Vortex healing, a powerful healing modality

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I recently got in touch with an old friend who grew up Catholic, and whose son studies at a prominent theological seminary, who turned to the Amma, a well-known Eastern mystic, for healing from a difficult life.

She is trained in “vortex healing” “a powerful healing modality.” I have been in the psych system without a paddle for 30 years and have nothing to show for it but grief upon grief. Within a few days of my phone call with her I experienced “the vortex,” and it IS potent, and so far is seems to be extremely healing.

I called her on it and she said yes she did apply a couple of fixes for me. I have arranged to speak with her again in a week or so.

Amma (“mother”) promotes love above all things and does not ask people to convert from their faiths, while she herself, I guess, is Buddhist(?)

I am wondering what kind of a conflict I am getting into here. I have never before been even remotely open to the idea of reincarnation but now suddenly I see that it lives alongside Biblical teaching in harmony, helping to explain some of the conflicts in the Bible, specifically, the mention in the New Testament of the number 144,000, specifically, as the number of people who will go to Heaven. My friend describes Jesus as the greatest “avatar” the world has ever known, and continues to believe in God. I always say to myself, all faiths ultimately lead to Jesus and there is a reason for them (“All roads lead to Rome,” is an expression my British father used to use, probably referring to geography but…)

I desperately need the healing. I have thought of nothing but the sweet relief of death for such a long time, and I have a son.
I will pray for you that your health improves.

From your post it seems that your friend is confused about who Jesus is----- he is not an “avatar”. Jesus Christ is a person, God made flesh, one-third of the Holy Trinity.

And no, all religions do not lead one to Christ.

I encourage you to learn more about the Catholic faith by sticking around here on CAF and getting involved at yournown parish in a bible study group or adult faith formation class.

God bless you.
Thank you, I think I am just lonely for a friend, so very alone after the divorce. My first major therapist was a former Catholic who turned to Eastern mysticism. My next therapist was a practicing Catholic and a wonderful man, I am finally realizing. That’s where I got off track. I fell in love with the first therapist only to find myself in a “Shangri-La” that finally destroyed the marriage. I believe the second therapist prayed for me when I called him yesterday in confusion and that is the peace I felt with all this.

Thanks again.
I couldn’t access the video in the link, so I googled Vortex healing and found out what I needed to know. It mixes magic and karma, neither of which I currently subscribe to. Also, even if it were a legitimate healing “modality” it probably doesn’t make any sense to have a personal friend practice it.

Thanks for removing the mystery.
I recently got in touch with an old friend who grew up Catholic, and whose son studies at a prominent theological seminary, who turned to the Amma, a well-known Eastern mystic, for healing from a difficult life.

She is trained in “vortex healing” “a powerful healing modality.” I have been in the psych system without a paddle for 30 years and have nothing to show for it but grief upon grief. Within a few days of my phone call with her I experienced “the vortex,” and it IS potent, and so far is seems to be extremely healing.

I called her on it and she said yes she did apply a couple of fixes for me. I have arranged to speak with her again in a week or so.
Such healing is not of God, because most buddhists don’t even believe in God, even if they do, it’s not the God of the Bible they believe in.

Satan can deceive people by false healing. When Moses confronted the magicians of Pharaoh, they could do some of the stuff that he could do with his rod. Satan can mimic some spiritual stuff God can do. However, it’s sinful, it doesn’t give God the glory and it doesn’t come from God, it’s a type of idolatry since one seeks something from the evil one which one should seek from God.

A strong experience doesn’t make something true. Satan can use experiences to deceive people.
Amma (“mother”) promotes love above all things and does not ask people to convert from their faiths, while she herself, I guess, is Buddhist(?)
True love is love on the Bible’s basis. True love rejoices in truth for example:

[BIBLEDRB]1 Corinthians 13:6[/BIBLEDRB]

That one allegedly “promotes love” doesn’t make it a wholly true love, or their teachings or practice for that manner.

There were a sect called “Children of God” who had sex with minors and with other women to “convert” them, and called this a way of spreading God’s love. Does that mean their love is true?

