having a one-to-one meeting over lunch is not necessary… what can be done at lunch one-to-one that cannot be done in the office??? after all it is supposed to be about work right?I really disagree. Work is work. If a man can’t act professionally around women that’s a problem. Yes, you can be safe rather than sorry then why not go the Muslim route and not allow women to speak to men who are not their husbands. That would be even safer. Where do you draw the line?
Yes, taking a person out to lunch is common etiquette in the professional world. Same with eating together when traveling. If someone is uncomfortable eating meals with the opposite sex perhaps they should not be working in a business environment.
I have been on these lunch and dinner meetings literally hundreds of times. They have never been a source of temptation in any way. And I am no superman, it’s just that the way these meetings are conducted are professional. There are boundaries that are never even approached.
I’m sorry but your opinion does not seem to reflect what I have experienced at all.
Have you been on many of these one on one meetings over a meal?
when you go out for lunch, you enter into a personal one-to-one with the person and taking your secretary out to lunch does not seem to be one which is needed to increase your business or complete your work… were they working while they went out…???
i am simply not comfortable with this whole episode…as i went through this whole thing with my husband… he kept insisting that they were just friends but during a time of weakness, he admitted that i was expecting him to be saint!!!
as one wise person on this forum pointed out, i was not expecting him to be a saint… i was very aware of his weaknesses which is the reason why i forbade him to do it!!!
its stupid to do stuff like this becos you are basically saying that your marriage and the trust in the marriage is less important than that lunch with your secretary???