abcdefg:I don’t know but what do you expect when you ask Paul Martin or John Kerry this question?
Paul Martin and John Kerry are politicians and aren’t charged with maintaining the Sacred Deposit of Faith.
What’s being asked is what will the Vatican, who is charged with preserving the Deposit of Faith, instruct the priest and Bishops of the Church in the People’s Republic of China to say when congronted with those moral questions.
The Catholic Church in China that has been persecuted could always be relied on to teach the Deposit of Faith. That will happen in exchange for regularization and normalization of Diplomatic Ties? or, Will the Pope decide to follow the example of his personal hero, St. Thomas More, and not allow any of the compromises with evil made by the heretical, apostate and schismatic Patriotic Chinese Church?
Let us seriously pray for our Pope and the officials at the Vatican that they don’t try to compromise with the evil of the PRC regime in order to “make life easier” for Catholics in China. and, Let us pray that the Pope realize that the Holy Spirit will find ways to give him access to China’s believers even if he avoids the PRC Government.
For those who care - What China needs isn’t Capitalism. What it needs is Democracy that will allow Christians freedom to worship our Lord and to preach the Gospel with all the bits that make the “ChiComs” so uncomfortable!
Blessed are they who defend the weak and the powerless, Michael