U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade

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Nazi atrocities will not move an average person when it has no connection to abortion. They live in the now. They live in a poisonous media environment that portrays attractive people practicing sexual perversion with zero consequences. That’s what’s in their heads.
I’m not saying it is. But people perceive irresponsible behaviors as a right, like sleeping with whoever, whenever. If you insist on people exercising self-restraint when it comes to sex, they’ll act like you’re depriving them of food and water.
The truth remains, no matter how many choose to ignore it. The problem remains. The campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade will continue.
The campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade will continue.
I don’t know that that will work. We have succeeded in changing racial attitudes, and reducing smoking by making those things socially unacceptable. We need to apply the same tactics to abortion.
No, smoking has gone from not addictive, in testimony from tobacco company owners some years ago, to proven addictive, to proven to cause cancer. I don’t think racism is over. It may be less visible but people raised racist will pass it on. Abortion is entirely different from these two things.
No, smoking has gone from not addictive, in testimony from tobacco company owners some years ago, to proven addictive, to proven to cause cancer. I don’t think racism is over. It may be less visible but people raised racist will pass it on. Abortion is entirely different from these two things.
I don’t agree. All there of these things are in the affective realm (values and attitudes) and attitudes HAVE changed. I’m old – I remember what REAL racism was like, and I remember when everyone smoked – everyone.

Now are there still racists and smokers? Of course. But there are a lot fewer than there used to be.
“real racism”? What is that? Can you demonstrate there is less racism? I was around when everybody smoked but I was discouraged from doing so. And walking past those bars when it was warm… That smell. How could they breathe in there? But now you have to go outside to smoke.
“real racism”? What is that? Can you demonstrate there is less racism? I
When was the last time someone was lynched in your state? When was the last time Blacks were excluded from public facilities? When was the last time there were “separate but equal” schools for Blacks?

You bet there’s less racism!
And walking past those bars when it was warm… That smell. How could they breathe in there? But now you have to go outside to smoke.
And the number of people who smoke is going down, because of things like that. When was the last time you went into a restaurant that had ash trays on the table?
Less racist activities because of laws. However, people raised racist will pass it on.

Smoking outside the bars because of laws. Stronger warnings on cigarette packs because of laws. Based on history, tobacco company owners were less than truthful.

Things are less visible but bad things continue to happen to people because of race.
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Agreed! Along with people do not want to submit there personal feelings to the teachings and authority of the church.
Most people don’t want to submit to the Catholic church because most people weren’t ever Catholic to begin with.
Less racist activities because of laws. However, people raised racist will pass it on.
No. Some people have really changed, and younger people are becoming less and less racist. No politicians like George Wallace and Orville Faubus are being elected on segregationist platrorm.
Smoking outside the bars because of laws. Stronger warnings on cigarette packs because of laws. Based on history, tobacco company owners were less than truthful.
How is it that restaurants in states that do NOT outlaw smoking in restaurants do not allow smoking?
Things are less visible but bad things continue to happen to people because of race.
But not nearly as often or as bad.
Things are less visible but bad things continue to happen to people because of race.
True…and the big reason, due to the laws, is that in the 50’s a kid heard racist talk at home AND at school…his all white school. Now, the racist talk at home is countered by what what they hear in school and more and more kids are realizing…dad is wrong. Especially when the kid sitting next to him is another race and a pretty ok kid.

Each generation is much less racist than the previous. Will it totally disappear? Maybe not but maybe yes!
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All people are prolife. The question is whose life you are ‘pro-ing’?
All people:
“The right to life accrues to each of us as a part of our basic humanity”
If porn is billion dollar business, why surprise there are many abortions?
I don’t see the connection between pornography and abortion. Help me out.
Because all has right, now whose right is more important? Is there anyone whose right offend other’s right?
Are you referring to self-defense? From the Catechism:

" > 2263 The legitimate defense of persons and societies is not an exception to the prohibition against the murder of the innocent that constitutes intentional killing. “The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the preservation of one’s own life; and the killing of the aggressor…. The one is intended, the other is not.”
2264 Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow: “If a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repels force with moderation, his defense will be lawful…. Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one’s own life than of another’s.”
How to uphold that right if something has no autonomous body yet?
Are you suggesting the unborn child is NOT fully human?
A human foetus is a potential person. A personhood of a foetus only becomes reality when it is born alive and able to live independently as a person.

An assumption that life begins at conception is true if we know exactly God’s mind. Humanly we know God does not will adultery and moreover rape. To argue a human foetus is a person since day one must be followed by evidence of God who wills fidelity, justice, order to be uphold and not violated. And if violated, victims must be defended by law and to her and her husband, they should freely decide to defend their own right (and marriage as ordained by God), or to love the foetus and give life to it and stay married to the same spouse raising it as their own or give it for adoption. It is up to the woman and her husband to decide such things.

In the bible there are two kinds of Father: God the Father, and The Father of Lies (John 8:44)

Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Whereas we who follow Jesus are God’s children by adoption. God is not our biological father. Naturally we all are children of man (conceived through man’s will) as in contrast to Jesus who was conceived not by man’s will but God’s. Yet, through His Mercy, God adopt us as His children through Jesus.

Husband and wife are not two people, they are one. But adulterous couples are not one, they insist to remain separate. And adulterous behavior hurt marriages.

A good man who forgive his adulterous wife will raise the child of the other man as his own, just as our Father in heaven. But this is not by law, but by free choice. This things only possible if a man to whom God’s mercy being revealed to him (through his wife’s sin, forgive her and love the child just as God the Father to the church). But it has to be the couple’s choice. Meanwhile, the law should favor husband and wife to make that choice, free from any interference, even from the other man who is the biological father, but not married to the woman.

My other thread regarding this
Would you support it if the Civil Law Give Right for Husband to Consent to/ Forbid Wife's Abortion Moral Theology
Based on the principle, we as Christ followers, we do not believe that we own our body. Our body is the temple of God. So, even if we decides that our life is not worth living, suicide is not an option, simply because we do not own our body neither our life. Both body and life belongs to God, therefore, euthanasia, suicide cannot be permitted, despite my own body & my own life. Following this principle, one may argue that roe v wade got it wrong. A woman does not own her body. It belongs to God…
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The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
And who are they?

I would be very careful trusting any polling organization, no less a branch of one, in today’s power-grab at any cost political climate.

Many, if not most have been turned into political re-education machines.

You promise me money and I can give you any conclusion you want.
Of course I will ask each the same non-biased question, but I will be very careful where, when and who I ask it of.
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I don’t see the connection between pornography and abortion. Help me out.
Porn frame sex as entertainment, detached from the fact that it is supposedly of part of human person reproduction. It exploit real people as tools of self pleasure and promote adulterous behavior. Sex is meant for couple in fidelity and should be done in private. Any other eyes violate couple privacy and are adulterous.
Porn frame sex as entertainment, detached from the fact that it is supposedly of part of human person reproduction. It exploit real people as tools of self pleasure and promote adulterous behavior. Sex is meant for couple in fidelity and should be done in private. Any other eyes violate couple privacy and are adulterous.
Okay. But how does that result in more abortions?
I’m not sure about this.
The right to self-defense is inherent in the right to life. You don’t have to stand helpless while thugs try to kill you and rape your wife and daughters. In fact, self-defense is a duty – if you can save your own life, you are obligated to do so.
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