I am former Wiccan now Catholic.
I see alot my old thinking in this thread, perhaps I can add something to the discussion.
Alot of the arguments I have read are based on a false philsophy.
But Wiccans Dont do anything Satanic bye pagan belifes anyway…Any Rituals that are performed are in the best intent
But Wiccans Dont do anything Satanic bye pagan belifes anyway…Any Rituals that are performed are in the best intent
There is a large difference between Accepting another factions beliefs and Following and believing another Factions belief. The larger majority of Wiccans accept the fact that you follow the path that you do. That dose not mean to say that they agree with it and its values.
The simply recognise its existence without prejudice.
You say Wiccans are in the grip of Satan but how can they be in the grip of something they do not recognise as even existing. Satan is purely Christian and has no place in Wicca or Pagan based religions.
And let me say, I used to say these very same things to people and get real indigent about it
All these statement are good examples of the mindset that there is no reality, only perception. Satre expressed it whe he said “I think, therefore I am”. This is the dangerous and pernicious idea that there is no such thing as objective truth or even objective reality, a patently absurd notion on it’s face.
Telling the truth does not equal intolerance. If it were one could said I was being ‘intolerant’ of a student because I told him 2+2=4 not 5!
What has happened, culturally, with the ‘enlightenment’ is that we have devaluded human thought to the point of irrelevance. The rules of logical argument and rhetoric, established in the West by Aristotle 2500 years ago, were thrown out. Now we only believe what is empirically verifiable and relegate all other discussions to opinion. This is absurd.
A proper understanding of the world includes *both *logical reasoning and empirical verification as methods of learning.
For centuries what was required to prove the truth of an event was at least 2 witnesses with co-oberrating testimony. We still do this in the criminal justice system.
In Christianity we have not 1, not 2 not even 3, but dozens of witnesses to the acts, death and ressurection of Christ therefore by the standards of proof that existed upto the 17th century it is a fact.
In addition we have the testimony of hundreds that interacted directly with the Apostles themselves including the miracles they performed in Jesus’ name across the Mediterranean world, so again by all standards of proof upto the 17th century it is a fact.
Wicca is born out of this thinking and it’s defenders usually rely on the concept that my ideas are as good as anyone elses ideas.