It is in dying, that we come to life. A paradox often used in scripture. When I accepted my ‘death’ (and that is what it felt like), that was when I was released.
yes. that has been my experience, too. that is the experience of which i was writing when i related my conversion experience at 5 months pregnant. i had to die to Christ. give it all up.
i call those few really astonishing death/ resurrection conversion experiences my "best/ worst days".
those ***“best/ worst days” *** seem to be the essence of authentic Chrisitanity-- to experience crucifixion and resurrection, like breathing in and out, Good Friday and Easter.
in the end, though, Easter will prevail.
but we are not to the end yet.
Penitent Man, a more careful reading has me aware that you are on antidepresants. please bring this episode of despair to your therapist. if the therapist is not helping, continue to see him/her all the while praying for a good Catholic (at least Christian) therapist who is not philosophically opposed to medication therapy.
yes. that has been my experience, too. that is the experience of which i was writing when i related my conversion experience at 5 months pregnant. i had to die to Christ. give it all up.
i call those few really astonishing death/ resurrection conversion experiences my "best/ worst days".
those ***“best/ worst days” *** seem to be the essence of authentic Chrisitanity-- to experience crucifixion and resurrection, like breathing in and out, Good Friday and Easter.
in the end, though, Easter will prevail.
but we are not to the end yet.
Penitent Man, a more careful reading has me aware that you are on antidepresants. please bring this episode of despair to your therapist. if the therapist is not helping, continue to see him/her all the while praying for a good Catholic (at least Christian) therapist who is not philosophically opposed to medication therapy.