Views on Wicca

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The so-called Wiccan “lord and lady” are just Satan pretending to be entities of nature or something,
Obviously, I am not trying to cull any converts over to Wicca…this is totally the wrong forum do that! 🙂 Catholic and Christian faith runs strong in your hearts - and it should!! Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a faith worth having. But you are reading the forum about non-catholic religions, and the goal is the set the record straight on the perception of wicca. It’s not satanic. The tenets are no more evil than that of Islam. If you follow that faith, you don’t kill others or yourself. But they have a bad rap right now.

The key is never following a person, or a faith blindly. Always question and to be aware of the effects of your actions. Be moral and harm noone.
Sorry, but you’re both wrong, and you need to hear it from someone. I’ll be it.

In the meantime I have prayed for you both, in hopes you will soon “recognize” the one, true God. I mean you no harm, honestly. Remember that it is you who have ventured here, to these forums of Roman Catholic Christians. Read yourselves and find out why that is. Perhaps someone is calling you.
I thank you for your concern to my current spiritual statussmirk and have prayed for you allso. But i would like to know why we are wrong.
Sorry, but you’re both wrong, and you need to hear it from someone. I’ll be it.
You then proceeded to give no explanation as to “why” i am wrong…i would like one if its not to much trouble.

And the reason i signed up to these forums as well as many others today is to view Christian and Catholic views on Wicca. I signed up to two Catholic and three General Christian. The Christian three all gave tolerant and warm welcomes to me while both Catholics met me with hate pity and intolerance.
But i would like to know why we are wrong. You then proceeded to give no explanation as to “why” i am wrong…i would like one if its not to much trouble.
I have already explained why. Read again what I have already told you.
And the reason i signed up to these forums as well as many others today is to view Christian and Catholic views on Wicca. I signed up to two Catholic and three General Christian. The Christian three all gave tolerant and warm welcomes to me while both Catholics met me with hate pity and intolerance.
That is because the true Church is not in the business of being politically correct or tolerant of lies, heresies, and deceptions. If you are looking for a place to make you feel better about your errant choices, maybe one of the “Christian” forums you found is best for you.

Also, do not say that I have hated when I have not.
This is NOT a general Catholic board though. This is an apologetic board. If you have a question about Catholicism this is the place. I don’t go to non-Catholic boards looking for their view of my religion, and try to change their mind then guilt them into intolerance. I really don’t think about other religions other then in a cultural/historical/comparison sense. You are more then allowed to share your experiences and shed light on what you believe, but you aren’t changing any minds with the way you have posted.

Even though I know sincere Wiccas, they are wrong. There is a Chirst.
The Wiccan’s I’ve known over the years are all young women who have either no Christian upbringing and are searching to fill that void or have rebelled against very strict Christian upbringing. I’ve never met someone who was a faith filled Christian (Catholic or otherwise) who converted to Wicca. The few men in it I’ve known were either trying to meet women or used it as a springboard in to full blown Satanism.

It is glamourous and very inviting, but, I feel that those who practice Wicca “for good” are playing with something dangerous. Like a Ouija board, they sell these as games in WalMart. Innocent fun. I’ve never touched one and would not permit one in my house EVER. It is dabbling in things that God has warned against - however innocent and neutral the edges are.

Heck, all sin is fun and feels good for awhile. No one would commit sin if it were painful and ugly from the onset!

I think the postings have been kind - while not sensitive or tolerant to wicca. But why would you come to a Catholic forum and ask for sensitivity on something Catholics believe is an abomination?

A devout catholic is not going to tell you that if it feels good for you - then go ahead and do it. A Catholic is not going to agree in the possibilities of there being comparable gods and goddesses.

One God, a Trinity. That’s all - and when a person starts compromising on those little seemingly harmless ideas of astrology, white magic being good, etc., then you have put your soul in danger.

God bless the faithful.
I am former Wiccan now Catholic.

I see alot my old thinking in this thread, perhaps I can add something to the discussion.

Alot of the arguments I have read are based on a false philsophy.
But Wiccans Dont do anything Satanic bye pagan belifes anyway…Any Rituals that are performed are in the best intent

But Wiccans Dont do anything Satanic bye pagan belifes anyway…Any Rituals that are performed are in the best intent

There is a large difference between Accepting another factions beliefs and Following and believing another Factions belief. The larger majority of Wiccans accept the fact that you follow the path that you do. That dose not mean to say that they agree with it and its values.
The simply recognise its existence without prejudice.
You say Wiccans are in the grip of Satan but how can they be in the grip of something they do not recognise as even existing. Satan is purely Christian and has no place in Wicca or Pagan based religions.
And let me say, I used to say these very same things to people and get real indigent about it 😃

All these statement are good examples of the mindset that there is no reality, only perception. Satre expressed it whe he said “I think, therefore I am”. This is the dangerous and pernicious idea that there is no such thing as objective truth or even objective reality, a patently absurd notion on it’s face.

