Of course you are right. It is true that the early Christians were communists as related in Acts 2: 44-45. They were not members of the Communist Party, but they shared all things in common. But i don’t see that working today. It might be all right to have the government guarantee you a job, but it will require a rather large bureaucracy to administer a government job program fairly. I don’t see a guaranteed income as practical or fair to those people who go to work to provide for their families. I see Help Wanted signs up all over the place. I have a friend who works for the government as a landscape specialist and he has been told not to report to work because of Covid-19. But he has still been drawing his full salary (without doing any work at all) since February. This is an example of the type of problem you run into when the government runs things. it is very inefficient and the economy suffers as was seen in Eastern Europe 40 years ago. You had plenty of bread, but many other things were in short supply. The currency was worthless outside of your country. Criticism of the government policies could result in harsh measures being taken against you.But unfortunately if the progressives are allowed to run away with the idea they will mismanage it and this won’t be what happens .
If you are going to have UBI, I think you should have UB job guarantee and requirement of taking some job if you are unemployed. Most prisoners are required to take a job or task of some kind, but of course, their wages are below what you would pay to a slave.
I might favor a two tiered system which provided for government sponsored health care but at the same time allow the possibility of private health care. And with the long waits at the emergency rooms and the long waits to get an appointment with your health provider, there should be more doctors. The government can open up more medical schools and provide subsidies and scholarships to students qualified for the medical profession.No, just free healthcare instead.