Updates from a Seminarian

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As some of you know, I am entering seminary this Fall. Some people have asked for me to continue giving updates. This is where I will do so. If you would like to receive a notification whenever I post to this thread, please click the “Normal” button at the bottom of the page, and change it to “Watching.”

If it is not against the rules of the forum (I don’t think it is), and the last post to this thread was close to 14 days ago (after which the thread gets locked), please do me, and the others who have an interest in it, a favor and post a response.
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So…how did this come about ?
You had to chat with a Priest -
Where is the school located ?
Do you know what education you’ll be starting with 😛

I think this will be a fun thread to watch !
This came about after years of discernment. I have—at some level—felt an attraction to the priesthood ever since I was a young boy. One of the priests at my parish took me under his wing about four years ago. Ever since then, one thing has led to the next, and I am now a seminarian. Looking back at my life, I can see that nearly everything I have done in life has lead me or prepared me for this point. God’s planning is impeccable.

Regarding specifics about the seminary where I will attend, etc., I am not comfortable sharing that at this point. At the earliest, I might share more once I actually enter seminary.
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You sound like a cradle Catholic !
Are your parents faithful believers, like you ?
The Priest - has to be a good friend, to be cool with you, like that.
Time - is key - it’s really a non stop flow - in one direction.
God - being with you the entire time - oh what joy !
Yes, I am a cradle Catholic, and my parents are indeed both faithful believers.
The priest I mentioned is a very holy man. In fact, looking back, one single act of kindness on his part is possibly the single most influential act for my discernment. When he found out I was discerning, he gave me a book to read, which is what really got the ball rolling; I followed the author’s advice, which led me to have connections at the diocesan level, without which I could not have gotten the resources and guidance that I did.
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Was the book “To Save a Thousand Souls”? I am a Serran and we have given out hundreds of copies of that book.
Yes, that was it.

Someone needs to write a biography about Fr. Brannen (the author, for those who do not know the book) called To Save a Million Souls, because his book has been influential for many young men.
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Wonderful book. I have met Fr Brennan he is super. I will wait to see which diocese you are in. I was in Houston St Martha parish and for the last 3 years in Dallas St Thomas Aquinas.
I have given books out in both diocese. Thank you Holy Spirit!
I didn’t read the second paragraph. I will tell Fr Brannen what you said about influencing so many.
Have you graduated from college? Will you be doing 4 years of philosophy and 4 of theology or 2 years of pre-theology and philosophy and then 4 of theology? Whhat was your college major?

I’m discerning myself, so any help is appreciated 🙂
(name removed by moderator)

I appreciate your post. Is there anything special your diocese did to be blessed with 7 new priest?
This is wonderful news. My praters are with you. Have you read “To Save a Thousand Souls”? If not it is a book that will answer most all your questions about discerning a vocation to the priesthood.
Chalice for vocations is a Serra program. You might consider joining the Serrans. At least get hold of them and they may be able to help you get it started.

Call the diocese vocation office and see if they can get you a copy. Or go on amazon.com and see if there is a used copy. I know young men who started reading it and finished it in a night.
Fr. Brett was Assistant Rector at a seminary in Maryland and found that young men have the same questions about the seminary. He wrote the book to answer all these questions.
I think Saint Alphonsus Liguori wrote a book on the duties of priests and maybe it will be helpful.