Every year, United Way makes a big push to get donations from people at my work. They provide a lunch and a pep rally, they take us to places to show where the money goes, etc. The problem is, SOME, not all affiliates of United Way, give money to Planned Parenthood. For that reason, I refuse to participate in any way in these annual fund raisers. Supposedly, the affiliate in my area does not fund PP. But to me, that’s beside the point. If any affiliate of United Way, anywhere, is funding abortions, even a dime, I consider the whole organization tainted. I’ve only been a Catholic for a little over a year, but to me, it would be a betrayal of my faith to give to United Way. Unless and until they take a position of not allowing any affiliate to give money to PP, I’m out. I don’t want any part of that connection to PP, in any way.