I still don’t understand how this is at all relevant. Sure, relationships exist. But you need objects in order to have relationships between objects. God has to create objects. I have pointed out problems in the concept of creating objects ex nihilo.
The apparent dilemma between God’s omnipresence and “creation ex nihilo” is resolved with an understanding of the nature of infinity. In transfinite number theory, aleph(0) represents the infinitude of rational numbers and aleph(1) represents the infinitude of real numbers. The rational numbers are included in the real numbers.
Cantor has shown that each and every point in three dimensional space can be represented by a number on the real number line. The real numbers are dimensionally infinite and infinitely divisible, which means there are an infinitude of real numbers in any segment of the real number line however small you care to make it. Since the real numbers represent continuous space, in any three dimensional volume, however small, there will be an infinitude of points.
On the other hand, the rational numbers are denumerable, meaning they can be counted, and there are gaps between each and every rational number and its neighbors on the real number line. Rational numbers are infinite in dimensionality but are not infinitely divisible. Rational numbers represent discrete space.
Consider this relationship from transfinite theory: aleph(1) - aleph(0) = aleph(1)
This means that we can remove all the rational numbers from the real number line and hence all the points of discrete space from continuous space without change or diminishment to continuous space. Discrete space is imbedded in continuous space. Continuous space is omnipresent, discrete space is not.
I contend that it is discrete space that gives dimensionality to the universe. Since discrete space is composed of objects without dimension, namely points, and the universe is finite, I contend that the number of discrete points required to construct the universe and everything within is also finite. Any object with zero dimension, such as a point, when multiplied by a finite number, however large, still has zero dimension.
Consequently, there is an infinitude of continuous space designated as aleph(1) that cannot be diminished, and hence remains everywhere present in every infinite dimension (omnipresent) from which a finite volume of discrete space designated as aleph(0) has been separated (the singularity),
Hence: " aleph(0) - aleph(0) = aleph(1) " means the universe has been mathematically created from 0 = nothing (creation ex nihilo). And God has created the universe from nothing and still remains omnipresent.
If a finite and simple mind like mine can figure out how this dilemma, imagine what an infinite, omniscient, and omnipotent God can do.