I said before that I didn’t know the policy on my campus when it comes to weapons. That has just been clarified for me by a campus-wide email: the school “expressly forbids firearms and any kind of explosives” from campus.
I’m glad. I don’t want people with guns on campus, even if for ‘self-defense’. There is an incredibly low risk of needing to use a weapon for self defense on a college campus. I can’t remember the last time an event such as VT occurred. It’s not a daily threat. We have a good police department, and when incidents happen they only tend to escalate when the victim is armed.
Here’s what I think is a more fruitful way for universities to deal with emergencies such as this one. Again, from that email, my school’s policy:
I’m glad. I don’t want people with guns on campus, even if for ‘self-defense’. There is an incredibly low risk of needing to use a weapon for self defense on a college campus. I can’t remember the last time an event such as VT occurred. It’s not a daily threat. We have a good police department, and when incidents happen they only tend to escalate when the victim is armed.
Here’s what I think is a more fruitful way for universities to deal with emergencies such as this one. Again, from that email, my school’s policy:
We all recognize that communication is an important component in responding to an emergency, and our crisis plans include separate provisions for communications. Of particular note, our Office of Information Technology has been exploring a variety of technologies for some time to improve
communication, especially with students. One of those technologies would enable the University to send text messages to all students who provide their personal cell phone numbers to the University. The system could be used during campus emergencies and provide other vital information quickly. The University recently reached an agreement with a firm to pilot the text messaging technology. The pilot version of the service will be put in place this spring and summer, with the goal of implementing the full service by next fall, if satisfactory. As our plans are finalized, we will be in touch with students to ask them for their cell phone numbers, and we encourage them to participate in this important and innovative
communications initiative. Other methods of communication remain in place, including land-line phones, e-mail, the Web, and a campus cable television system.