stopped using the screen when it became impossible for me to kneel and rise again without assistance. Since my regular confessor is the monastery chaplain, and he knows perfectly well it is me, it makes no difference. if I am travelling and go to another priest, it doesn’t matter because he will never see me again.
no matter who the priest is, whether or not we are acquainted, whether or not we see each other face to face, he is the representative of Christ in this encounter. He and I are both anonymous for the purposes of this encounter. It is Christ’s presence that is important. The priest will not be scandalized by anything I say, whether or not he knows me, whether or not he sees my face. The priest will deliberately not remember what I say, or repeat it, or refer to it if I meet him outside the confessional.
Most churches I have visited in the last 30 years have recon. rooms, not confessionals, or they are in parts of the world too humble to have anything other than a chair or bench in a corner of a chapel, or the outer wall of a church. This is only an issue in places that have the luxury of choice.