USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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Why? Most of these economic migrants take jobs and harm lower income minority’s that are US citizens, the US owes more to it’s own citizens than it does a foreigner.
This is simply not true… The US is at full employment due to better than a decade of economic growth and job growth. The US carries massive amounts of debt… we need more tax payers. The migrant workers are not taking anyone’s jobs or hurting the lower class. They are coming to America for a better life, the way almost all Americans came to this country.
The Vatican neither approves or disapproves such resolutions. The application of Catholic doctrine to a specific nation is the role of national bishop conferences. The Vatican does approve variances to the liturgy, though, in this manner.
It is true that the Vatican does not weigh in on resolutions of this sort. That said, there are actions taken by the USCCB that do require approval by the Vatican; it depends on the type of issue.

The bishops also approved the ICEL Gray Book translation of the Order of Baptism of Children for use in the dioceses of the United States of America with 200 voting in favor, 23 against, and 3 abstaining. The vote required affirmation by two-thirds of the Latin Church members and is subject to confirmatio by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. (USCCB)

Regardless of the topic it requires a two-thirds vote.
The problem is that every argument here by conservatives for rejecting this condemnation could hold for any liberal to reject the legalization of something morally evil, like abortion or gay marriage. How we treat moral evils within the law is also a matter of prudence. That is why missing Mass (and other mortal sins) are not crimes.
This is not accurate. Abortion and gay marriage are in fact moral evils; those issues are not under debate. Building a wall, and incarcerating illegals are not necessarily evil, the debate about them is prudential, and opposite positions may be legitimately held. This is not true of actions that are intrinsically evil.
The US is at full employment due to better than a decade of economic growth and job growth.
That unemployment levels are low ignores the fact that those who have stopped looking for employment are not included in those figures.
The migrant workers are not taking anyone’s jobs or hurting the lower class.
This is not accurate either. A surplus of labor for low end jobs lowers the wage that is paid for those jobs. Talk to someone who works in the building trades; you will see the wage impact illegals have had. I recently had some tile work done in my house. The worker (a US citizen) said that because of the number of people who do tile work, he receives about 1/3 what he used to be paid for the same job.
That unemployment levels are low ignores the fact that those who have stopped looking for employment are not included in those figures.
Yes, I am aware of real unemployment verses the unemployment numbers that are reported…doesn’t change the fact that unemployment is at a low and the nation is considered to be at full employment.

Here is some info on what jobs immigrants are taking… I hope you will read.

If you have a data source that says otherwise, I’m open to reading. Until then, I stand by my previous - immigrants are good for the US economy and bringing them in aligns with what America stands for.and has always stood for.
If you have a data source that says otherwise, I’m open to reading. Until then, I stand by my previous - immigrants are good for the US economy and bringing them in aligns with what America stands for.and has always stood for.
Understand: this issue is not about immigration per se, but about the treatment of illegal immigrants. Even if everything you claim about immigration is true it doesn’t address the problem of what to do with illegals. These are two very different concerns.
Understand: this issue is not about immigration per se, but about the treatment of illegal immigrants. Even if everything you claim about immigration is true it doesn’t address the problem of what to do with illegals. These are two very different concerns.
Fair enough… I personally do not believe we have a problem with too many people coming in to the country. Instead, I believe the problem is that we do not have a system to process them; which is crazy considering the technology that exists and the enormous wealth in America.
Instead, I believe the problem is that we do not have a system to process them; which is crazy considering the technology that exists and the enormous wealth in America.
America does have a system to process people entering the country. The problem right now are the high numbers of people claiming “asylum status”. Most of the people claiming the status- like 90%- really don’t qualify, but it takes time to adjudicate each one. If the people are released pending their hearing- they tend not to be seen again. Yet, if they are incarcerated- they have to be separated from the children.

Its really up to Congress to streamline the system and write regulations to expedite the case through the system in hours and not months.
Its really up to Congress to streamline the system and write regulations to expedite the case through the system in hours and not months.
Fully agree… I think the current system is inadequate… need a better, faster process
I don’t think I have ever met a single person who favors “family separation” unless there is a good reason for it.
Apparently Jeff Sessions thinks that family separation for the purpose of setting an example and acting as a deterrent is an adequate reason. Most people who possess a human heart would disagree with that assessment.
This is not accurate. Abortion and gay marriage are in fact moral evils; those issues are not under debate.
Pnewton was careful to say “the legalization of…”. While it is true that gay marriage is a moral evil and not up for debate, the legalization of gay marriage is up for debate, just like the legalization of prostitution and the legalization of homosexual acts.
Instead, I believe the problem is that we do not have a system to process them; which is crazy considering the technology that exists and the enormous wealth in America.
America does have a system to process people entering the country. The problem right now are the high numbers of people claiming “asylum status”. Most of the people claiming the status- like 90%- really don’t qualify, but it takes time to adjudicate each one. If the people are released pending their hearing- they tend not to be seen again. Yet, if they are incarcerated- they have to be separated from the children.