Why’d we need to seek help from a Buddhist? They don’t believe in Jesus Christ as their savior. We should have nothing to do with Buddhist spirituality.
I am wondering what kind of a conflict I am getting into here. I have never before been even remotely open to the idea of reincarnation but now suddenly I see that it lives alongside Biblical teaching in harmony, helping to explain some of the conflicts in the Bible, specifically, the mention in the New Testament of the number 144,000, specifically, as the number of people who will go to Heaven. My friend describes Jesus as the greatest “avatar” the world has ever known, and continues to believe in God. I always say to myself, all faiths ultimately lead to Jesus and there is a reason for them (“All roads lead to Rome,” is an expression my British father used to use, probably referring to geography but…)
I desperately need the healing. I have thought of nothing but the sweet relief of death for such a long time, and I have a son.
The idea of reincarnation is not biblical: catholic.com/quickquestions/does-the-bible-teach-reincarnation


The idea of reincarnation goes against the Apostle’s creed (the resurrection of the body) as well as the Bible, which teaches the resurrection of the body.

The 144,000 in the Bible is not literal and has nothing to do with reincarnation.

Read what John said just some verses after he mentioned the 144,000:

[BIBLEDRB]Revelation 7:9[/BIBLEDRB]

Jesus is not an “avatar” could be a blasphemous and heretical saying depending on what one means. Jesus is and was God (while he was on earth), not a revelation of God.

If you believe all faith ultimately lead to Jesus, you are wrong. If they did, they wouldn’t remain in their heresies and worshipping various idols.

Most other religions believe in justification by various deeds of the law, or good deeds alone.

Buddhism teaches the eightfold path. They believe in salvation apart from the grace of God and Jesus Christ, this is condemned by the Bible and the Catholic Church.

Many of them worship statues of Buddha as well.

Jesus said there’s a broad path and a narrow path. If everyone walked on the way to heaven no matter what faith they had, such distinction wouldn’t be necessary.

The saying that all roads lead to Rome is not meant in a spiritual sense initially. If meant in a spiritual sense, it’s in contradiction to the Bible and official teaching of the catholic church for that matter.

Jesus said:


[BIBLEDRB]Matthew 7:13-14[/BIBLEDRB]
Such healing is not of God, because most buddhists don’t even believe in God, even if they do, it’s not the God of the Bible they believe in.

Satan can deceive people by false healing. When Moses confronted the magicians of Pharaoh, they could do some of the stuff that he could do with his rod. Satan can mimic some spiritual stuff God can do. However, it’s sinful, it doesn’t give God the glory and it doesn’t come from God, it’s a type of idolatry since one seeks something from the evil one which one should seek from God.

A strong experience doesn’t make something true. Satan can use experiences to deceive people.

True love is love on the Bible’s basis. True love rejoices in truth for example:

[BIBLEDRB]1 Corinthians 13:6[/BIBLEDRB]

That one allegedly “promotes love” doesn’t make it a wholly true love, or their teachings or practice for that manner.

There were a sect called “Children of God” who had sex with minors and with other women to “convert” them, and called this a way of spreading God’s love. Does that mean their love is true?

Why’d we need to seek help from a Buddhist? They don’t believe in Jesus Christ as their savior. We should have nothing to do with Buddhist spirituality.

The idea of reincarnation is not biblical: catholic.com/quickquestions/does-the-bible-teach-reincarnation


The idea of reincarnation goes against the Apostle’s creed (the resurrection of the body) as well as the Bible, which teaches the resurrection of the body.

The 144,000 in the Bible is not literal and has nothing to do with reincarnation.

Read what John said just some verses after he mentioned the 144,000:

[BIBLEDRB]Revelation 7:9[/BIBLEDRB]

Jesus is not an “avatar” could be a blasphemous and heretical saying depending on what one means. Jesus is and was God (while he was on earth), not a revelation of God.

