Valedictorian delivers speech with bullhorn after Catholic HS ban

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That was my impression. I wonder why it was banned? And apparently on very short notice.
Perhaps what the school received was not the same as the proposed speech posted latter. I have no doubt such a clever young man knows how to edit a document. Also, there may have been concerns with what he said he might add. It is also possible it was just an bad, as in overly cautious, decision. If they did miss the review deadline, as the ABC article state, there may have just been on person who decided it was more prudent not to take a chance.
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Could be. But it would be odd to give a heads-up to the administration by submitting a different speech. Just odd.
What I meant was, just a few words could have been edited from the one sent to the school, and then the less offensive speech released and given by bullhorn.
Could be. Although if he were determined to give a controversial speech, you’d think he would send a sanitized version to the administration and then plan on saying whatever he wanted. That’s what I find so odd.
Well said Christian Bales .

You will be calumniated and denigrated like the prophets of old , but keep on declaring this message which is at one with the rest of the pro-life message of the Church .
The timeline here is weird.
Here is a kid who openly embraces LGBT. At a Catholic school (and is having a lot of fun in his perceived role as " ! threatening rebel–my very existence is the scary!").
Then the school announces him as valedictorian.
Then the school takes it away.

What a mess.

I mean seriously–Catholic schools need to decide how they’re going to deal with these situations, but not by making these kids into social justice martyrs (which is what they want to begin with…)
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I have a feeling there is a lot more to this story that is not going to be reported in the news, unless the school or the Diocese chooses to issue further statements on it.
Which, if they’re smart, they won’t, because the kid has graduated, he’s gone from school, the event is over, and this is a blip.
He’s forgetting that despite flaunting his “gender non-conforming” issue at a ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL, the administration was big-hearted enough to make him a valedictorian.

Shades of David Hogg. Narcissistic spoiled brats.
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Oh I suspect he’ll milk all the “fame” he can out of it, while it lasts.
To be fair, his speech was approved by the school in the normal course of events. The point of being a valedictorian is to make a speech – the farewell address. It’s not as if his dress was a surprise to them. If they didn’t want him to be the valedictorian, they just shouldn’t have. The problem was with telling him he was the valedictorian, and then deciding his speech needed diocesan approval and removal.
Yes, they did shoot a self-goal here. One in a long series of self-goals that has driven a lot of people away from the Church. Never a week goes by without a similar story appearing in the national news. The most damaging part about this are the callous defenses by “Christians” that harbor a deep, abiding antipathy toward LGBT people. The public sees their reaction, and assumes that all Catholics are like them. All the hard work done on building good will just gets flushed down the drain.
That they found his speech problematic enough to want diocesan approval is their call, not ours. And I wouldn’t have trusted him to stick with his prepared text, if I were them, based on all his acting out. The silly bullhorn rant only justifies their decision.
Anyway it’s over. Perhaps this child will grow up someday.
Want to be “accepted?” Stop drawing so much attention to your orientation and carry your cross, like everyone else.
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It’s available in a link here: Search - Holy cross
After reading this link and the speech, there MUST be a lot of subtext that we are unaware of. According to, the diocese was the one who banned his speech - not the school. If this was true, then there is a lot of background information that is missing.

Also, I found his speech to very divisive. While not really a left vs right thing, it was very much a “us vs them” speech in regards to young vs elders. His continued use of “The young people will win” is very provocative. In that aspect, his speech was not in line with Catholic teaching, which encourages us to respect our elders.

And if the kid has voiced views which go against Catholic teaching, then this sentence may have been a subtle, yet direct comment supporting positions which go against the Catholic Church: “Throughout the past four years at Holy Cross, I’ve learned how to utilize my voice to advocate for my beliefs as an ethical individual.”

My point is: if the diocese banned his speech, then they had very good reasons for it. And the fact that he went ahead and did it anyway shows what he thinks of the Magisterium.

God Bless
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Then the school announces him as valedictorian.
Then the school takes it away.
They took away only the opportunity to speak, not his status as valedictorian. That is based on grades. I think it would have been simpler if they had just denied the opportunity based on him being late with his speech, or for disciplinary reasons, if he had worn make-up to school.
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I’m getting the sense from the article that the kid and his parents are trying to make a Big Point by enrolling him in Catholic school and turning him loose to rabble-rouse.
We’ve seen this sort of thing before.
A few years ago there was the kid with celiac disease whose family made a big deal about the communion wafers and took it to the press about how mean the Catholic Church was to not use soy wafers for communion.
Even earlier, back when I was a kid, there was this pro-choice activist mom who enrolled her daughter then became Very Offended that their daughter was not allowed to advocate for abortion at a catholic school.
I remember being asked to donate $$$ to Catholic school once & I told them that if they got wealthy donors then don’t ask me for extra bucks.
I remember being asked to donate $$$ to Catholic school once & I told them that if they got wealthy donors then don’t ask me for extra bucks.
Why would you say such a thing? Did you know the school had an over-abundance of funds? Could poor families readily afford it? More to the point, how are you tying that type of response to this topic? I am confused by your post.
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