Girls mature faster than boys as in that their brains undergo pruning earlier than boys (this means that redundant neural connections are edited away, important ones remain stable)One question. If girls mature faster than boys, how come it seems like most people are telling me at my age girls have, odd goals wants or ambitions?
Girls also tend to have more connections across the two hemispheres of the brain.
Physically, they tend to go through puberty quicker.
So that’s what the scientific idea of ‘mature’ means.
Maturity, the type you are talking about, lies in the ‘eye’ (or brain) of the beholder. You might think you are mature, but 5 years later, you will cringe at this post. Maturity is not all about having ambitions. In fact, you think it’s odd, which basically shows everyone has different views on what is the appropriate ambition.
Maturity does not equate to wanting to be married/etc.
A woman wanting to be a lawyer can seem weird to people like you, although technically, it is not wrong. A woman wanting to be a SAHM can seem like a pathetic choice to someone else, although, being a sahm is also not wrong
Each age has its own ‘guidelines’ for maturity. A 6 year old boy might seem mature, if he acts the same way when he’s 16, he is immature.
People are telling you that a girl might not want marriage anytime soon. Or that they are planning to have only 1 kid, or that they don’t want to marry at all. Will they change their minds, maybe. Will you change your mind, maybe. They are not really telling you that their ambitions are weird.
So I guess, what do you mean by ‘mature’ and ‘odd’?