Seemingly, the way Deal addresses VOTF.Ah, yes, judgment by character assassination.
He levels significant charges but fails to follow up. He talks about suspicions, lack of assurance, and no mention of certain topics. Hardly objectve proofs of dissent in themselves. I have suspicions and a lack of assurance with Mr. Hudosn plus reservations on topics he makes no mentions of. Shall I continue with that line of discussion?
He places a subhead of “Members” but then lists nothing more than some people who addressed a VOTF conference. These people were not members nor leaders and Deal damsn them for expressions they made outside of their address to VOTF.
He damns VOTF for supporting certain virtues because he claims they don’t address competing virtues. Nothing wrong with calling for balance, but hardly proof of dissent.
By making a selective reading of VOTF documents he accuses VOTF of making a selective reading of Church documents.
He notes they established and then discontinued a web based message board.
And on the one issue that the laity cleary do have existing rights over – stewardship – he attacks VOTF.
In the end, nothing he wrote provides any proof that VOTF is an organization that dissents from Church doctrine.