VERY many questions I would like YOUR help with...

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A recommendation -

The Catholic Home Study Service (easily findable through Google) has courses that are very good that answer all these questions. They are a real eye opener to what Catholics actually believe and do and why they believe and do it.

The original questions were all good - and they’re all ones that I’ve asked myself and still haven’t quite sorted out the answers in my own head.

If you want to gain information I heartily recommend these courses. I’m just coming to the end of “We Believe…” which is a survey of the Catholic faith, with each section linked to the relevant paragraphs in the catechism (available online for the same price as these courses are available for in hard copy 🙂 ) which immediately gives scope for further study and information.

Regarding jondular’s posts - the word “pray” can mean more than one thing. When praying to Mary it basically means “to ask” - we ask her, and the saints to pray for us just as we might ask anyone to pray for us and just as people in scripture asked others to pray for them. Perhaps it is an older meaning of the word (Shakespeare comes to mind for using it this way) but it is still the meaning used in this case.

Jesus did not command that we don’t ask anyone to pray for us but in another sense he did say only to pray to God. And that is what Catholics do. (and Mary herself, whose prayers are ALL to God)

Regarding “repititious prayers that do no good”, I think Catholics would agree that they should be avoided. However, repetitious prayers that do good should not be avoided. Are we to tell of certain persons in scripture who we are told prayer the same prayer continually for eternity? I don’t think so. Long-term Catholics can talk about this far better than I.

And Catholics would agree that God likes to hear from our hearts. If we are not lifting our heart and mind to God it really isn’t prayer. If the Rosary is said as a tiresome ritual it isn’t prayer. If it is from the heart then it is prayer. If raising our hearts and minds to God in prayer is boring to someone then the problem is far more likely to be with the bored person than with the prayer method.

There are too many points in jondular’s letter for me to answer here - but witchcraft worship seems a very extreme point of view. And moaning about Catholic aborted babies seems a little odd in the face of the Catholic uncompromising position on the wrongness of abortion.

The “call no man father verse” must be taken in context - of still calling your father father, of James 2:21(Abraham is our father), Titus 1:4 (Paul calls Titus his “own son after the faith”), 1Tim1:2 & Tim 1:2 (Paul calls Timothy his son), the call to entreat an elder as a father in 1Ti5:1, 1Th2:11 (Paul exhorting “as a father”), Eph 6:2 (Honour your father - which of course you can’t do because you can’t call him father!), etc. I’m sure scripture catholic (and long-term catholics) can answer better than me. Case in point:

Time to go - this day is far too full.

It is sad when someone grows up in a part-catholic house and misunderstands so much. What does this say about past teaching methods of the young?


****Like why does God say make no objects or idols to use in worship and yet the church is full of crosses and saints! ****

Indeed how true what you have said. You can find it in the 10 Commandments. “Make no objects or idols…”

But wait a minute, this very same God who prohibited carving idols ordered Moses to make an idol (statue) of a cherubim for the Ark of the Covenant. It says: “And you shall make two cherubim of gold *; of hammered work shall you make them, on the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; of one piece of the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on its two ends. The cherubim shall spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy seat with their wings, their faces one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubim be” (Ex. 25:18–20). The cherubs were made of olive wood.

In addition to this, the interior of the temple in Jerusalem were filled with decorations/carvings:
"The walls on all sides of both the inner and the outer rooms had carved figures of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers. (1 Kings 6:29) “The two doors were of olive wood, ***with carved figures of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers. ****The doors were overlaid with gold, which was also molded to the cherubim and the palm trees.”(1Kings 6:32)

Now, doesn’t this temple resembles the Catholic Churches where we have the saints, crucifixes, Blessed Virgin, Angels, etc adorned in the churches? Hope you get the idea.

God bless!

**The Catholic church is and always has been corrupt through the sex scandles and aborted babies. **
Brother, it is sad when there are priests who get scandalized because of their sins. How truly sad the church is with regard to this matter. But they are also human beings with a fallen nature just like we do. We also sin, but let’s not judge others because they sin. They are not demi-gods who can sin no more. In fact, the heirarchy of the Church condemns such acts and there have been reforms in those particular dioceses affected. In short, these acts aren’t tolerated in the church. Those priests who commited those acts acted by their own free will. The Church didn’t tell them to do it.

