After reading several Catholic apologetic type books (Born Fundementalist, born again Catholic & Suprised By the Truth I,II, III - My Life on the Rock - etc.) I started to believe that I had been wrong about the the Catholic Church - it wasn’t just a bunch of made up nonesense without any scriptural support, but rather it was a faith rooted in scripture. I began to believe that maybe it was the one true church that Jesus started and that Luther was wrong to break away because surely God isn’t pleased with all the disunity and thousands of different denomenations. I wanted to belong to the one, unified true Church and until I found this website, I thought the Catholic Church was it. Now I’m thinking that the Catholic church is filled with the same disunity as the Protestant churches. I’ve read Catholics who think speaking in tounges is OK vs. Catholics who don’t. Catholics who think the Pope isn’t the Pope - Catholics who think the mass should be in Latin - that Vat. II was a huge mistake vs. Catholics who think it was great. Catholics who believe in Adam & Eve, Catholics who believe in evolution, I read of terrible RICA classes, Wacky Priests who teach their own ideas, Pro choice Catholics (I always thought THAT was an oxymoron but apparently not) Hindus doing their Hindu thing in Catholic churches and now today I look at a weblink from this site where I read that 40,000 pieces of child pornograpy are found on computers at a seminary in Vienna and the Bishop calls it a “childish prank.” So I gotta tell ya, I’m begininging to rethink this whole Catholic thing. I think that the “one Holy & Apolstolic church” that my soul longed for does not exist because with all due respect, from where I sit, you aren’t looking so Holy and you certainly aren’t “one.”