If you believe all faith ultimately lead to Jesus, you are wrong. If they did, they wouldn’t remain in their heresies and worshipping various idols.

Most other religions believe in justification by various deeds of the law, or good deeds alone.

Buddhism teaches the eightfold path. They believe in salvation apart from the grace of God and Jesus Christ, this is condemned by the Bible and the Catholic Church.

Many of them worship statues of Buddha as well.

Jesus said there’s a broad path and a narrow path. If everyone walked on the way to heaven no matter what faith they had, such distinction wouldn’t be necessary.

The saying that all roads lead to Rome is not meant in a spiritual sense initially. If meant in a spiritual sense, it’s in contradiction to the Bible and official teaching of the catholic church for that matter.

Jesus said:


[BIBLEDRB]Matthew 7:13-14[/BIBLEDRB]
I prefer The Vortex, where lies and deceptions are trapped and exposed. (Www.churchmilitant.tv)😃:D)
THANK YOU for clearing up my ignorance Biblically. I am not a Catholic (yet) and the more so because, as I said, my first exposure to Catholicism was through a therapist who had gone from Catholicism to Eastern mysticism. So I got VERY confused (I am beginning to realize.) I AM, however, a great traditionalist, granddaughter of an Irish Catholic from a strong Catholic family, my father was a working class Brit. Have some Anglican tendencies, however, through my mother, and my father went agnostic. HIS mother was Anglican, also. But I have had a terrible experience with somebody who practiced black magic and I flee from the very thought of any kind of magic. Thank you for helping me to understand the feelings brought on by this friend and her karma and magic, for it WAS a very powerful experience. I have already contacted her and asked her not to do it again. Thank you also for your prayers.
vortex healing is a type of energy manipulation through the use of your inner spirit(some may call holy spirit)

We all have the power to manipulate energy via action or thought.

Simple hand gestures.
Words spoken, and tone they are spoken.
Facial expressions.
Imaginative thought.

Contrary to most peoples belief on here. Vortex healing is possible through imaginative thought. Words spoken, and hand gestures help manipulate the energy around you by promoting the thought process.

Vortex healing may work at great lengths when done with the aid of other spirits, but some may call this “sorcery”
vortex healing is a type of energy manipulation through the use of your inner spirit(some may call holy spirit)

We all have the power to manipulate energy via action or thought.

Simple hand gestures.
Words spoken, and tone they are spoken.
Facial expressions.
Imaginative thought.

Contrary to most peoples belief on here. Vortex healing is possible through imaginative thought. Words spoken, and hand gestures help manipulate the energy around you by promoting the thought process.

Vortex healing may work at great lengths when done with the aid of other spirits, but some may call this “sorcery”
Our own human spirit is NOT the Holy Spirit, who is a person, and who’s God, the third person of the Trinity. To call our own spirit the Holy Spirit would thus be blasphemous.

The Bible doesn’t say we can manipulate “energy” via thoughts. There are New Age people or similar who believe in stuff like that though, however, since the Bible doesn’t say it and since this is a common belief among occult people, we shouldn’t believe in it.

Also, how do you know it’s energy being manipulated through hand gestures? Energy is also a common New Age term.

We cannot heal other people through imaginative thought. However, satan can deceive a person to believe healing is caused that way, when it’s in fact he or some demon that does this false healing.

Jesus didn’t heal people using some imaginative thoughts or vortex healing. He prayed for them. He told the Apostles to lay hands on the sick, pray in His name etc.
Our own human spirit is NOT the Holy Spirit, who is a person, and who’s God, the third person of the Trinity. To call our own spirit the Holy Spirit would thus be blasphemous.

The Bible doesn’t say we can manipulate “energy” via thoughts. There are New Age people or similar who believe in stuff like that though, however, since the Bible doesn’t say it and since this is a common belief among occult people, we shouldn’t believe in it.

Also, how do you know it’s energy being manipulated through hand gestures? Energy is also a common New Age term.

We cannot heal other people through imaginative thought. However, satan can deceive a person to believe healing is caused that way, when it’s in fact he or some demon that does this false healing.