Now, with regard to “aborted babies.” How truly misinformed you are regarding Catholic teachings. There had been no other religion on the surface of the earth who opposes abortion but the Catholic Church. Just read what the Catholic Church teaches regarding abortion and you will find out how misinformed you are.

God bless!

****When Jesus asked Peter who he thought He was Peter said your are the Son of God and Jesus agreed with Peter and said upon this rock He would build His church! ****
**Jesus didn’t say upon you I will build my church! He also offered the keys to the kingdom to ALL of His followers! There is nothing in the Bible that says it was just for Peter! **

First of all, do you understand what “Peter” means? It means rock. And Jesus said “upon this* rock*”, referring to Peter (rock), “I will build my church…”

He also says, “to you will I give the keys of the kingdom…” Jesus was speaking to Peter alone, not to all apostles. In the contrary, there is nothing in the Bible that says Jesus gives the keys to all the apostles. Just do your Bible study more diligently.

jondular said:
**Well, it says that Mary did have children, boys and girls! **

No, it doesn’t, but it indicates that Joseph had other children. The writings of the Early Church Fathers make very clear that the earliest Christians understood this:

Clement of Alexandria (195 A.D.): ‘Jude, who wrote the catholic Epistle, was the brother of the sons of Joseph. And he was very religious. Although experiencing the near relationship of the Lord, yet he did not say that he himself was His brother. But what did he say? “Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ” - of Him as Lord; but “the brother of James.” For this was true. Jude was his brother, through Joseph.’

Origen (245 A.D.): 'It is true that Jude wrote only a letter of a few lines. However, it is filled with the healthful words of heavenly grace. He said in the preface, “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James.”

Grace to you,
jondular said:
**Well, it says that Mary did have children, boys and girls! Jesus never told anyone to pray to anybody but His Father. He did warn about repitious prayers that do no good! **
**Don’t you think God would like to hear from your heart instead of babble that tends to be boaring for those that do it as well as those that hear it! **
**I was raised in a part Catholic home. **
**I found things in the bible that couldn’t be answered by the brothers! **
**Like why does God say make no objects or idols to use in worship and yet the church is full of crosses and saints! **
**It is like a storehouse of goods to sell out of the church. Jesus turned over the money tables and dove cages because He felt it was shaming His Father’s house! **
**Jesus warned of the priests that wore shiney robes and in the front of the church to be seen. **
**Jesus never said that we could pray to a saint and get our prayers answered. **
**He did say that the only way to God was through Him! **
**The crosss is a deadly yool that was used to kill Christ so, why would you wear it and kiss it? **
**If He had lost his head would you wear a sabor or guillotine and kiss it? It look like you are worshipping the tool and not the one on it! **
**Jesus said not to anyone father because we have only one Father, in heaven. **
**The Catholic church is and always has been corrupt through the sex scandles and aborted babies. **
**There is a movement to make Mary a co-redeemer in the church right now! **
**It is full of witchcraft worship and I would be scared to be in it now that I know the truth! One more thing! **
**When Jesus asked Peter who he thought He was Peter said your are the Son of God and Jesus agreed with Peter and said upon this rock He would build His church! **
**Jesus didn’t say upon you I will build my church! He also offered the keys to the kingdom to ALL of His followers! There is nothing in the Bible that says it was just for Peter! In fact Peter challenged Jesus a few moments later and Jesus called down Peter by saying, GET BEHIND ME satan! There is so much wrong with the catholic church that is known. **
I find it brainwashing!

OOOOOOoooohhhh…lookie what we got here, everyone! While Lisa asks good, reasonable questions, and look who crawls out of the woodwork. It’s the latest and greatest anti-Catholic ready to slap us with the SAME OL’ LIES again.

And not just that, it’s the worst kind, the ex-Catholic Fundamentalist (R) ™. Someone should start a thread on this phenomenon.

It’s late, I’m going to bed; the rest of you handle hiim. Lisa, take care. Hope you got to understand our faith a bit better.

Your many questions can only be properly answered if taken individually because whole books have been written on some of these topics. I hope you will look at the excellent answers given on this thread as a starting point.

