Yes it is written, but is not written “alone.” There are witnesses to His Passion, death, and resurrection, and those were the apostles and disciples of Christ. First, this truth was orally conveyed by the witnesses themselves, and then later one was WRITTEN. Get it?
We don’t have those witnesses with us today.
BTW, do you write diaries? If you do, then figure out why you wrote it.
No, I don’t. And even if I did, it could not be trustworthy in and of itself. Anyone can write anything.
And I would like to add: It doesn’t mean that because it is written, then it follows that is is not true (are you trying to imply this?).
It means I don’t trust scriptures in human language. Pagans hold to
nulla scriptura for a reason.
It is more easy to recall something that has been said in writing, rather than put something in memory alone. And is also a way to preserve it from any divergence to the actual detailed fact that had happened.
Of course writing is better than memory, but even writing is not immune to the twisting of politicking. And politicking certainly did go into the decision as to which books would be placed in the Christian canon.
Whatevet you want to call it, I still do not buy that, 1) so many people were willing to undergo persecution and martyrdom for lies that they perpetrated.
Then you would have to say Islam is true as well, as so many people have been willing to undergo persecution and martyrdom for it.
- neither the Jewish or Romans were able to combat a conspiracy of misinformation when they were the ones in power.
Perhaps they were not willing. People have a need to believe, especially in a risen Godman-Saviour whose sacrificial act provides them with eternal life.
I had no idea what Wicca was all about … I thought it was just another American thang.
So I visited their web site.
I didn’t know Wicca had a website. Next you’ll be telling me Wicca is a church, with ordained bishops and a central authority.
Man … these people are a confused bunch. They believe in either 1, 2, many or no God at all.
We call it peaceful diversity. Realising that doctrinal unity is impossible (as Christianity shows), we opt for tolerance of the differences among us.
They can’t seem to spell the word ‘magic’
The spelling “magick” derives from Aleister Crowley’s use of gematria (he added the K to fit his gematric correspondences). It isn’t mandatory.
That is a false statement.
They do however, try to direct all their energy to doing ‘good’. That can’t be bad, I guess. They mean well.
We do. And we protest against the notion that good people are going to end up in eternal torment.
… so like … what does the wind and rain tell you?
Ages past, Gods present, Mysteries future.