Its really up to Congress to streamline the system and write regulations to expedite the case through the system in hours and not months.
They do not qualify because the administration has decided to set the standard arbitrarily high to ensure they do not qualify.
They do not qualify because the administration has decided to set the standard arbitrarily high to ensure they do not qualify.
Not my understanding, the qualifications for asylum status are listed in the statute, and the vast majority were being denied in the previous administration as well.

The difference is that they were releasing asylum applicants into the population, and most just never showed up for their adjudications.
Apparently Jeff Sessions thinks that family separation for the purpose of setting an example and acting as a deterrent is an adequate reason. Most people who possess a human heart would disagree with that assessment.
apparently failing to do it has caused human trafficking as part of this particular illegal immigration. Most people with a human heart would think that is a lot worse than some 16-year-old who knows what’s going to happen being separated from his parents temporarily.

Apparently many of the “children” have been abandoned by whoever accompanied them. Your human heart okay with that?
Apparently Jeff Sessions thinks that family separation for the purpose of setting an example and acting as a deterrent is an adequate reason. Most people who possess a human heart would disagree with that assessment.
apparently failing to do it has caused human trafficking as part of this particular illegal immigration.
Not “caused.” At most, “allowed.” But then we “allow” human trafficking all over the world.
Most people with a human heart would think that is a lot worse than some 16-year-old who knows what’s going to happen being separated from his parents temporarily.
There are many tragedies that happen in our world. We are accountable for the ones we cause, not the ones that other people cause.
Apparently many of the “children” have been abandoned by whoever accompanied them. Your human heart okay with that?
See above.
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Not “caused.” At most, “allowed.” But then we “allow” human trafficking all over the world.
Letting the people go is an enticement for more to come. Traffickers spread the word and more people come. That encourages the rape of women and molestation of children. One doubts their “coyotes” tell them that when they take their life savings and put them on top of trains to the U.S. But that’s what happens far, far too much. Among politicians, some know it but just don’t care.

It’s a bit like putting a candy bar in a bear trap. Everybody thinks they’re being charitable putting out a free candy bar. But they don’t realize some are going to lose their arm in the trap.
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The other option is immediate deportation as a unit. If that is against the law, change the law.
That is against the law, but Congress refuses to change it. If the adults make a claim for Asylum Status, after being pinched at the border, the case must be adjudicated before the people can be 86’ed.
The other option is immediate deportation as a unit. If that is against the law, change the law.
The U.S. cannot return Central Americans to Mexico. They have to be taken to their countries of origin, all thousands of them. But while they claim asylum they can’t be sent back until they have a hearing.

Yes, the law should be changed, but Schumer insists no immigration reform laws can be passed unless DACA amnesty, by itself, is passed first. The Repubs don’t trust that anything more will get passed if DACA amnesty is passed all by itself. That’s why Trump proposed a “package”. But the Dems wouldn’t do it.
Yes, the law should be changed, but Schumer insists no immigration reform laws can be passed unless DACA amnesty, by itself, is passed first.
Even passing DACA is a problem. Both sides are in general agreement that Illegal Aliens brought here as children who have kept their noses clean should be allowed to stay. But the definition of “keeping your nose clean” is debatable as to which youthful Illegals have crossed the line. And whether they should be allowed to sponsor others to stay, should they choose to stay.
Pnewton was careful to say “the legalization of…”. While it is true that gay marriage is a moral evil and not up for debate, the legalization of gay marriage is up for debate, just like the legalization of prostitution and the legalization of homosexual acts.
While it is true that the legalization of gay marriage is being debated by society, it is not debated within the church. Because it is a grave, intrinsic evil its legalization is immoral. None of this is true regarding the discussions surrounding illegal immigration. On that topic, unlike gay marriage, opposing positions can be legitimately held. Gay marriage is inherently immoral. A “zero tolerance” policy is not, and the opinions of various bishops does not make it so.
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