carol marie:
Now I’m thinking that the Catholic church is filled with the same disunity as the Protestant churches. I’ve read Catholics who think speaking in tounges is OK vs. Catholics who don’t.
Depends on the situation. As long as the speaking in tongues is done in accordance with the Church, fine.
Catholics who think the Pope isn’t the Pope
They’re in schism and are not with us.
- Catholics who think the mass should be in Latin -
And it should be, as well as in the vernacular, and the other dozens of different ways it is done. We have 30 different rites, each with their own style - all 100% CATHOLIC!
that Vat. II was a huge mistake vs. Catholics who think it was great.
Vatican II was neutral. However, some have abused it, others have done great things because of it.
Catholics who believe in Adam & Eve,
Official catholic doctrine.
Catholics who believe in evolution,
If they believe that God works through the “evolution” then it is OK, otherwise it is not.
I read of terrible RICA classes, Wacky Priests who teach their own ideas, Pro choice Catholics (I always thought THAT was an oxymoron but apparently not) Hindus doing their Hindu thing in Catholic churches and now today I look at a weblink from this site where I read that 40,000 pieces of child pornograpy are found on computers at a seminary in Vienna and the Bishop calls it a “childish prank.”
Remember your Bible? What did Jesus say about the WHEAT AND THE CHAFF? The Church is a hospital for sinners and not just a hotel for saints. We have had sinners since Judas Iscariot, and that’s just the way it is. But guess what? Are you going to abandon Peter because of Judas? I wouldn’t.
So I gotta tell ya, I’m begininging to rethink this whole Catholic thing. I think that the “one Holy & Apolstolic church” that my soul longed for does not exist because with all due respect, from where I sit, you aren’t looking so Holy and you certainly aren’t “one.”
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church doesn’t mean “everyone in the Catholic Church is surrounded by halos and completely saintly” Heck, if that were true, something is wrong with me!
Remember the wheat and chaff verses in the Bible. Christ wanted it that way.
Edit: One more thing: We are not robots, we have free will, and we will always have people who scandalize people. This is true of all churches. Does this mean it is right? NO WAY! However, we are all called to repentance and to live a holy life. We do have those who give that call a busy signal. Others pick up the phone right away.
Judge the Catholic Church by the doctrines she teaches, and not by those who don’t follow them. Using that standard you set (judging by those who don’t follow the faith), no church, no religion, no belief in God can stand.