Hi there i was just wondering what peoples veiws are on the Wiccan religion. What people think of there practicies and the way they conduct there lives and what relation it has to christianity.
But most people dont “want”. To be with god because they dislike the way that christianity and its counterparts operate.It’s a generally innocent, if severely misguided, faith, and one that can definately lead people away from God.
The same was said about Christianity in its founding days.lead people away from God
I don’t understand your point here. Rejecting God is rejecting God. Not all Wiccans reject God, but many do, and they must accept the fruits of that decision just like everyone else. Not liking the humans who follow God is no reason to reject God. Rejecting the eternal because of the temporary is severely irrational.But most people dont “want”. To be with god because they dislike the way that christianity and its counterparts operate.
So? Such statements were wrong then, and are wrong now. How can the religion that was founded directly by God be the same as a religion created purely as an academic exercise by humans? That premise makes no sense, I’m afraid.The same was said about Christianity in its founding days.
True Wicca doesn’t reject the God of christians, it just tries to accept God in all of his or her forms. Perhaps God comes to people in ways they can accept and understand. Jesus, afterall, came to his people as Jewish. One God many names. Anyone who follows the true tenets of their faith is seeking truth and good morality.I don’t understand your point here. Rejecting God is rejecting God. Not all Wiccans reject God,
Wiccan makes no distinctions among any of the gods and goddesses of all faiths and traditions. They are all reflections of eachother. A Wiccan should respect your beliefs in one God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the prayers to the different saints as an intervention for your prayer to God.There are many good things in Wicca, but those are merely the reflections of the good in the Church and in God, not something distinct from them.
Perhaps Syrokal is addressing the distinction between the faith of religion and the business of religion (which admittedly turns many people off it.But most people dont “want”. To be with god because they dislike the way that christianity and its counterparts operate.
Exactly Perhaps i should become more deailed in the points im putting forth here…Perhaps Syrokal is addressing the distinction between the faith of religion and the business of religion (which admittedly turns many people off it.
Syrokal, from your point of view, all magick is not black and using spiritual powers to help or understand not evil. To a Christian, even more specifically a Catholic, magick (whether it is labeled black or white) is a form of divination- an attempt to know or control or change what is not meant for us to know/control/change. This is not the same as looking for a local hospital on the net b/c searching the net for a medical facility does not fall under spiritism or divination.All magick is not black. Using your spiritual power to help or understand is hardly evil. That’s like saying searching the internet for a local hospital is evil and wrong.
Well clearly if someone does not believe in something, they would not acknowledge it. This makes perfect sense. But someone who does believe in Satan can describe someone or something as “in his grip.” An analogy: someone may not believe in cancer. They do not recognize the cancer and hence do not seek medical treatment because obviously, you wouldn’t seek treatment for something you don’t believe is there. A Dr. however would believe the person has it because HE believes in it.You say Wiccans are in the grip of Satan but how can they be in the grip of something they do not recognize as even existing.
Meaning no disrespect in this, but you see, that’s exactly the trouble with Wiccans: they think that just because they chose not to recognize Satan, he doesn’t exist and has no power over them.You say Wiccans are in the grip of Satan but how can they be in the grip of something they do not recognise as even existing. Satan is purely Christian and has no place in Wicca or Pagan based religions.
Wiccans don’t lay the responsibility of evil on an outside being. They lay the responsibility for their actions on themselves. You can only “serve Satan” by believing in ‘him.’ A self-serving evil that you commit isn’t called satanic, unless it was done in the name of satan. You can recognized and fight evil, bad energy, succubi, satan, demons, evil spirits. Let’s not be naive and say evil only has one name.The point is, it is quite easy to serve Satan when you don’t “believe” in him.
Very true! Their can be no such thing as a Catholic Wiccan, because, as you imply, the belief in the Christian God forbids belief in other gods.No Wiccan truly accepts the Christian God without abandoning Wicca, because they do not accept that God created the Church as the direct ministry of Heaven on Earth.
What drives you to this fact what evil life destroying act has a true Wiccan ever done.Name something allong the lines.Wiccans seek to preseve and to better all Like Christians all we do is choose to go about it a differant way.The so-called Wiccan “lord and lady” are just Satan pretending to be entities of nature or something, so that the sort of people inclined to be duped by Wiccan cults will be mislead