I will address only one question at this time and that is the one about “confessing our sins to a priest.”

The reason we do this is because that is the way God set things up. Let me explain.

In the book of Genesis we read all about the fall of Adam and Eve and about Cain killing Abel. While God knew exactly what had happened and what sins had been committed, God still asks Adam and Eve [see Gen 3:11-14] what they had done. Again, when Cain kills Abel in Gen 4:10, God asks Cain “What have you done?” God wants us to confess and it is therefore necessary for us to do so.

So where does the priest fit in? In Leviticus 5:5-6 we have a solid prefiguring/foreshadowing of confession and this is carried over into the New Covenant. In Lev. 5:5-6 it says, “When a man is guilty in any of these, he shall confess the sin he has committed, and he shall bring his guilt offering to the Lord for the sin which he has committed, a female from the flock, a lamb or a goat, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin.” Note how the penitent must confess and take his sin offering to the priest, and the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin. This requires knowledge of the sin on the part of the priest.

In the New Testament we have a number of verses that refer to the authority to forgive sins. In Matthew 9:6-8, we read “But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins”–he then said to the paralytic --“Rise, take up your bed and go home.” And he rose and went home. When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men." Notice how scripture says that such authority had been given to men. This is significant and is not merely a coincidence. This is the inspired word of God.

The question of authority and power to forgive sin is given obviously to Jesus and this is further affirmed in Matthew 28:18 where we are told, "And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

So just how is this authority transfered to the apostles and their successors? In John 20:21-23 "Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” This is an incredible set of verses. They are rich in meaning and power. Notice that Jesus sends the apostles in the same way that the Father sent Him. The Father sent Jesus with all power and authority which included the power to forgive sins. So also Jesus sends the apostles. Jesus breathes on the apostles and says, “receive the Holy Spirit.” There is only one other time in all of scripture where God breathes on man, and that is in Genesis when God breathes life into Adam. This is a significant moment in the upper room and it is at this moment that Jesus says, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven: if you retain the sins of any they are retained.”

cont. on next post
Cont. from prior post

Later in the new testament scriptures we find additional verses that speak to confession and reconciliation. The most significant are the following:

2 Corinthians 5: 17-20
Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

James 5:14-15
Is any among you sick? Let him call for the presbyters [priests] of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. (“presbyter” is the root word from which we get the term priest)

James 5:16
Therefore confess you sins to one another….

Matthew 18:18
Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (In Jewish culture and faith the power to bind and loose carries a juridical dimension and has application to the forgiveness of sin)
How would you answer these questions?
  1. A. Why do you pray to Mary?
    B. Isn’t it better just to go to God?
    C. Doesn?t He listen to your prayers and care about you?
A. Because she can intercede for us, She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and she sits at the right hand of Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father.
B. No, it is better to do both! It is not either/or it is both/and!
C. Of course He does, that is why we pray to Him.
  1. A. Why do you confess to a priest?
    B. Isn’t it better to go straight to God?
A. Because they were given authority to forgive sins. Jn 20:23
B. Jesus established the priesthood for the forgiveness of sins, to carry on His mission after he was to leave this earth. We must assume that this is the way the Father wants it to be done.
  1. A. Why do you think there is a purgatory?
    B. Wasn’t Christ"s death on the cross enough to sanctify us?
A. Because the Bible says that we must be perfect to enter the gates of heaven, Rev 21:27, and because the Bible mentions a state of cleansing prior to entering heaven, a third state that cannot be heaven or hell, 1Cor 3:15
B. Christ’s death was enough to redeem the entire human race, purgatory does nothing to diminish the redeeming work of Christ. Only those that are already saved would ever experience purgatory.
  1. A. Why can’t priests marry?
    B. Isn’t it possible to serve God and a family as long as God is always first?
A. It is better for them to remain single so that they can devote 100% to the Church, 1Cor 7:35-35.
B. Sure it is possible, but the Bible says it is better for them to remain single, a husband is concerned with his wife and kids!
  1. A. Why do you think Mary was a virgin all of her life?
    B. She was married. God made sex for marriage, why would it be a sin for her to not be a virgin?
A. Mary was used by God as a vessel, she is the new ark of the covenant that carried the Word of God within her. Something that is used for holy purposes is never later used for ordinary purposes. The bible never says that she had other children either.
B. Nobody said it would be a sin if she had had sex with Joseph, we just say that she didn’t do it. Many Jewish women in her day took vows of virginity, it was not uncommon at all.

