Been there and done that. There is no trick to evangelization although there are methodologies to present Jesus and the church to others.However, we are called to make disciples but there is the process of tilling the ground first to ready the soil for planting the seed, before one can harvest. In Scriptures St. Paul talks about some planting, others watering, but that it is God that gives the increase. We all want to harvest for God when we ought to be bussy doing the rest of the steps described in this metaphor. It is particularly disappointing when a promising prospect falls thru the cracks. I do not take it personal, knowing that the other person may need more or less time to reflect on what may be a very big step for them. However, pray for your friend so that it is God’s power to convict their heart or convert their soul. A degree of disappointment may stay with you because of your desire the best for this friend. Can you imagine the apostle Paul, who had evangelistic journeys (4) and always went to the synagoges first to preach to his jewish brethren first as Jesus commanded his disciples, to be turned down often, persecuted nearly always and stoned? We have it easy as compared to him. It may be be at a future day that this may happen. I had strayed from the faith at 18 but there was a co-worker that urged and did his very best that I may reconsider, and I did, years later. However, I will always be grateful to him for his perseverance, regret not having listened then, and have prayed often for him, wherever he may be, for the brotherly love he showed.