... Undercover With Antifa in Portland

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GK Chesterton wrote, in Eugenics and Other Evils:
The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists. It is no answer to say, with a distant optimism, that the scheme is only in the air. A blow from a hatchet can only be parried while it is in the air. (emphasis added)
From the article (Author added single brackets, I added what is marked by double brackets.)
…The building block of antifa is what’s called an affinity group, people you live and work with and trust and know in real life. All the planning is done within that closed bloc, and they don’t let everyone know [what they’re going to do]. … [[Then they shift to semi-open bloc]] What they did was put a call [[online]] out that said, “Anyone show up in black that night at this place, and you can join the action.”
One thing they’ll do sometimes is have written agreements with other protest organizations that aren’t in black bloc. …[]o everyone’s working together. It’s like a combined arms type thing, almost like the military. They work together and are mutually reinforcing.

Continued in next post
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Continued from above:
Strategically what they’re doing is, they’re forcing a dilemma action. A dilemma action is when you put your opponent in a no-win situation. Your enemy has to react. If they don’t react, they look weak; if they do react, they have to react in a certain way where it looks like it’s an overreaction.
When the feds were in Portland, they were presented as overreacting, a presentation helped by innumerable people with PRESS written across their clothing flooding the internet with images that presented protesters wholly as victims of an authoritarian regime. (emphasis in original)
…That’s why all the “press” is there, the sympathetic press. They’re trying to create propaganda. They know how the police are going to react, so they carefully calibrate what they do to try to provoke the police into reacting and then filming it. They want to try to push public opinion in favor of removing the police.
I hope I have quoted enough to encourage people to read the article, which I think everyone should read.
The one interesting point to me was how they build their numbers. You have the small cadre of professionals with specific missions and then they open source their crowd relying on mob psychology and setting an example to lead them.

I think they are far more organized than the author believes however.

The important thing to remember is that in this day and age of internet videos and fake news, a person with a camera can do just as much damage or more than a lightbulb filled with paint, a laser, or an IED. See the people labeling themselves, “moms”, “medics”, and “press”. Strike a sacred class openly and you become the villain.

By keeping the violence below what the untrained civilian will perceive as justifying lethal force, defending yourself and community openly is a fools errand. The authorities will have no interest in going after the commies in their ninja get-up but will go after you because you can be easily identified and tracked. Keep in mind that plenty of your DA’s mayors, and other local authorities are sympathetic to leftist causes and the cops get their orders from them. When you formulate your defense plans, take that into account.
  1. Coordinate with people you know in real life and trust.
  2. Set conditions for what level of force you will use and when.
  3. Have a plan to deal with the interference of your civil and human rights by politically hostile authorities.
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I really wish all of this nonsense would end so that I could stop having to read these sanctimonious violent fantasies. The worst thing about all of this “Antifa violence” is that it’s an excuse for loads of right wingers to indulge in their fantasy of The Turner Diaries becoming real.
Feel free to tell your buddies running around in the ninja suits then.
They’re not my buddies. I don’t think they’re really achieving anything.
…we’re gonna do what we gotta do.
Who is we? I’m not totally convinced that you are doing anything.
Aside from the fantasies of fighting back, what do you think about this? And do you think the media has been portraying what is happening accurately? Like when Biden says Antifa is just an idea? Like when they don’t really mention rioting in Portland until the Feds come in and they can make Trump look bad?

Doesn’t it bother you that all this is happening, aside from any conservative reaction?
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I can give my answer to this…

I am not pleased by any of the violence. It’s antithetical to everything I do believe in. It’s an example of extremism and completely non productive. If there are good ideas within the Antifa movement or ideas, I have no clue what they are…if they are the ones claiming to be Antifa and doing the violence. One problem…and it may just be my problem…is that I’ve seen no one claiming the violence on behalf of Antifa or anyone arrested claiming to be in an Antifa organization. Honestly, all I’ve heard is others claiming that’s who they are!

Usually, groups whose purpose is reactionary politics usually claim ownership of activities done by them. Has Antifa made any claims like this? How does anyone know it’s Antifa? Anyone have actual evidence, I would like to read it. Not just speculation, please!
G. K. Chesterton wrote, in Eugenics and Other Evils:
The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists. It is no answer to say, with a distant optimism, that the scheme is only in the air. A blow from a hatchet can only be parried while it is in the air. (emphasis added)
Chesterton, op. cit., Part 1, chap. 1, p.3, 1st English ed.

And thank you for the link.
Usually, groups whose purpose is reactionary politics usually claim ownership of activities done by them. Has Antifa made any claims like this? How does anyone know it’s Antifa? Anyone have actual evidence, I would like to read it. Not just speculation, please!
As Antifa itself says, they are not organized. They want to give the impression of people so overcome with emotion about evil (racism, conservatism) that they are spontaneously taking to the streets.

However, even if a group of people undertake to commit these acts on their own, the author of the article writes that the information about tactics in online for all to see. There may be no official way to identify oneself as Antifa per se, but they are literally following the Antifa playbook.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… maybe it is a duck?
Wasn’t she also the one calling for Trump supporters to be harassed in public?
One problem…and it may just be my problem…is that I’ve seen no one claiming the violence on behalf of Antifa or anyone arrested claiming to be in an Antifa organization. Honestly, all I’ve heard is others claiming that’s who they are!
Likewise. Wearing black appears to be sufficient for the label to be applied.
Antifa leader? Who actually is this guy? When I Google him I just get loads of right-wing social media pages calling him an “antifa leader”, but it isn’t clear what that means.
I’m guessing that Antifa is not “just an idea”:

The scum who have been terrorizing American cities are finding out there is a tough sheriff in charge at the Department of Justice. More than 200 miscreants have been charged with federal crimes and more than 1,000 arrests have been made in major cities since the DOJ launched Operation Legend in July, U.S. Attorney General William Barr said on Wednesday. Barr also noted over 400 firearms have been seized by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Yeah, those “peaceful protesters” seem to have had lots of firepower.
Barr executed Operation Legend as “a sustained, systematic and coordinated law enforcement initiative in which federal law enforcement agencies work in conjunction with state and local law enforcement officials to fight violent crime.” The operation included both rising urban crime threats and the threat that has stemmed from urban unrest due to riots engineered by Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Who funds them, do you know?
I believe there is an ongoing DOJ / FBI investigation into it. Soros, of course, comes to mind as a possibility (Holly Zoller and the Bail Project for example) and others, but the fact is the young radicals who make up these terrorist groups aren’t paying for it themselves.
Truth … OREGON home to 4th of July sparklers, snakes and spinners and absolutely zero fireworks that can take to air …all roman candles and rockets being illegal to purchase had Antifa and other protestors utilizing commercial grade fireworks launched multiple times a night, night after night, week after week for months against the Hatfield Federal Court House and other buildings in addition to gas masks, pepper spray, bolt cutters, helmets, molotov cocktails and many other implements …all of that took money and I assume connections for the fireworks …someone is covering the freight
I believe there is an ongoing DOJ / FBI investigation into it. Soros, of course, comes to mind as a possibility (Holly Zoller and the Bail Project for example) and others, but the fact is the young radicals who make up these terrorist groups aren’t paying for it themselves.
I’m waiting to hear how much of our covid relief funding will trickle down to activist groups. With loan forgiveness, it was free money for those in the know.
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