Jesus didn’t heal people using some imaginative thoughts or vortex healing. He prayed for them. He told the Apostles to lay hands on the sick, pray in His name etc.
prayer is the invocation for spirits or entities to hear your will, in order to fulfill it.

You may disagree, but this is why in ancient days people would make alters to their ancestors because they live in the spirit world, and can see through a more infinite perspective than those of us who live in the physical world therefore are wiser. The spirits around you guide you in one way or another whether you wish to believe it or not. If your will sees them as bad then you create that image of a demon to that spirit.

How can you yourself say it is the work of demons? Do you know demons? Do you know spirits? If you do not know them. How can you understand them?

This trust in a religion without exploring and understanding the world as a whole, and not through a narrow perspective. Is evil in my eyes. It is evil to blind masses by religion.

In my eyes Jesus will forgive me for understanding the world in order to help fullfill my purpose.

If you disagree with me. I ask you. Are you Jesus? Are you God?

You do not know the state of my soul nor my spirit, and you never will because you look at me through narrow minds. Therefore you will never understand these words I speak.
Also Energy is not a “New Age” term.

Energy is the Western term for Ki, Prana, Chi.

And those words have existed in cultures for centuries.
I recently got in touch with an old friend who grew up Catholic, and whose son studies at a prominent theological seminary, who turned to the Amma, a well-known Eastern mystic, for healing from a difficult life.

She is trained in “vortex healing” “a powerful healing modality.” I have been in the psych system without a paddle for 30 years and have nothing to show for it but grief upon grief. Within a few days of my phone call with her I experienced “the vortex,” and it IS potent, and so far is seems to be extremely healing.

I called her on it and she said yes she did apply a couple of fixes for me. I have arranged to speak with her again in a week or so.

Amma (“mother”) promotes love above all things and does not ask people to convert from their faiths, while she herself, I guess, is Buddhist(?)

I am wondering what kind of a conflict I am getting into here. I have never before been even remotely open to the idea of reincarnation but now suddenly I see that it lives alongside Biblical teaching in harmony, helping to explain some of the conflicts in the Bible, specifically, the mention in the New Testament of the number 144,000, specifically, as the number of people who will go to Heaven. My friend describes Jesus as the greatest “avatar” the world has ever known, and continues to believe in God. I always say to myself, all faiths ultimately lead to Jesus and there is a reason for them (“All roads lead to Rome,” is an expression my British father used to use, probably referring to geography but…)

I desperately need the healing. I have thought of nothing but the sweet relief of death for such a long time, and I have a son.
I know nothing of this vortex other than it has nothing to do with buddhism.
Just a heads up and a clarification.

Wish you healt and a long life with your son.

prayer is the invocation for spirits or entities to hear your will, in order to fulfill it.

You may disagree, but this is why in ancient days people would make alters to their ancestors because they live in the spirit world, and can see through a more infinite perspective than those of us who live in the physical world therefore are wiser. The spirits around you guide you in one way or another whether you wish to believe it or not. If your will sees them as bad then you create that image of a demon to that spirit.
Those people were pagan idolaters. There were even people who sacrificed babies to their spirits, do you believe this is okay too? Surely if they served good spirits, they wouldn’t be led to such wickedness, but would live a righteous and holy life like a follower of Jesus Christ does and which the faithful Jews in the Old Testament also did. If those spirits were good, they should intervene and lead them away from such wickedness.

How do you know the spirits they made altars to were guiding them with good intent, and not in order to deceive them and harm them? Just like you cannot always know whether a human person is telling you the truth.

If you read about some animalistic religions, they even attribute some of the evil stuff that happen to spirits and try to appease them with sacrifices.
How can you yourself say it is the work of demons? Do you know demons? Do you know spirits? If you do not know them. How can you understand them?
This trust in a religion without exploring and understanding the world as a whole, and not through a narrow perspective. Is evil in my eyes. It is evil to blind masses by religion.
Your definition of prayer is not a Biblical one. Prayer is communion with the one true God.

