I seriously doubt what you’re saying, because everyone knows that there is no gluten in communion wine.A few years ago there was the kid with celiac disease whose family made a big deal about the communion wafers and took it to the press about how mean the Catholic Church was to not use soy wafers for communion.
Or maybe they are Catholic and happen to have a gender non-conforming kids who identifies as gay.I’m getting the sense from the article that the kid and his parents are trying to make a Big Point by enrolling him in Catholic school and turning him loose to rabble-rouse.
After reading the speech and some of the comments on this thread, I think the kid and parents are right about this decision being driven by anti-LGBTQ bias, which of course is contrary to Church doctrine.
That young man did nothing wrong and he should not have been treated differently in any way by the school or the Archdiocese. The reason why the Church gets a bad rap in the popular press is because folks in the church do bad things in its name.
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