Uncommitted Dating

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We aren’t friends. We are getting to know each other romantically. We didn’t have an exclusive conversation. We both like each other. We didn’t show up to the party together. This person became offended I accepted a date from another man and I talked about within our friendship circle. We’re definitely not platonic at all. There is flirting, texting, etc. Does he have any right to care what I’m up to?
I know that he likes me but he told me he still talks to his ex girlfriend. Why is he entitled to feel hurt?
Because you and he must not have really discussed anything, or are not on the same page about what you two are doing.
Time for “the conversation”. Are we exclusive? That is the logical next step.
So you feel it is rude to accept a date from someone else while a person interested in you is around. We didn’t go together. We both knew we would be there.
Don’t turn it around. I asked how YOU would feel? Go by that.
If we aren’t exclusive he has no right to feel hurt? He told me he still likes his ex because I told him I can’t see a future
I was a little hurtful when he told me he couldn’t decide if he liked me or his ex more. I took the liberty to accept a date and tell people within our friendship circle after all we aren’t together. It sounded like he didn’t want commitment either.
I don’t really think “rights” apply to emotions/feelings. People are going to feel what they are going to feel. That is why a good talk to define the relationship is in place. If the decision to remain non-exclusive is made, then he continues to feel hurt, those are his feelings. That is where you decide if he is too clingy.
It sounds as if he wants to eat his cake and have it too.
You are really a game player it seems.
If you are as unclear and flip floppy with your dates as you are here, I can see why you are having difficulty with dating.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

I believe I said that to you once before in one of your other alter egos.
He accused me of the same behavior. Because I told him I see no future, apparently Im not allowed to feel hurt he still likes and talks to his ex. Maybe we’re both hypocrites?
He stalks his ex.
Red flag.
Neither of you are ready for a relationship.
You tend to jealousy, and he has not completely let go of a former attachment.
Why is he mad? Isn’t that a sign of possessiveness in a man?
Yes, it is, and he told you he stalks someone else.
Isn’t that enough to underscore the fact that he’s not a suitable mate?
Or maybe you are just dating because it is convenient and you do not really connect on a deeper level.

BTW, is he Catholic 🙂
I meant talks to her. Not stalks. Now it sounds way too dramatic
Because he’s a player.
Still a red flag, don’t care how much you try to justify his behaviour and yours.
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