US bishop promotes ‘celebration of Pride’ with prayer card, rainbow crucifix

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He is probably the most pro-homosexual bishop in the U.S., even more than Cardinals Cupich and Tobin. He doesn’t get as much attention since he is in a relatively minor diocese. I feel bad for the faithful Catholics in Lexington.
It is difficult enough to be a Catholic fighting against today’s culture, already. Having this guy as their leader makes it even more challenging for the poor folks of Lexington. What a terrible example for them and others…
Wait a minute here. Time and time again we see Catholic schools who rightfully fire gay teachers and faculty who cause great scandal to the church by defying its teachings and getting married. And OTOH, we have priests, bishops and cardinals who defy church teaching, promoting homosexuality causing even greater scandal and confusion, and what do we get? Silence! Or worse still. Promotion!!!

This defies all logic!!! This is way, way beyond disturbing!
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I feel bad for the faithful Catholics in Lexington.
I lived in that diocese for a couple of years. Their first bishop had a strange history. I didn’t keep up with things when his replacement was sent, but it’s not surprising this is then current one. I noticed the way the original bishop is talked about on their website. No mention of why he actually left or the circumstances surrounding it.
I don’t see it as promoting the homosexual act at all or being pro homosexual. I don’t read that in the card or in the Bishop’s statements

What I do read is that he is trying to reach out to that community to tell them that God loves them.

Who knows what hearts and souls in that community these cards will touch. Who knows how many will be encouraged to seek out the Catholic Church and learn its ways, through these cards.
I don’t see it as promoting the homosexual act at all or being pro homosexual. I don’t read that in the card or in the Bishop’s statements

What I do read is that he is trying to reach out to that community to tell them that God loves them.

Who knows what hearts and souls in that community these cards will touch. Who knows how many will be encouraged to seek out the Catholic Church and learn its ways, through these cards.
Totally agree.

Did anyone read what the cards said?
Psalm 139, a prayer attributed to King David, celebrates God’s intimate knowledge and deep love of each son and daughter he has made in his image and likeness.

In part, the psalm reads, “you formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!” (Psalm 139:13-14) New American Bible)

My prayer is that each of us can celebrate that glorious discovery of how we are made and loved by God who knows us intimately and who calls us to a deeper relationship with Himself.

When we acknowledge this in ourselves, we have to be able to see this beauty in each other. There are so many things which can divide us, let’s all come together in the recognition that we are wonderfully made and we are made to reflect the glory of God.
I thought that was a great message, and not just for LGBT, but for all of us.

It really made me feel good, reminding me that I’m made and loved by God.
I don’t see it as promoting the homosexual act at all or being pro homosexual. I don’t read that in the card or in the Bishop’s statements

What I do read is that he is trying to reach out to that community to tell them that God loves them.
Yeah, reading over it, I was thinking, “Is LifeSite saying that we shouldn’t tell LGBT people that God made them and loves them?” I know some Calvinists are averse to the idea of telling people “God loves you,” since they don’t think God loves everyone, but I thought LifeSite was a (albeit bad) Catholic site. Maybe this is just an extension of that “albeit bad” part?
Yeah, reading over it, I was thinking, “Is LifeSite saying that we shouldn’t tell LGBT people that God made them and loves them?” I know some Calvinists are averse to the idea of telling people “God loves you,” since they don’t think God loves everyone, but I thought LifeSite was a (albeit bad) Catholic site. Maybe this is just an extension of that “albeit bad” part?
Quick reply:

From the LifeSite article:
The remainder of the card suggests that God creates people to be homosexual and transgendered, etc., and that God looks at such “works” as “wonderful.”
The Church also teaches that same-sex attraction itself is “objectively disordered” since God created sexual attraction to be between a male and female for the sake of procreation. The Church teaches that God does not make people homosexual.
So, it seems the LifeSite author interprets the card as disagreeing with their belief that “they chose it.”

When in fact the Church teaches that the cause is unknown.
So, it seems the LifeSite author interprets the card as disagreeing with their belief that “they chose it.”
There is perhaps something between “God made them homosexual” and “they chose it.” There is at least the sense of nurturing, and as the LA Times reported a few years ago, nurturing seems to play at least a partial role. Though kind of interesting given the passage the priest cited:
Many researchers believe that a person’s eventual sexual preferences are shaped in the uterus, by hormonal shifts during key stages of fetal brain development.
With all that said, part of what I find disturbing is that LifeSite is setting up a situation where a priest or bishop can’t profess a truth from Scripture without it being taken as a heretical comment despite a lack of any heretical exposition. I’m not going to guess at their motivation, but I can’t imagine a good reason behind doing this.
Speak the truth around here, you’re likely to get flagged or flamed.

The use of the rainbow, even the fake one, by a Catholic leader to show sympathy for homosexuality is very disturbing.
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It seems to me to be a fine gesture by the Bishop.

Who knows who he could reach by this loving sentiment.
The rainbow is a sign of God’s holy covenant with Noah. For any Christian to use it in connection with homosexuality is absolutely wrong.
Sorry, there is no good reason.

I quoted tseleehw and had mine removed, even though the original post is there (as it should be). Talk about being all over the inconsistent map.
Whatever form concupiscence takes within each of us (and we all suffer from it in one way or another, so we can’t look down on anyone), and while it is not a sin itself, pride is not really the appropriate response to it according to the Catholic faith.

God permits it (as well as other physical infirmities) to remain after Baptism so that, as the Roman Catechism says, “in them we may have the seed and material of virtue from which we shall hereafter receive a more abundant harvest of glory and more ample rewards. When, with patient resignation, we bear all the trials of life, and, aided by the divine assistance, subject to the dominion of reason the rebellious desires of the heart, we ought to cherish an assured hope that if, with the Apostle we shall have fought a good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith, the Lord, the just judge, will render to us on that day a crown of justice which is laid up for us.”

The attitude toward concupiscence that leads to eternal life is represented by the parade on the left below.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
And, as posted yesterday on his very own Facebook page, Fr. James Martin SJ had this to say in his “Pre-Pride Mass:”

" LGBT people should fully expect to participate in all the ministries in the church. Not just being welcomed and affirmed and included, but leading."

Perhaps someone will try to argue that (of course) he’s only referring to chaste, celibate “LGBT people.”
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