Gerry Hunter:
I don’t disagree with Chesterton because he was Catholic. I disagreed with his statement - that’s all. I like Catholics just fine and agree with them on many issues.
I have meant no disrespect at all in referring to “your” assessments. I understand the Catholic Church espouses what you have proposed. It is their teaching and assessment as well as yours, is it not? Can’t it be both? They have authoritatively defined certain things and you believe those things and affirm that they are true. How is that disrespectful?
My Baptist faith has asserted certain things. I believe them to be true. Their assertion is the same as mine. They are the same. How can I separate them? If we both believe them and teach them, we are the same.
I believe you have taken my tone and words as disrespectful and hostile. I assure you I have no such intent. Is it possible you find my beliefs revolting and are angry with them and not me?
The authority issue has been played out on many threads here which I have been a part of. It is of no use to speak of it - as I’m afraid we will reach the same conclusions most have found. We will agree to disagree - or if you would like me to say - We (the Catholic Church and I) will agree to disagree. You see what I mean?
Peace Gerry.Chesterton was, of course, a Christian and a Catholic, so your disagreement is hardly surprising.
As for the “many forms of truth”, it cannot be true that God is and is not a Trinity, and that Jesus Christ is and is not “THE way, THE truth, and THE life”, to quote Him.
It is hardly respectful to keep calling it “your [my] assessment” when it has been clearly identified to you as not being mine, but being the teaching of the Church.
Scripture you say? Fine. From the Catechism, quoting Scripture:
553 Jesus entrusted a specific authority to Peter: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” [Mt 16:19.] The “power of the keys” designates authority to govern the house of God, which is the Church. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, confirmed this mandate after his Resurrection: “Feed my sheep.”[Jn 21:15-17; cf. 10:11.] The power to “bind and loose” connotes the authority to absolve sins, to pronounce doctrinal judgements, and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church. Jesus entrusted this authority to the Church through the ministry of the apostles [Cf. Mt 18:18.] and in particular through the ministry of Peter, the only one to whom he specifically entrusted the keys of the kingdom.
The Church has both the authority and the duty to do as she does.
Whether or not any given person acknowledges that authority is as may be. No statement of the Catholic position can be made without reference to it, so a monist frame of reference is right out.
I don’t disagree with Chesterton because he was Catholic. I disagreed with his statement - that’s all. I like Catholics just fine and agree with them on many issues.
I have meant no disrespect at all in referring to “your” assessments. I understand the Catholic Church espouses what you have proposed. It is their teaching and assessment as well as yours, is it not? Can’t it be both? They have authoritatively defined certain things and you believe those things and affirm that they are true. How is that disrespectful?
My Baptist faith has asserted certain things. I believe them to be true. Their assertion is the same as mine. They are the same. How can I separate them? If we both believe them and teach them, we are the same.
I believe you have taken my tone and words as disrespectful and hostile. I assure you I have no such intent. Is it possible you find my beliefs revolting and are angry with them and not me?
The authority issue has been played out on many threads here which I have been a part of. It is of no use to speak of it - as I’m afraid we will reach the same conclusions most have found. We will agree to disagree - or if you would like me to say - We (the Catholic Church and I) will agree to disagree. You see what I mean?