If I can so readily refute your quote, then perhaps you quoted them out of context?
If you quoted them in correct context, then you should be able to defend what they said.
The worst case scenario is you did quote them in correct context. In that case my ready refutation shows their comments were ill considered.
That is just it. The thread isn’t about refuting what I wrote.
In this thread, you have been attempting to refute what THEY wrote.
THEY said the situation is morally untenable.
Here is what Ender wrote:
It would perhaps be more cut and dry if the bishops evidenced a better grasp of the issue, unfortunately they give the appearance of treating this as a political issue rather than a moral one, their claims to the contrary notwithstanding.
That is a rather outrageous presumption on its face: the bishops don’t understand what they’re talking about [reads:
as well as I do] and so it looks like they’re actually responding out of politics rather than from their moral authority.
That is something one would think a Catholic would hesitate to ever say without some rather exhaustive investigation into what the bishops have written and taught in the past.
Exactly, Trump was mocking ‘groupies’ in that recorded discussion,
The only thing he confessed to was ‘kissing without consent’, in that recording.
If you took the trouble to review the transcript, then you know he admitted to trying to seduce a married woman by taking her furniture shopping. I don’t know where you got “groupies”; everything he said had to do with actions he initiated, not how he handled women throwing themselves at him. When I responded to that, your objection was that
trying to seduce someone else’s wife wasn’t a crime!!
You said “the only thing he confessed,” I cited an instance where he literally said, “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and…” and then your rebuttal was that it
wasn’t a crime.
OK…so I’m done giving reasons for dropping out and letting you just stick with your preconceived notions. You do not want to change your mind and you are not going to change your mind.
Don’t argue that you’re just waiting for a rebuttal that’s good enough. Just admit it: There isn’t one!! I get it!! If you don’t, oh well!! I’m not getting any younger, here.