Yes, this is the question without answer. On one hand God “gave” us these amazing tools, on the other hand he demands to suspend their use and rely on authority, heresay and blind faith.
Enough with your nonsense.
Pick up a book. St. Thomas Aquinas dissected your objections centuries ago. That you would try to reinvent the wheel is only the more astounding given your claim to occupy the position of “reason” in this debate.
This is amply demonstrated in the Bible and your own posts, when you quoted that we must become like children (trusting and without our critical skills), where you quoted that the wisdom of the world is folly in the eyes of God.
Wrong, yet again. Trusting like children does not entail dispensing with critical reasoning skills. Your jumping to establish this mistaken link points to the fact that you, like almost all atheists, have convinced yourself that you are the reasonable one and that the theists are childlike, stupid, irrational, blindly trusting of fantasies, adherents of the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, and on and on.
Your statement only establishes the remarkable condescension you bear towards posters on this forum (by logical necessity when we consider your prior statements).
To all who may feel compelled to jump in and start to bring up rational evidence for God’s existence, please don’t bother.
That’s right. You’re clearly here on the forum seeking to learn about the faith. That’s why you’ve summarily dismissed proofs of God’s existence with a wave of your bigoted wand.
I’m surprised that people have continued to engage your ridiculous arguments in debate, but people should realize that an atheist frequents the board for 2 reasons:
- He has a genuine interest in learning of the faith and possibly converting.
- He is trying to “convert” others to his lamentable falsehood.
You fit into (2), and so much the more reprehensible is the way you attempt to weasel out of admitting it.
None of them is even remotely compelling, and at the end you will have to apply to “faith” anyhow as the only method to accept God. Some of you even went further, and said that to have sufficient “faith” one must rely on God’s “grace”, which he did not give to everyone.
At least you are consistent in your wild mistakenness. There are dozens of proofs for the existence of God, many of which are not only compelling, but meet all reasonable expectations for proving His existence. Contingency is only one example that comes to mind. Mangled attempts to challenge that one have involved virtual particles, imaginary time, and oscillating universes, all of which have failed spectacularly.
Naturally, in customary big-headed arrogance, you seem to believe that “None of them is remotely compelling” meets standards for dismissing all of those proofs. It doesn’t. Your own attemped counterproofs on other threads all involve one theodicy or another and employ erroneous conceptions of God’s justice and the “problem” of evil, which precede your gloating declaration that you “disproved” the existence of God.
Since we know by now that you don’t “engage” people who would ever dare challenge the acidic garbage you spew forth, I propose the question for other posters to ask you; given the vehemence of your atheism, and given that you will not succeed in converting anyone nor do you have any interest in accepting the Truth, why do you remain?