Telling the truth does not equal intolerance. If it were one could said I was being ‘intolerant’ of a student because I told him 2+2=4 not 5!
What has happened, culturally, with the ‘enlightenment’ is that we have devaluded human thought to the point of irrelevance. The rules of logical argument and rhetoric, established in the West by Aristotle 2500 years ago, were thrown out. Now we only believe what is empirically verifiable and relegate all other discussions to opinion. This is absurd.
A proper understanding of the world includes *both *logical reasoning and empirical verification as methods of learning.
For centuries what was required to prove the truth of an event was at least 2 witnesses with co-oberrating testimony. We still do this in the criminal justice system.
In Christianity we have not 1, not 2 not even 3, but dozens of witnesses to the acts, death and ressurection of Christ therefore by the standards of proof that existed upto the 17th century it is a fact.
In addition we have the testimony of hundreds that interacted directly with the Apostles themselves including the miracles they performed in Jesus’ name across the Mediterranean world, so again by all standards of proof upto the 17th century it is a fact.

Wicca is born out of this thinking and it’s defenders usually rely on the concept that my ideas are as good as anyone elses ideas.
Let’s use the rules of logic, well defined and understood for centuries to prove something:
Cultural relativism is the philosophical belief that all views are equally valid. However, if you test this position under general rules of logic, you soon discover that relativism is illogical and self-defeating. If relativism is true and all points of view are true, then the assertion that relativism is false, is true. Is this contradictory? Yes. Is truth contradictory? No.
Relativists believe that all truth is relative. Therefore, the statement, “All truth is relative,” would be absolutely true. If this statement is absolutely true, then not all things are relative and the statement is false.
Relativists declare that “there are no absolute truths.” However, this is an absolute statement, which is supposed to be true. Therefore, it is an absolute truth and the statement is false.
According to the relativist position, I can have my own version of truth. Therefore, a truth for me is that relativism is false. Based on the relativistic rules, I have just established that relativism is false. Of course, the relativist will say “no” to my logic, but then what is true for me is not really true, and, again, I have proven the philosophy of relativism false.

People aren’t taught to think like this anymore, critically and logically - thats the fault of our education system. I had to (And am still working on) teach myself to think like this in my 30s.
The ‘enlightenment’ has actually marked the sharp closing of the human mind to all matters that cannot be verified by the ‘scientific method’ of empirical experimentation.
I always like to see what other faiths have to say.

I had a catholic up-bringing - not overly strict. It was a powerful experience, and I respect it. I just found I don’t believe in its version of God.

I will bow out now, before it gets bitter. And all that can be said, has. 🙂 But I will continue to read the board, as I do other faith-based boards I am on. And please do continue to pray for me. It is all positive.

I will say again, I believe that many paths, many religions to the same goal. Many, many names, one God(ess).
Point taken. But i would like to say im not here out of want for reasureance just generally curious of how other religions do go about what they do and there veiws. So i think ill follow CrazyFaiths good example and back down from this. Its been good talking though like to do it again.

I will bow out now, before it gets bitter. And all that can be said, has. 🙂 But I will continue to read the board, as I do other faith-based boards I am on. And please do continue to pray for me. It is all positive.

I will say again, I believe that many paths, many religions to the same goal. Many, many names, one God(ess).
According to the rules of modern ‘tolerance’ ,which is really relativism , telling someone they are wrong about something is intolerant.

I highly recommend the site:
we go to Salem Mass. every halloween for a few days, and i see a great (at least secular) reason why somepeople are involved in it.
clothing, jewelry, spell kits, readings, aura photos, tourism, crystals, books, classes, knock knacks, tarot sessions, holiday merchandise = big business and cash.
i love halloween, the fall is the best time of the year, and there is nothing like being in Salem on halloween. but i take the witchcraft/wicca part for what it is, part of the show. i put no creedence in it because i’ve never met a single practitioner, who in anyway, has performed magick that has actually done anything. it seems to me to be witchful (sorry, bad pun) thinking that charging silver by moonlight and wrapping candles in colored string does anything except put money into the coffers of jewelers and string/candle salesmen.
i need to see tangible proof that these spells acomplish anything.
i think the power of suggestion on the human mind is the reason these appear to work, if your dedicated enough to do a ritual for say, money, than that idea is on the forefront of your mind and you’d probably find a way to make more money regardless of the spells performed. YOU are the reason the spell works, because you take the steps to see through to the outcome of what you desire. the rituals are just a concrete hardening of those thoughts that lets you put a plan into action.
at least thats my theory.