I don’t believe all spirits are evil. Angels are called ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:14).


However, they’re sent by God, so they are to fulfill his will.

Then there are fallen angels which are evil spirits (also called demons/devils).

I can understand them because of how the Bible describes them and talks about them.

I have had a vision of Jesus Christ and heard him talk, some time after my mum’s prayer, and thus I know the Bible is right (since I know God exists, and thus the Bible’s claim of divine inspiration is true) and also its worldview.
vortex healing is a type of energy manipulation through the use of your inner spirit(some may call holy spirit)

We all have the power to manipulate energy via action or thought.

Simple hand gestures.
Words spoken, and tone they are spoken.
Facial expressions.
Imaginative thought.

Contrary to most peoples belief on here. Vortex healing is possible through imaginative thought. Words spoken, and hand gestures help manipulate the energy around you by promoting the thought process.

Vortex healing may work at great lengths when done with the aid of other spirits, but some may call this “sorcery”
The Devil, a real being, likes to repackage old ideas and give them new labels. I have been studying this for a long time. “Vortex healing” is another deception. There are other names for “energy manipulation” which I will not post here, but it’s been a part of Eastern mysticism for a long time. The “other spirits” are always demonic and are known by other names, which I will not post. Lessons, especially 7 or 8 day, are quite pricey and should be avoided.

There is only one God and only one way to Him. That is Jesus Christ. The concept of an “avatar” relates to Hinduism. It is not Biblical.

Those people were pagan idolaters. There were even people who sacrificed babies to their spirits, do you believe this is okay too? Surely if they served good spirits, they wouldn’t be led to such wickedness, but would live a righteous and holy life like a follower of Jesus Christ does and which the faithful Jews in the Old Testament also did. If those spirits were good, they should intervene and lead them away from such wickedness.

How do you know the spirits they made altars to were guiding them with good intent, and not in order to deceive them and harm them? Just like you cannot always know whether a human person is telling you the truth.

If you read about some animalistic religions, they even attribute some of the evil stuff that happen to spirits and try to appease them with sacrifices.

Your definition of prayer is not a Biblical one. Prayer is communion with the one true God.

I don’t believe all spirits are evil. Angels are called ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:14).


However, they’re sent by God, so they are to fulfill his will.

Then there are fallen angels which are evil spirits (also called demons/devils).

I can understand them because of how the Bible describes them and talks about them.

I have had a vision of Jesus Christ and heard him talk, some time after my mum’s prayer, and thus I know the Bible is right (since I know God exists, and thus the Bible’s claim of divine inspiration is true) and also its worldview.
I will not argue with you because your will is set in stone, but I will say this. You cannot understand something without studying every aspect of it.

You are only seeing through one scope. Therefore you will never understand because your mind is set in stone. There is plenty of scripture left out of the bible, and the world is not allowed to see this scripture.

There is a reason to it, but that reason will never be understood because you allow words to structure your will. Because you believe God can only be learned through scripture, church, and other people of the same religion. This is a truth I will never except because I have faith in my God who is creator of all things. Therefore cannot be limited in a way you perceive him to be. We all have a purpose choice is only a matter of how you perceive because your destiny is written in stone.

God bless. Stay true to your beliefs.
I will not argue with you because your will is set in stone, but I will say this. You cannot understand something without studying every aspect of it.
If I’m going to study more about who God is, it’s not going to be by reading what other religions say.
There is plenty of scripture left out of the bible, and the world is not allowed to see this scripture.
What is left out of the Bible, and how can you prove this? How do you decide what belongs to the Bible and what doesn’t? What authority do you have to decide this?

Are you referring to Gnostic texts? Those contradict the scripture that is already in the Bible, so it’s not so strange that they’re not in there.
Because you believe God can only be learned through scripture, church, and other people of the same religion.
I don’t believe God can only be learned that way. I believe he can be learned in prayer and worship as well, for example.
This is a truth I will never except because I have faith in my God who is creator of all things
Christians believe in God as a creator.
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