficult to do when there tends to be an us versus them mentality. Understanding more of the issues on the minds of Americans (and others) when they think of abortion would require dialogue.
I have heard that 75% of those baptized Catholic do not go to mass regularly. If you poll mass attending Catholics, the answer is quite different.
In many countries there is still ‘honor killing’ for unwed mothers and even in Europe there was in the past a lot of abuse of unwed mothers (think about magdalene asylums in Ireland etc). You cannot try to save a baby in the womb without showing care and respect for the mother carrying him/her.
Yes all of those are facets.
But the core issue is the deification of sexual license.

People have all those desires and concerns you listed, and all of life’s concerns must allow absolute sexual license.
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Indeed. But if a doctor doesn’t kill a baby for love of the baby, but instead, doesn’t kill a baby because he prefers to retain his license that he worked so hard to acquire— I’m good with that.
Yes. It’s not that these issues are complicated. They are brutally simple.
What these moral issues are is difficult.

And let me say that the loss of human dignity ought to make us lie awake at night, and the loss of it ought to cause some strenuous arguing.

Because the opposite of that is a bunch of indifferent German villagers helping support a killing factory down the road.
Usually in countries in which abortion is illegal there is a very profitable business of private practices and clinics in which abortion is still performed. Corruption and a lot of money are keeping usually this ‘business’ open even if it is not legal.
Indeed, but we’re talking about the US. And while yes, corruption exists everywhere, the US doesn’t rank the same on the corruption index as, say, Cambodia. Or Venezuela. Or Iran.

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The CDC’s last statistic for legal induced abortions in the US was about 640,000 in 2015, or 188 for every 1,000 live births. In 1970, the first statistic, there were about 194,000 legal induced abortions, or 52 for every 1,000 live births. Those numbers do not include statistics from CA, MD, or NH.

What kind of person would argue, “We shouldn’t do anything to save 200 kids, because we know we’re going to still lose 50 kids anyways?”

If we refrained from passing laws, because we knew that people would do x anyways, then we wouldn’t have seatbelt laws, because we know lots of people drive without seatbelts. And we wouldn’t have drunk driving laws, because lots of people think they can drink and drive. And we wouldn’t have speed limits, because no one pays attention to them anyways. And then we’d be confused as to why our road death statistics skyrocketed. But we can’t go back and put in the laws we eliminated, because people would still drive with no seatbelts, drink and drive, and go as fast as they pleased. And so we’d kind of flop our hands around in the air and be sad, but, oh well.
This is the map of the countries in which abortion is illegal. Do you note any interesting correlation with your corruption map?
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