I hope you get this in time and that it helps you some how!

I believe that you are sincere in your beliefs and I am sure that God will bless you for your sincerity. It is clear from your posts, however, that you have unreasonable prejudice, anger and antagonism toward the Catholic Church and its teachings. Sincere disagreement is reasonable but your language and attitude is not a proper part of the Christian walk.

Anger causes a form of blindness as well as a spiritual deafness. It is clear from your posts that you are not familiar with the biblical reasons and underpinnings for Catholic teaching. This is certainly Okay as long as you are willing to learn what the Church truly teaches and why. This takes study. Unfortunately, many of the people you have known in your life did not have the knowledge and skill to relate to you the biblical reasons for Catholic teaching.
The articulation of the biblical reasons and underpinnings for Catholic doctrine have never been refuted. The problem is that many Catholics and non-Catholocs are simply not knowledgeable or even remotely equipped to explain them.

I have had questions/difficulties on doctrine over the course of my life, and I even had arguments with certain of the Church’s teachings. In every case I discovered through careful study that I was wrong. Pride is my biggest weakness and it was a huge stumbling block for me to come completely to the truth of Christ’s teachings which are found in His one true Church. As I discovered that the Church was right, I came to a point where I wondered how it was that I ever believed that my 56 years of Christian wisdom could compare with the 2000 plus years of Christian wisdom that was to be found in the Catholic Church. I knew it was time to raise the white flag in my rebel heart when I read in 1 Timothy 3:15 that it is the “church that is the pillar and bulwark of the truth.”

I pray that, you too, will at least let go of the prejudice and anger and that you will give an honest study to Catholic teaching. Go to good orthodox Catholic sources and dig deep for answers. Read the Church Fathers and discover that they were all Catholics. You my brother are missing out on the source and summit of all grace. There is nothing like recieving the precious body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. It is the once for all sacrifice of Jesus re-presented in time for all of us. It is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Malachi 1:11 where we read, “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a pure offering; for my name is great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.”

There is only one pure offering and that is the sacrifice of Jesus, but from the rising of the sun to its setting a pure offering will be made in all the nations. That offering is the sacrifice of the mass where Jesus’ sacrifice is re-presented in time. Praise be to God.
I have recently adopted some Catholic ideas (some, not all). Anyway, I am looking to gather information from you because I think as whole you are knowledgeable. Ok, here they are.

How would you answer these questions?
  1. A. Why do you pray to Mary?
    B. Isn’t it better just to go to God?
    C. Doesn?t He listen to your prayers and care about you?
Remember I want to gain info, not be a “troll.” I am interested in your answers!
  1. A. Why do you confess to a priest?
    B. Isn’t it better to go straight to God?
  2. A. Why do you think there is a purgatory?
    B. Wasn’t Christ"s death on the cross enough to sanctify us?
  3. A. Why can’t priests marry?
    B. Isn’t it possible to serve God and a family as long as God is always first?
  4. A. Why do you think Mary was a virgin all of her life?
    B. She was married. God made sex for marriage, why would it be a sin for her to not be a virgin?
Don’t feel obligated to answer all or any if you don’t want to. Maybe this should be more than one thread, but I need the answers soon. So if you see that one question has been avoided, please take the initiative to answer it yourself. Thanks for everything!
God’s Peace~
Nice to see you again, Lisa!

1.A. We do not pray to Mary, we pray to God and God alone. We ask Mary to pray for us. Think about it, she’s in heaven, she’s close to God, she’s a sure thing that God will hear our requests. It’s the same if you ask your mom to pray for you.
B. Sure it’s better to go to God, that’s who we pray to!
C. Of course he cares about us! 😃

2.A. We confess to Jesus Christ and the priest happens to be the person who stands in for him. The priest is bound to secrecy and cannot repeat what we have said. If he does then he can be excommunicated, it is a sin that can only be forgiven by the pope.
B. We do go straight to God. When Jesus established the priesthood for us, this is just one of the gifts he gave his successors. Confession is awesome, It’s like you’re talking directly to Jesus!

