I am wondering just how many of those who were hurt emotioinally by their priests, have embarked on becoming even more converted to the Lord and His sacraments? I know from my own sexual abuse, before I found the Church, that I became more involved in a Christian walk when I grew up and realized what had been done to me as a child. Since I have the TRUE church now, I would think that if I truely believed that the Catholic Church was Christ’s true church, that I would draw closer to Christ, the Church, and the Sacraments to gain healing and peace. There is no way that money would bring about any healing in my spirit and mind. If I could go back and sue the heck out of my father’s cousin (who is dead now) and gain monetary gain from this, I know for a fact that this would not help me spiritually, physically and mentally. Money does not heal. If anything it would only bring in a whole new factor to the equation, and that would be greed. The church is true regardless of how or what her priests or laymen and parishoners do. This is why the gates of hell cannot tear it down. There are wrong things being done by false teachers but this does not nullify the church that Christ organized through Peter. John