UP-Grade Your Bishop!

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By the way, you don’t address the pope as “your eminence” but “your holiness.”

I’d like Raymond Burke to be pope. 😉
Come on, guys, think big! I’ll take Cardinal Arinze or Cardinal Ratzinger over these guys any day! Although, Burke and Sheridan are pretty cool… 👍
Why isn’t Cardinal George on this list?? 🙂

I would also like to have Archbishop Burke back (I used to live in LaCross diocese of Wisconsin)… but I chose other because I really really admire Cardinal George’s courage and fidelity.


Cardinal George used to be bishop of the little ol’ Diocese of Yakima, in which I reside. From what I’ve heard, he was the best bishop they’ve ever had.
I am extremely happy with my Bishop. Bishop Thomas Olmsted is the new Bishop of Phoenix and I am so glad, so far he has done nothing but impress me.

If, however, I did not have Bishop Olmsted I would prefer Burke or Chaput. I enjoy Burke for his orthodoxy and his stance for the Truth. I enjoy Chaput for his orthodoxy and for his skills of running a Diocese and implementing programs.

However, Bishop Thomas Olmsted is going to be a great Bishop, and somebody that the Pope can depend on to lead the faithful.
I voted, despite a teensy bit of concern about the level of charity in this thread. Bishop Myers!

I used to have Bishop Myers, and he was really really wonderful. Now The D. of Peoria (IL) has Bishop Daniel Jenky. So far, I am impressed.

Maybe we should be asking not where the Bishops should be moved to, but where we should be moving to enjoy the diocese of a beloved bishop.
It’s interesting to hear from those Catholics in the dioceses where the exemplary bishops live, but I believe there is a way we can all “upgrade” our bishops without anyone having to move. Please consider “incenting” your bishop to take a strong, orthodox stance on the pro-abortion Catholic politicians/communion issue by evidencing your support for those who have already done so. Several of those are listed as choices in the poll. This forum is a great tool, but we can do more than vent and get moral support from like-minded Catholics. As we speak, the bishops are back in their chanceries scratching their heads as to how to handle the politicians/communion issues.


Given the content of the bishops’ statement on Friday (see thread on Bishops’ Statement on Communion-Just Released and the link here: usccb.org/bishops/cathol…liticallife.htm ), many of them will not find the guidance they were looking for from this statement which passes the buck to the individual bishop. As has been suggested at different points in this debate, orthodox, faithful Catholics need to be writing their bishops with their concerns. However, we must be mindful of criticism that is too harsh and generally keep things Christian and constructive.

My suggestions:

Write a letter of spiritual and financial support to the bishops who have been courageous and shepherdlike in their handling of the pro-abortion Catholic politician/communion issue. In my opinion, these include: Archbishop Burke, Archbishop Chaput, Bishop Weigand (he was probably the first), Bishop Aquila, and others whose statements are on the Women, Faith and Family web site: wf-f.org/Catholics_and_Politics.html

Include a financial contribution, whatever you can manage. If many people make even small donations, it will help those who have been threatened financially by donors who do not agree with their actions. This is important because money talks when it comes to diocesan finances. Look no further than the litigation that finally prompted the American bishops to address the clergy abuse scandal.

Whether you actually redirect a portion of your normal contribution to your own diocese is for you to decide. Obviously, one doesn’t want to bite off his nose to spite his face.

DO include a cc: copy of your letter to your own bishop if you think he needs to be stronger in this area. You don’t need to send a letter critical of him, he’ll get the message when he sees you are donating to another bishop whose actions you support

DO include cc: copies to any another bishop who you believe to be lacking in backbone.

Do include cc: copies to ALL the members of the task force on this issue. Remember Friday’s statement was only based on a preliminary report. The members are: Cardinal McCarrrick, Cardinal Keeler, Bishop Kicanas, Archbishop Levada, Bishop Ricard, Bishop Wenski, and Bishop Harrington. Their addresses are on the USCCB site under bishops.