3.A. Get a Catholic Bible and read Maccabees, the idea of Purgatory is in there. It doesnt say “Purgatory” but the bible also does not have the words “trinity” or “Incarnation” but we all believe in those. Also, has an awesome article on Purgatory, go to
B. That article will answer this question, too.

4.A. Priests cannot marry because they commit theirselves to a life of celibacy. In Catholicism we have what are called “vocations” each person has one in life. They are the single life, married life, religious life, and religious orders. ( I think ) Jesus also led a celibate life.
B. Priests have a HUGE responsibility for their vocation. They have to study tomes and tomes of Canon law, train for many years, and totally commit themselves to a community. It would be rather difficult to fit in a wife and kids. A priest must fully dedicate himself, he cannot be divided given his responsibilities.

5.A. This is a hard doctrine to swallow. Keep in mind that Jesus had no other brothers or sisters. Our bible may say so, but in the language it was translated from brother also means cousin. Also at the crucifixion, Jesus asked one of his disciples to look after his mother, in Jewish custom, if he had siblings this would have been a huge dishonor to them. If he had a brother then his mother would have been in care of him, but alas, no such brother existed.
B. I dont know how to answer this one. Ive been told before, but I forgot. Try this page

Hope this helps, God bless!
jondular said:
**Well, it says that Mary did have children, boys and girls! Jesus never told anyone to pray to anybody but His Father. He did warn about repitious prayers that do no good! **
**Don’t you think God would like to hear from your heart instead of babble that tends to be boaring for those that do it as well as those that hear it! **
**I was raised in a part Catholic home. **
**I found things in the bible that couldn’t be answered by the brothers! **
**Like why does God say make no objects or idols to use in worship and yet the church is full of crosses and saints! **
**It is like a storehouse of goods to sell out of the church. Jesus turned over the money tables and dove cages because He felt it was shaming His Father’s house! **
**Jesus warned of the priests that wore shiney robes and in the front of the church to be seen. **
**Jesus never said that we could pray to a saint and get our prayers answered. **
**He did say that the only way to God was through Him! **
**The crosss is a deadly yool that was used to kill Christ so, why would you wear it and kiss it? **
**If He had lost his head would you wear a sabor or guillotine and kiss it? It look like you are worshipping the tool and not the one on it! **
**Jesus said not to anyone father because we have only one Father, in heaven. **
**The Catholic church is and always has been corrupt through the sex scandles and aborted babies. **
**There is a movement to make Mary a co-redeemer in the church right now! **
**It is full of witchcraft worship and I would be scared to be in it now that I know the truth! One more thing! **
**When Jesus asked Peter who he thought He was Peter said your are the Son of God and Jesus agreed with Peter and said upon this rock He would build His church! **
**Jesus didn’t say upon you I will build my church! He also offered the keys to the kingdom to ALL of His followers! There is nothing in the Bible that says it was just for Peter! In fact Peter challenged Jesus a few moments later and Jesus called down Peter by saying, GET BEHIND ME satan! There is so much wrong with the catholic church that is known. **
I find it brainwashing!

Jondular -

You use too many exclamation marks! You are young and ignorant of many things regarding the issues you bring up. Far too numerous to address here. But it is a blessing that you have the interest in theology that you do. I highly recommend that you save a copy of your post and pursue all of the issues you bring up. It will serve to humble you in the future - which is a good thing. :yup: At least take a little time to hear what the Catholic Church actually teaches before going on a rant. :tsktsk: Your example of “finding stuff” in the bible and asking your questionably Catholic brothers for an answer is hardly a search for the truth. It is something a child may view as significant, but the rest of us simply know it to be childish. I would be happy to help you understand the teachings of the Church, but it would be better done via email/PM.

Jondular, My poor fellow, When Mary was joined to Joseph, He was an elderly man with children from his first wife who was then dead. So Mary had grown sons and daughters - she was their “step-mother”!!

