Now it is happening - from 25 September European Commission is gathering signatures for the official (constitutionally determined) Europe’s Citizens Initiative that requests for research and introduction of Universal/Unconditional Basic Income in the European Union (Union of 28 or so countries, including Germany, France, Spain, Italy).
The question is - will you sing this Initiation? Is this initiative the form to express the charity towards neighbour? Is UBI compatible or even the best implementation of the Church Social Teaching?
That is why I am listing here some warning about false assumptions and I am explaining there some features of UBI:
The question is - will you sing this Initiation? Is this initiative the form to express the charity towards neighbour? Is UBI compatible or even the best implementation of the Church Social Teaching?
- UBI is the common good, because it redistributes the income from the capital that is unjustly/partially justly acquired during the history. We can be almost sure, that there are such properties and belonging to the individual persons that are acquired unjustly and forwarded to the future generations. There is also capital which comes from the unfair wages (e.g. unfair remuneration to the workers, to the scientists and artists value of whose work only emerges after their death)
- UBI is solidarity measure. No doubt about it, no further explanation is required, it is obvious.
- UBI is subsidiarity measure, because it gives larger freedom to the individual to make choices - e.g. there is no removal of this UBI when the recipient starts new work, work with higher income, acquired additional work beside the main one, etc. UBI enables one to decide about distribution of the time between work, cultural activities, learning, skills building, voluntary work, charitable work.
That is why I am listing here some warning about false assumptions and I am explaining there some features of UBI:
- UBI is possible only in late-industrial societies, late-capitalists societies where the phenomenon of decreasing wage share Wage share - Wikipedia can be observed - when machine and software (i.e. capital) generated more value and wealth than the human labor. I.e. UBI is the redistribution of the income from the work of software and machines and not the redistribution of the income from human work, hence - no human being is being exploited for the sake of others
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