A letter might read something like this:

Dear Archbishop/Bishop __________:

As a faithful Catholic, I would like to express my support for your actions in upholding the sanctity of the Eucharist in the ongoing scandal with respect to pro-abortion Catholics receiving communion. (Details here if you wish.) Please accept the enclosed donation to your archdioces/diocese and my continued prayers that other American bishops will address this issue promptly and courageously. cc: Bishops’ task force members cc: My bishop cc: Cardinal Arinze The letter need not be long OR cookie-cutter; you can mention Canon Law, the teachings on the Eucharist, the conclusions of Thomas Aquinas, or Jesus’ words to St. Faustina about undergoing a second Passion when received by some people.
Where I am we are blessed with three wonderful prayerful bishops with shepherds’ hearts — and we’re doing our best to keep them all.

In other words, hands off! They’re ours! 🙂

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors’ bishops.

karen marie
I had to vote for Archbishop Burke, though I am happy with my two dioceses. Milwaukee has Archbishop Dolan who is fantastic, IMHO, and in line for a red-hat someday. Chicago has Cardinal George, who I think is underrated by Conservatives/Orthodox Catholics.
I don’t know—I’m very happy with our Bishop. We have Archbishop John F. Donoghue. He’s done such a great job here in the Atlanta area. Last weekend we had over 20,000 Catholics from around the region attend this year’s Eucharistic Congress (what an amazing event). The Archbishop is the one who started the EC 10 years ago.

So he gets my vote! 👍
I had to vote for Archbishop Burke, though I am happy with my two dioceses. Milwaukee has Archbishop Dolan who is fantastic, IMHO, and in line for a red-hat someday. Chicago has Cardinal George, who I think is underrated by Conservatives/Orthodox Catholics.
I attended Mass in the Milwaukee Diocese this last weekend. I try not to view Mass critically, because I am there to worship, and not try to find every little thing wrong. But sometimes things are just too obvious:
  1. It was mission Sunday, so you never quite know what you’re in for
  2. The Priest’s homily talked about the merits of the TV show “Friends,” among other things. Quite honestly, when he was done, I had no clue what the homily was supposed to inspire me to do.
  3. The chalice(s) for the precious blood was glass
  4. the wine was not decantered before consecration
  5. he skipped the creed for no reason other than his homily was a little long. And I quote “If we don’t know what we believe by now, saying it one more time isn’t going to help.” 😦
Hopefully this was an aberration…

Sorry for the tangent.
I have the strangest feeling that no one is going to select Cardinal Mahoney. I don’t know of anyone who would consider his emminence an “upgrade” no matter how bad their current bishop.
I tend to concur whole heartedly. I would take virtually anyone else in the US hierarchy over Mahoney as my shepherd, and I must admit I don’t envy any orthodox Catholic in LA at the moment. But I can be thankful that Mahoney is just one bishop among many, though sadly is the ordinary of the largest diocese in the US…
I am glad that a few people have mentioned Cardinal George. He is a good and holy man and Chicago (my kind of town) is lucky to have him. 👍
Who vote for Mahoney? You are responsible!! take him to your place wherever you are!!! If you’re LA/Orange County resident, MOVE AND TAKE HIM WITH YOU!!!
Sorry but I can’t remember the reference, but a Saint said (something to the effect of):

“Divine Providence alots shepherds for the faithful according to their just deserts.”

That’s food for thought.
I wouldn’t trade my Bishop for anything. He rocks!

Bishop Donald Kettler
Diocese of Fairbanks, AK
I really don’t see how any catholic who knows his faith would vote here for Mahoney? He always seems to contest all the Official magisterium teaches. What is even more amazing, and with all love and due respect for our Holy Father, is: what was JP II thinking when he named that guy a Cardinal??:nope: :crying: 😦 :tsktsk: :rolleyes: :banghead:
Who is in favor that the Pope make Archbishop Chaput a cardinal?? I know I am. He is GREAT!
Another vote for Mahoney.

These people are either:
  1. Gay Catholics (Mahoney doesn’t deny them communion)
  2. Kerry supporters (Mahoney promised Kerry and wive to not deny communion)
  3. Trolls
Either way, Don’t you know that the administrators in this forum could tell who vote for who/what?
If I had to guess, the comments from some people on how “I’ll bet nobody votes for Mahoney” probably precipitated votes for Mahoney.

That said, let’s still keep in mind that he is a Bishop and Cardinal and deserves/needs our prayers. Please try to keep comments directed at issues of dissent rather than personal in nature.

(I’m not a mod or anything, but I simply am bothered by the willingness of otherwise faithful Catholics to speak ill of Church leadership in a personal way - even if that leadership is in error.)
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