**And to Peter *** Jesus’ representative on earth after Jesus’ death: From Matthew16: 17 - 19. The first time Jesus saw Simon Bar Jonah the new name of Chephas (Aramaic for rock) was given by Jesus to Simon. Aramaic was the language that Jesus spoke. **

**Reas carefully.
Simon said: “Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God”. And Jesus answering said to him: “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. **And I say to thee: That thou art Peter [Kipha, a rock], and upon this rock [Kipha] I will build my **church [ekklesian], and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven”. Then he commanded his disciples, that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ (Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21).

By the word “rock” the Saviour cannot have meant Himself, but only Peter, as is so much more apparent in Aramaic in which the same word (Kipha) is used for “Peter” and “rock”. And Jesus had named Simon kiphas ( some spell it chephas) , which is Aramaic for “:rock”. His statement then admits of but one explanation, namely, that He wishes to make Peter the head of the whole community of those who believed in Him as the true Messias; that through this foundation (Peter) the Kingdom of Christ would be unconquerable; that the spiritual guidance of the faithful was placed in the hands of Peter, as the special representative of Christ. This meaning becomes so much the clearer when we remember that the words “bind” and “loose” are not metaphorical, but Jewish juridical terms. **
Hi Lisa,

Great questions… I’m only going to answer #4. can’t a man serve God & have a family?

As a Protestant for years in a number of different churches I’ve seen firsthand great men who try to do both. It’s very difficult. The kids often suffer - put under a microscope for the entire congregation to judge… that’s why PK’s (pastor’s kid) have such a hard time & often end up being the worst kids in the youth group. Also, a Pastor has to be “on call” 24/7 which is true of doctors too I suppose but for only a small fraction of the pay. I think Priests have to work alot harder than Pastors. There are generally more masses on Sunday (I think there are 6 on Sunday alone at the Catholic Church I’ve been going to) plus baptisms, weddings, confessions to hear, visiting the sick, funerals… that’s a lot of work. Not to say that Pastors don’t work hard also… it just seems that Priests are stretched more thinly? Having a family takes a lot of time, energy, money so I think not having to worry about all that is more time spent devoted to God & serving others. Is it a sacrifice? I’m sure. So what’s wrong with that? We think we can have it all… deserve it all… so the thought of sacrificing for God is so strange. I think if God calls you to the Priesthood he no doubt gives you the grace to live without the joys of a wife & family.

Just my thoughts.
God Bless you!
CM (also “freaky” over Jesus!)
carol marie:
Hi Lisa,

Great questions… I’m only going to answer #4. can’t a man serve God & have a family?

As a Protestant for years in a number of different churches I’ve seen firsthand great men who try to do both. It’s very difficult. The kids often suffer - put under a microscope for the entire congregation to judge… that’s why PK’s (pastor’s kid) have such a hard time & often end up being the worst kids in the youth group. Also, a Pastor has to be “on call” 24/7 which is true of doctors too I suppose but for only a small fraction of the pay. I think Priests have to work alot harder than Pastors. There are generally more masses on Sunday (I think there are 6 on Sunday alone at the Catholic Church I’ve been going to) plus baptisms, weddings, confessions to hear, visiting the sick, funerals… that’s a lot of work. Not to say that Pastors don’t work hard also… it just seems that Priests are stretched more thinly? Having a family takes a lot of time, energy, money so I think not having to worry about all that is more time spent devoted to God & serving others. Is it a sacrifice? I’m sure. So what’s wrong with that? We think we can have it all… deserve it all… so the thought of sacrificing for God is so strange. I think if God calls you to the Priesthood he no doubt gives you the grace to live without the joys of a wife & family.

Just my thoughts.
God Bless you!
CM (also “freaky” over Jesus!)
Indeed, but it’s about much more than practicality; there is a profound spiritual charism in accepting the Lord’s challenge to “become eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom.”
We confess to priests because Jesus gave the Apostles power to forgive and retain sins the night of his Resurrection; see John 20. Bishops (episkopoi) are the successors of the Apostolic office, and the priests (presbyteroi) are their extensions. Christ entrusted this power to forgive or retain in his name, since they are the representatives of Christ.

