Vatican Nativity scene rooted in occult symbolism

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It was made by high school students in Italy in the late 1960’s early 1970’s. The astronaut commemorates the moon landing.
The traditional Neapolitan presepe always includes modern and contemporary figures. It’s to show the timelessness if the nativity.

I get it’s funny looking.

My children have made art for me that is funny looking. I display it on my fridge.
I guess I learn something every day!

Walter Cronkite and Ronnie Reagan were occultists?

Good think my parents watched Huntley-Brinkley and voted for Carter and Mondale then.
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In a world whose last year was spent fighting a terrible new virus, losing hundreds and thousands worldwide to it, with countries in lockdowns, millions losing jobs, churches themselves being closed, I just find it extremely “puzzling” that whatever committee makes the decision on ‘what to display’ chose something 50 years old and very much showing its age, instead of something ‘timeless’. For God’s sake (literally) art is supposed to show BEAUTY. The nativity shows the beauty of a HUMAN FAMILY. This is a contrived and alien mockery, especially in this year. In a way one expects an ‘upended’ Nativity as it has been an upended year, but we’re Catholics. Our New Year started the first Sunday of Advent. We should be blazing the way with a refocus on Christ’s gift to HUMANITY not to macaroni and barrels and ‘tributes to the moon landing’.
As far as I know, it’s just an exclusive club for the rich elites. I believe most members are also Masons. Nixon wasn’t fond of the Grove and alluded to homosexual activities taking place at the camp.
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Man. Look at their depiction of the Virgin. Hideous. What an insult to the Holy Mother of God!

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
I looks a bit goofy but leave it to a certain segment to invent issues where there are none.

They better watch out lest some whacko throw it in the tIBER.
Sad that some think it’s “silly” and “funny”… it’s neither of those things. I believe it goes deeper then just ugly.

This in no way is sacred or brings anyone, Catholic or not, closer to Jesus.

All I keep hearing in my head is, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. I mean that sincerely.
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throw it in the tIBER
Which is the best thing that could have ever happened to Pachamama. Swimming with the fishes!
Only a few days left Mark.
Early “Steampunk”?
This nativity isn’t my cup of tea. However, I like this figure the best!
So I guess you didn’t notice how the pillar of the archangel Gabriel statue is reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian pillar called the Djed pillar which is believed to be representative of the Egyptian “god” osirus. Or how the astronaut has an eight pointed star on his helmet similar to the occult star of Ishtar. And why exactly is there an executioner in a nativity scene?
I find it irksome that some people can’t see the inherent evil in this thing even when it’s in plain sight.
I really wish that if they were going to show it, they had shown all the figures rather than just a small selection of them. Sometimes these efforts make more sense if everything is included.

And as I said, this piece would be more appropriate/ appreciated in the context of a modern art museum exhibit. People seeing it there might not love it but they wouldn’t get wound up about it. When it’s picked to represent The Nativity at the Vatican, that’s a whole other audience and ball game.

Liz Lev skewering it on Twitter pretty much sealed its doom.
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However, for the official Vatican Nativity Scene that’s supposed to be reverent and inspiring to large diverse groups of people, not a good pick.
The current Vatican is run by that (now very much ageing) generation of clerics who thing everything 1960s/70s is still hip…or so it sometimes seems…oh well…God love them.
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