I just received this from someone at Saint Michael’s Media as an urgent prayer request:
Information About the Person Being Prayed for:
Name :- Kathy
City :- Carlisle
State :- Pa
Country :- USA
Petition :- My sister has been diagnosed with Chronic Mylegenous Leukemia while she is in her 10th week of pregnancy. The doctors told her she will die if she doesn’t start treatment immediately. There is no one more pro-life than we are, but she is so afraid of leaving her 6 and 8 year old sons without a Mother. The doctors said she must have a medically necessary termination or both she and the baby will die. We are torn apart. Please pray to St. Gianna for her that everything will work out. Thank you St. Gianna
Please lend your prayers for this woman who is completely devistated. Below is a comment from her sister regarding the prayers she has received so far:
The Society of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
Philadelphia, PA
I cannot tell you how much this means to me. I have been praying so hard for a miracle. I am afraid that Kathy is resigned to the fate the doctors say she has. It is too painful for her to have hope. The mass tomorrow will be wonderful. She has a consultation with a Dr. to talk about the medically necessary termination. I cannot hardly bring myself to type that. I know that if this happens, she will suffer with the decision for the rest of her life. She feels like she has no choice, because her boys need her so badly. Her greatest mission in life is her life as a Mother. She is such a fantastic Mother and a wonderful person. It is so hard for us to comprehend this. It all happened so fast. Last Friday she went in for a pre-natal ultrasound and they found that her spleen was enlarged. They sent her for blood work and the doctors told her to come in immediately. The results have been devastating. As I said our family is strictly PRO-LIFE and this scenario is unimaginable. My aunt who passed away last year was one of the founding members of Dallas’ Pro-Life movement.
I truly believe in the power of prayer and of Saints. I prayed to St. Gerard when my sister, Kathy enrolled me in the League of St. Gerard, when we were experiencing infertility. After 3 & 1/2 years my daughter, Juliana Kathleen, was born on October 16th, which is St. Gerard’s feast day! My most recent newsletter from the League of St. Gerard featured St. Gianna. I am praying that she brings us another miracle. I cried when I saw the date of her canonization, May 16th. That is my sister Kathy’s birthday.
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I cannot express what a comfort it is to me. My Step-Daughter, Stefanie who lives in Philadelphia, visited the shrine for Kathy yesterday. I asked her to rub a handkerchief against her glove and send it to me so I could give to Kathy. I know that even if I don’t get the answer I am praying for, the presence of St. Gianna will bring us great comfort.
God Bless You!
Information About the Person Being Prayed for:
Name :- Kathy
City :- Carlisle
State :- Pa
Country :- USA
Petition :- My sister has been diagnosed with Chronic Mylegenous Leukemia while she is in her 10th week of pregnancy. The doctors told her she will die if she doesn’t start treatment immediately. There is no one more pro-life than we are, but she is so afraid of leaving her 6 and 8 year old sons without a Mother. The doctors said she must have a medically necessary termination or both she and the baby will die. We are torn apart. Please pray to St. Gianna for her that everything will work out. Thank you St. Gianna
Please lend your prayers for this woman who is completely devistated. Below is a comment from her sister regarding the prayers she has received so far:
The Society of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
Philadelphia, PA
I cannot tell you how much this means to me. I have been praying so hard for a miracle. I am afraid that Kathy is resigned to the fate the doctors say she has. It is too painful for her to have hope. The mass tomorrow will be wonderful. She has a consultation with a Dr. to talk about the medically necessary termination. I cannot hardly bring myself to type that. I know that if this happens, she will suffer with the decision for the rest of her life. She feels like she has no choice, because her boys need her so badly. Her greatest mission in life is her life as a Mother. She is such a fantastic Mother and a wonderful person. It is so hard for us to comprehend this. It all happened so fast. Last Friday she went in for a pre-natal ultrasound and they found that her spleen was enlarged. They sent her for blood work and the doctors told her to come in immediately. The results have been devastating. As I said our family is strictly PRO-LIFE and this scenario is unimaginable. My aunt who passed away last year was one of the founding members of Dallas’ Pro-Life movement.
I truly believe in the power of prayer and of Saints. I prayed to St. Gerard when my sister, Kathy enrolled me in the League of St. Gerard, when we were experiencing infertility. After 3 & 1/2 years my daughter, Juliana Kathleen, was born on October 16th, which is St. Gerard’s feast day! My most recent newsletter from the League of St. Gerard featured St. Gianna. I am praying that she brings us another miracle. I cried when I saw the date of her canonization, May 16th. That is my sister Kathy’s birthday.
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I cannot express what a comfort it is to me. My Step-Daughter, Stefanie who lives in Philadelphia, visited the shrine for Kathy yesterday. I asked her to rub a handkerchief against her glove and send it to me so I could give to Kathy. I know that even if I don’t get the answer I am praying for, the presence of St. Gianna will bring us great comfort.
God Bless You!