Imagine a tree. You have the long solid trunk and off of that trunk are many different branches. If you want to find the tree you have to search for the trunk because all those branches and leaves get in the way.
The Catholic Church is just like a tree with tons of branches. The REAL Catholic Church is the solid trunk that runs straight and true through the past 2,000 years. However, since the Church is filled with Man Kind and Man Kind is sinful, selfish, egotistical, and sometimes just plain stupid, there are lots of branches that grow from the trunk. Yet these branches do not change the trunk in any way: it’s still the same solid trunk. No matter how much nonsense, bickering, false teachings, stupidity, heresy, and sin you have branching off of the trunk, the trunk is still there and it’s still solid and true.
The branches are the false things, the trunk is the true Church. As you investigate the Catholic Faith you must always search for the trunk among the branches and leaves. If you don’t do this, you can get caught up in all of that confusion just like a sky-diver can get his parachute caught in the branches of a tree. You dangle there, lost and confused and getting angrier by the minute. “What’s all this nonsense? How can THIS be the One True Church?”
If your parachute has gotten caught, cut yourself loose, push through all of the branches, and find the trunk. How do you do this in real life? Very simple: if anyone claims to be following the Teachings of the Catholic Faith and they are NOT loyal to Rome, they are branches. Check everything against such solid trunk resources like the Catechism of the Catholic Church, websites like, the writings of the Popes, and best of all: the writings of the Early Church Fathers. has good excerpts from their writings. What does this do? Well, if you take something that is being taught NOW and you compare it to what was taught THEN and it’s still the same then you’ve found the trunk.
Now be mindful, teachings have developed. 1900 years ago they may have said just one word and now we have an entire library of books written on the subject, complete with a huge glossery of terms. That’s ok. Just make sure nothing has changed from apples to oranges.
Always always ask for help. There are things you can’t always figure out on your own!