Again, about going straight to God, yes we can. If we are truly contrite and express sorrow for our sins because God is all-good and deserving of all love, he does forgive us. But too often, our contrition is based on fear of hell, guilt, and selfish shame, in other words, less than pure motives. I trust God forgives even when contrition is imperfect. But the power to forgive sins as entrusted to the apostles is the ordinary means by which grave sins (which separate us from God) are forgiven, because by ourselves, we are unable to return to God. That is why a penitent who sincerely seeks forgiveness in Confession is responding to God’s grace.

We confess because the priest must know what he is to absolve. Now as to confession as it is, should not be a problem. Scripture commands us to do so. (James 5:16). Non-Catholics may implement this in their own way (confessing to their friends, or pastors), but for us Catholics, the choice is to confess to a priest, as God’s representative.

BTW, it is NOT Catholic teaching that the priest HIMSELF has the power to forgive sins. It is Jesus working in the priest who forgives. And the power of the sacrament, as with all others always comes from the Cross.
This has been very helpful, thank you!

God’s Peace~
Hello Lisa, how are you doin.
Why hello Jimmy I am enjoying all of the helpful responses that you guys have given me.
We confess to a priest because that is the way that Christ told us to do it.
Good argument, please provide me with a scriptural reference. 😛
In the bible it talks about how everyone who enters Heaven must be pure and clean.
I know this is in the Bible, but I don’t know the reference. Anyone? Help?
In Luke chapter 1 we can see that Mary made a vow of virginity when she says, How can it be since I know no man."
Please explain how this shows that she made a “vow of virginity.”
I hope these responses help a little.
These have been very helpful, thank you Jimmy!
God’s Peace~
Glad to see your back! I’m just going to make one comment about the praying to Mary thing. Even though that is way it is often worded that isn’t really what we do (I know I don’t). We ask Mary to pray for us, like we would ask our friends here on earth to pray for us,. It’s the same with the saints. The difference is Mary and the saints are in heaven looking upon the face of God, how powerful their prayers must be!
Yes, I so agree: we ask Mary to pray for us, we don’t pray *to *her. This is an important distinction, I think. 👍
thru them [priests] we might receive forgiveness of sins inspite our weaknesses.
Just a question, I am not trying to disprove, just understand. I have never confessed to anyone except for God. Do you believe that I have not received forgiveness even though I have asked for it?

God’s Peace~
How would you answer these questions?
  1. A. Why do you pray to Mary?
    B. Isn’t it better just to go to God?
    C. Doesn?t He listen to your prayers and care about you?
I never have prayed to Mary, but I have asked her to pray with me. Just as if I would ask any other fellow Christian to 'pray for me. I’ve always prayed to God. He listen, but throws some curve balls with his responses.
  1. A. Why do you confess to a priest?
    B. Isn’t it better to go straight to God?
Confession is a form of worship. Just like when you get married, you want God to know you are getting married. You wouldn’t just one day think to yourself, why get married? When you get married, why need a minister? Can’t you just get married to each other?

Of course we get married to one another, but we still have a minister serve as a form of worship. God knows I love husband. I want God to know I know that I’ve love my husband. So we had a priest serve. The same with my sins, I want God to know I know I’ve sinned. I do it in a form of worship, called penance. I’m not confessing to the priest, the prient is merely serving over the Sacarment of Reconcillation, just as he served over the Sacrament of Marriage.
  1. A. Why do you think there is a purgatory?
    B. Wasn’t Christ"s death on the cross enough to sanctify us?
Because of the stain of our sins, we need a cleansing process. Most commonly purgatory is seen of “burning”, think about how we sterilize items? We sterilize with heat to burn off the germs. You can’t go to heaven dirty.
  1. A. Why can’t priests marry?
    B. Isn’t it possible to serve God and a family as long as God is always first?
The Church says so. That’s Why. Small “t” tradition, it may change. But if was changed in today’s climate it would be the wrong reason. The same goes for women being priests. Women can never be a bishop though.
  1. A. Why do you think Mary was a virgin all of her life?
    B. She was married. God made sex for marriage, why would it be a sin for her to not be a virgin?
I’ve had a difficult time accepting this also. But I accept it, I guess if I birth’d Jesus, our Lord my spiritual level would be beyond the desires to have sex.
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