I’m glad to see that you understand that “magic” and “spells” are the equivilants of what Christians call “prayers” as well as the search for spirituality.I rented a room in a big old mansion that was owned by a active covent. In reality their beliefs are not that far from Christian beliefs. There “Magic” is nothing more then prayers. They have a guiene desire for spirituality and quest for a devine being. But then they are also very sexualy open, not chaste by anmeans, and frequently party allot with drugs and alchohol. But then again so do allot of “Christians”.
I’m assuming when you say “they” are not chaste/do drugs/etc. that you are talking about the wiccans/witches that you rented from. Right now I am studying Wicca, and have had sex with only one person, whom I am still with, drink and smoke cigarrettes occasionally, but not to excess and take part in no other drug use. Most of the other Wiccans I know are the same. However, you did say that a lot of Christians do the same (un-chaste, drug use) as do people of any religion, so I’m assuming you weren’t targeting Wiccans in general.