I will say, and I mean this with respect though I imagine it’ll make virtually no commenters happy, I think one of Pope Francis’s strengths is similar to Presidents Trump’s strength. They seem to both have a certain temperament and grit in terms of how they approach things.
I dunno. Trumps temperament is more like Becciu the Cardinal whining and suing that “I was robbed of my entitlement and I’m not going quietly.”
As I said. Pointing out an obvious similarity between Trump and Francis tends to make no one happy, because those thrilled with Francis tend to be un-thrilled with Trump, and those thrilled with Trump tend to be un-thrilled with Francis.
Nonetheless my observation stands. There’s a temperamental similarity between a man who publicly calls people “losers” and a man who publicly calls people “caca”, especially when both men also explicitly position themselves (at least to their supporters and hopefully genuinely, behind the scenes) as pit bulls there to get back to basics and root out corruption. I’m not even ragging on them for it. The whole point of my comment was that sometimes bulls in china shops break things that
should be broken. The fact that it’s different bulls in different shops, and different groups like/hate the china in different shops and do/don’t want it broken, doesn’t take away from the similarity between bullish approaches.