Vatican permits use of COVID-19 vaccines made using aborted foetal tissue

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“His lordship” is the convention used in English for bishops in some countries, including the UK. I’ve often seen it used in reference to this particular bishop so ran with it.
This raises an interesting point. Who is his bishop?
Bp. Schneider’s superior is Abp. Tomasz Peta, the Archbishop of Astana, Kazakhstan.

My impression is that Abp. Peta does not speak English, and therefore Auxiliary Bp. Schneider, who I believe does, communicates more with the English-speaking world. I would be surprised if Abp Peta disagreed with Bp. Schneider, given that they are both traditionalists.

However, all this is still the opinion of one Abp. who is not from USA, vs. the opinion of the USCCB (plus the National Catholic Bioethics Center and the Charlotte Lozier Institute). I’ll be following the USCCB myself.
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For to me the underlying issue is that of making a supportive gesture towards the murder of the unborn for the usage of science.

No, the generations of passed mitosis of cells does not nullify the procedure that was utilized, as this is now a slippery slope of downwards progressions towards acceptance-for the greater good.
Yahoo, huh? The “Hate Trump 24/7” corporation? Their ultimate point seems to be that abortion is a good thing, kinda like Soylent Green.
Holy off-topic and unnecessary Trump grievance airing, Batman!
You know, Roland the Thompson Gunner was headless. What that means, I have no idea.
Presumably something abortion and the deep state and Smartmatic voting machines. Seems to be one can scramble up a few of those buzzwords and wedge them into any topic no matter how unrelated.
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Because you might want to agree with the one who is not-the-pope. 😉 Isn’t that the way things work nowadays? We construct our own realities based on the worldwide menu of ‘expert’ opinions.
Truth is not dependent on the speaker.
For to me the underlying issue is that of making a supportive gesture towards the murder of the unborn for the usage of science.
I agree. This would have been an opportune moment for the Church to push for ethical drug research, but I think she has moved in the other direction.
but it doesn’t rise to the universal authority of the Magisterium as Lifesite News
You mean the universal authority of the Magesterium at Lifesite News. After all, the CDF can’t be trusted, it is full of globalist freemasons! We need Taylor Marshall and Michael Voris to explain real Catholic teaching to us. 🧐
Because Taylor Marshall knows that Latin is a special powerful language that if you pray in it you get extra points and the devil is more afraid of it

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Truth is not dependent on the speaker.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Authority is the best indicator of what truth is, even to the point of defining what is truth. This is not an issue of whether Jesus is truly man and truly God, an absolute truth. It is specific to a vaccine, and specific to a given time. If the Church permits this, then it is permitted Catholics.
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This is an example of “take it to the Church” and the Church has spoken. If your Bishop isn’t listening to the Church, that’s a problem.
going to the underlying root of the issue, this is making the world’s population complicit in the sin of abortion
As long as our intention isn’t promoting abortion, taking vaccines that were developed from aborted babies isn’t imoral.

It isn’t imoral because we are dealing with distant mediate causes with multiple effects.
Except, if I’m not mistaken, the moral object here is “using a vaccine which had things grown in cells that came from a fetus that may or may not have been aborted 30-40 years ago”.
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Today, yes, it’s happening. The remote nature of it however has to do with the fact the fetus in question died decades ago, and material from the fetus wasn’t used in the vaccine’s materials, but rather, growing things in the cells of the fetus. But we don’t even know for certain if the fetus was actually aborted either.
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