Virtual "Second Inauguration" planned

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Maybe they can make a set to look like the Oval Office.

He can go tweet from there.

The ones who still support him can follow him on his live feed.

Actors can play world leaders that go visit him.

He can do signing ceremonies.

Go on tour.

He can issue Donald bucks, with his picture on it.

A nice alternate reality.

The rest of us can get on with things.
Maybe they can make a set to look like the Oval Office.

He can go tweet from there.

The ones who still support him can follow him on his live feed.
Sigh, I remember back in the days when I thought “The Emperor’s New Clothes” was an unrealistic story. Now I see there are people that are willing to collaborate in maintaining the delusions of a “ruler.”
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Since early 2016 the world has look like a bad cartoon to me.
Is this for real?
Seems to be. Go figure!
(I expect somebody’s set up to make some $$$ off of it.)
It’s like the conclave that elected Pope Michael out of a thrift store in the Midwest.

There’s a documentary on it.
You know Trump could have a new reality show now. Kind of an offshoot of West Wing.

They could have an episode with Trump inviting Kim Long Un to the US to play golf and have them run into Obama in the clubhouse.

They could play a round with the one having the worst score buy steak dinner for the other two and have Trump lose and renege on the bet. The scene could show them sitting at the table waiting for their steak and Ronald McDonald walks in with a platter of Big Macs 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔

But yea, first episode could feature an inauguration. So it’s possible that’s what this is all about 😛
Perhaps this could be the beginnings of an old tradition transplanted to the US - like the House of Bourbon v’s the House of Orleans in France or the Stuarts and Hanoverians in England.
Will ye no come back again?
Will ye no come back again?
Better lo’ed ye canna be,
Will ye no come back again?

Ye trusted in your Hieland men,
They trusted you, dear Charlie.
They kent your hidin’ in the glen,
Your cleadin was but barely.

English bribes were aa in vain,
An e’en tho puirer we may be;
Siller canna buy the heart
That beats aye for thine and thee.
I expect there were whole layers of motivation for support of the Jacobite cause that had little to do, directly, with monarchical legitimacy.

I tend to the view that the great advantage that the Hanoverians brought constitutionally was that the first couple of them couldn’t speak English.
Better lol’ed ye canna be, @Kaninchen!
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And there you go. It’s not about political power. It’s about scamming someone.
The really sad part is that the people getting scammed are his supporters. And they actually think he cares about them!
The really sad part is that the people getting scammed are his supporters. And they actually think he cares about them!
Are you suggesting Trump is behind this virtual inauguration and is responsible for the scam himself? If not directly involved, then at least supportive of it?
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