Uncommitted Dating

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Does your partner have know if you’re seeing other people? Do they have any right to feel jealous if you flirt with others when they are around?
“Partner” usually means it’s been verbally established that you’re exclusive.
Is it called a date then? I cannot think of the correct word
If you are in a relationship with someone, yes, they have a right to feel jealous if you flirt with other people when they are there. Why would anyone do that in the first place?
Substitute the word date for partner, btw, and the answer is still yes, they have a right to feel jealous, or at least hurt.
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Again, why would you flirt with other people when you are on a date then?
Not an actual date. Like if you’re in the same location and you spot someone you like across the room. Like at a party where you’ll know they will be but you aren’t planning to hang out solely with them
First you say partner, then date, now it’s just someone you know.

I guess I really don’t know what you are asking.
If you’re casual dating someone, they aren’t your official committed partner. If they show up to a party, and you see someone else you’re more interested in, is it okay to ask for a date or accept one even if they are there?
Unless you have had the “we are going to be exclusive” sort of conversation, sure you can accept a date from someone else!
I wouldn’t date people who you feel meh about. Date people you are only REALLY excited about, from first date to last date. Then this type of thing doesn’t happen.
If you are playing the field, that is not dating. That’s an evening out with a friend.
A platonic friend.
Is it rude to do so if they happen to be around? Some get butthurt or offended
There is nothing platonic about that. We both like each other, find each other attractive. We’re getting to know each other to see if we’re compatible
That will depend on the person. If they have not told you they want to be exclusive, dating is simply going to an event with a friend. I don’t know about you, but, I don’t seek friendship with people who are so easily offended 🙂
Do unto others clause seem to apply.

How would you feel about the other person doing the same thing?
Were they wrong to feel slighted that I accepted a date at a party where I knew they would be present?
Only you would know who is going to get hurt or not, not us. If you know they will be hurt, why would you do that in front of them? That’s just not polite. Honestly I find that a little troubling.

Maybe you don’t make your intentions clear, or maybe you string guys along, I don’t know, but if you are honest with people, you wouldnt be causing them hurt because they know where they stand.
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