Virtual "Second Inauguration" planned

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Isn’t he a billionaire?

Why should his supporters foot the bill?
He’s collecting for his 50 lawsuits that he started because and mostly lost. Not for re-election.
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Are you suggesting Trump is behind this virtual inauguration and is responsible for the scam himself? If not directly involved, then at least supportive of it?
If you’ll be so kind as to actually read my post before responding, you’ll see that I said no such thing. :rolleyes:
If you would kindly not accuse me of not reading, you would recognize my post was a reasonable interpretation. :rolleyes:

Linking Trump’s caring with scamming sounds like an implication to me.

But I am glad to know that’s not what you meant. Perhaps a bit more clarity in the future would prevent such a misunderstanding again.
It’s just so goofy. I can’t believe this is real.

Probably more entertaining than the actual inauguration though.

It just makes me chuckle.
If it went beyond that it would be succinctly and forcefully put down.
Perhaps not automatically assuming the worst of others would do the same.
Seems neither of us are being very charitable. If not to each other, then to others here and elsewhere.

Bah, good riddance to WN. Brings out the worst in all of us.
This is so sad. Why won’t someone tell the emperor that he’s naked??? Why??
Make it pay-per-view. He can fleece a few more bucks from his disciples and the rest of us won’t have to see it.
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