(already have my reservations at the hawthorne hotel 2005.) great town, just sad they closed the inn at 7 winter street…great B&B.
Interesting point Chris, but the Vatican has a gift shop too.
“thou shalt not have strange gods before me”
but it sure seems money is the god of the earth.
When i was in Vatican city last year, the number of really bad trinkets being sold was just laughable. everytime i’m in a touristy part of italy i really get a chuckle at the people plunking down cash on forgettable junk.
Paris is the worst, how many different types of little trinket eiffel towers can these companies produce?
consumerism is total garbage. it leaves you broke and without anything meaningful.
people don’t realize the best things in life can’t be bought.
The ‘enlightenment’ has actually marked the sharp closing of the human mind to all matters that cannot be verified by the ‘scientific method’ of empirical experimentation.
I personally consider this a good thing. Sadly, I get the impression that the number of enlightened people is on the wane.
Wicca shares the same Ideals as Christianity and pretty much every other religion on earth.
Live a happy life, do no harm to others, help were you can and do not do Evil or Wrong things.
If you believe that this is the fundamental ideology of Christianity then you are severly mistaken. None of those things are considered an end in and of themselves in Christianity, but rather a reflection of God’s design and our understanding of God’s mercy and love. Yes, we do good things without constantly thinking about pleasing God, but Christianity can’t be boiled down to that level of understanding.
There is a large difference between Accepting another factions beliefs and Following and believing another Factions belief. The larger majority of Wiccans accept the fact that you follow the path that you do. That dose not mean to say that they agree with it and its values.
Accepting that a faith exists doesn’t really mean anything. That’s like saying “we accept gravity,” or “we accept the rain.” Accepting the teachings of a faith is the only thing that matters, and it’s an either/or proposition between Wicca and Christianity. Wiccans absolutely reject my faith at its very roots, and they must in order to be Wiccans; they must reject my belief system as being flawed and incorrect. Any Wiccan who thinks that they accept my beliefs is only lying to themselves and to me.

What your describing is Relativism, which is an irrational and unfounded belief. In objective matters, such as the existance of something, there is either truth or there is falsity. Gravity can’t be true for you and not true for me, for example. The same is the case with the Christian belief in God. When people say “I accept that you believe that,” when they themselves don’t believe it, what they are really saying is “I accept that you’re ignorant.” If you don’t see this, then I’m sorry, but please don’t tell me that you accept my beliefs when you yourself don’t profess them.

I have no problem with people who profess other views than my own in relation to God, at least when they don’t claim to be coming from the same background. I accept that people hold different views, and I even respect that, but I don’t accept their beliefs as true in any way.

I haven’t seen any hatred or malice directed towards either of you on this thread. You must understand that our views are contrary to one another, and therefore we must take opposing positions in this type of discussion. It in no way reflects any hatred towards you, believe me. We can certainly have a discussion on the general beliefs of Wicca and the Church, but coming out and saying that we should all accept other people’s beliefs absolutely defeats the reality of the discussion. We can dialogue, but lets not do it under false pretenses, no matter how much we wish those pretenses were true.
Wicca (witchcraft?) a new-age “religion” that began about 75 years ago in college campuses in England. Basically it seems to comfound sexuality (esp. the loose kind) and worship of the divine in “nature.” It also mixes in an unhealthy dose of cultural relativism. Many Wiccans also think they are divine or part-divine, and that the Earth is not a ball of dirt as we have been led to believe…but in fact the Earth is a goddess. :whacky:

It’s pretty hard to take the “religion” of Wicca seriously. When some teenage girl here in Eugene says “hee hee I’ve become a witch!” I feel like telling them, “Oh really…well I know an elf and a werewolf…maybe we can get together and have a party or something.”
I will say again, I believe that many paths, many religions to the same goal. Many, many names, one God(ess).
Satan said a similar thing to Eve in the Garden. It appeals to our pride and our sensual pleasures…but that doesn’t make it true

If they are not God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit, then serving them amounts to serving Satan. What does not serve God, serves Satan.
Those, who are not with us, are against us. Where did I hear that before?

That notion is exactly what brought the ancient Romans to prosecute christians. You are right and good - all others are wrong and evil. That intolerance was not tolerated in an empire which strived for so long, because (among other things) it was tolerant towards any religion.
Boy, am I glad, that our western society has left the dark ages and returned to that ancient tolerance again, called religious freedom.
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