Wanted to convert - now I'm not so sure

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i went to mass this morning (tuesday july 13th and no i am not catholic yet) and the gospel reading was Jesus telling the people that if the works he was performing were done in sodom that the city would have repented and so it will be worse for the people in capernaum and the surrounding towns that Jesus was ministering to than for sodom and gamorrah (sp?). i think we can say the same for those within the church that is teaching the fullness of the faith (and even some who are charged with teaching it) that it will be worse for them than any protestant denomination if they aren’t living it.
think we can say the same for those within the church that is teaching the fullness of the faith (and even some who are charged with teaching it) that it will be worse for them than any protestant denomination if they aren’t living it.
This may be another of the frequent times I am mistaken, but I’ve always thought that the punishment would be doled out to those who are informed of the Gospels and choose to not follow the one true Church as opposed to those who have never been taught the Gospels. (Those who have never been exposed to the Gospels, or even to Christianity, would not be held accountable.)

In other words, Protestants know their bible, yet they don’t come around to the “fullness of the faith” in the Catholic Church. I’ve always assumed (yes, I know what that means, LOL) they were prime to have it “worse for them” since they’ve learned the Word yet do not accept the Church as Christ’s true, one and only Church. I’m not so sure a bad Catholic teacher will be punished any worse than someone outside the faith who chooses not to follow it.

In any case, there is one official Church and teaching. Protestants do not have a single teaching authority. In all religions you have the unfaithful.
carol marie:
Now I’m thinking that the Catholic church is filled with the same disunity as the Protestant churches. I’ve read Catholics who think speaking in tounges is OK vs. Catholics who don’t.
Depends on the situation. As long as the speaking in tongues is done in accordance with the Church, fine.
Catholics who think the Pope isn’t the Pope
They’re in schism and are not with us.
  • Catholics who think the mass should be in Latin -
And it should be, as well as in the vernacular, and the other dozens of different ways it is done. We have 30 different rites, each with their own style - all 100% CATHOLIC!
that Vat. II was a huge mistake vs. Catholics who think it was great.
Vatican II was neutral. However, some have abused it, others have done great things because of it.
Catholics who believe in Adam & Eve,

Official catholic doctrine.
Catholics who believe in evolution,
If they believe that God works through the “evolution” then it is OK, otherwise it is not.
I read of terrible RICA classes, Wacky Priests who teach their own ideas, Pro choice Catholics (I always thought THAT was an oxymoron but apparently not) Hindus doing their Hindu thing in Catholic churches and now today I look at a weblink from this site where I read that 40,000 pieces of child pornograpy are found on computers at a seminary in Vienna and the Bishop calls it a “childish prank.”
Remember your Bible? What did Jesus say about the WHEAT AND THE CHAFF? The Church is a hospital for sinners and not just a hotel for saints. We have had sinners since Judas Iscariot, and that’s just the way it is. But guess what? Are you going to abandon Peter because of Judas? I wouldn’t.
So I gotta tell ya, I’m begininging to rethink this whole Catholic thing. I think that the “one Holy & Apolstolic church” that my soul longed for does not exist because with all due respect, from where I sit, you aren’t looking so Holy and you certainly aren’t “one.” 😦
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church doesn’t mean “everyone in the Catholic Church is surrounded by halos and completely saintly” Heck, if that were true, something is wrong with me!

Remember the wheat and chaff verses in the Bible. Christ wanted it that way.

Edit: One more thing: We are not robots, we have free will, and we will always have people who scandalize people. This is true of all churches. Does this mean it is right? NO WAY! However, we are all called to repentance and to live a holy life. We do have those who give that call a busy signal. Others pick up the phone right away.

Judge the Catholic Church by the doctrines she teaches, and not by those who don’t follow them. Using that standard you set (judging by those who don’t follow the faith), no church, no religion, no belief in God can stand.
Jesus said that weeds would be growing among the wheat. If you have discovered some weeds in the wheat field, it doesn’t prove that Christ’s church is false, it only proves that Jesus’ prophecy was correct. The weeds won’t be separated from the wheat until the Second Coming.

"The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the householder came and said to him, `Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?’

He said to them, An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, Then do you want us to go and gather them?’

But he said, `No; lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’"

… his disciples came to him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.” He answered, "He who sows the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world, and the good seed means the sons of the kingdom; the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels. Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the close of the age. The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.

Matt. 13:24-30, Matt. 13:36-32
Define “Unity.”

There is still a difference between the disunited Catholics and disunited Protestants.

Protestants all teach different things with no final authority (they say the authority is Scripture, but they all say that, so in the end there is no final interpretive authority of that Scripture). So, while they are not united, there is also no final guiding point where one who wants to seek the truth knows exactly where to find it. Sure, you could read Scripture yourself, but then you are putting a great burden on yourself to find the whole truth contained in Scripture.

The disunity in the Catholic Church is very disconcerting. But it is different. All dissenters - including bishops - are doing just that: dissenting. There *is *a final authority. Sure, some doctrinal points that are not perfectly defined or points of practice can cause some arguments in good faith, but all the big stuff is right there for us in the catechism of the Catholic Church. It is defined. If a Priest or Bishop says something against the teachings of the Catechism, a lay person can go to the unifying point - the Pope, Encyclicals, the Catechism, and find the actual teachings.

So do not despair. The people fighting and causing problems knowingly against Church teachings are a frustration. But they do not detract from the truth of the Church’s teachings. We put our faith in the Holy Spirit’s guidance of her teachings, and not just the men in the hierarchy.
Thanks to all who responded, especially BobCatholic who makes alot of sense. I guess my frustration is that as a Protestant I’ve had to shop around for a church that sort of fit what I already believe to be true - for me that’s a conservative type which is why I’d lean toward Baptist or Non-demoninational over Methodist. Whenever I moved to a new city I’d have to church shop to find a church that taught what I thought was true, based on my reading of the Bible and I’d wind up with pretty much an entire congregation of Christian folks who thought morally & politically how I thought. But now that I’m almost convinced (80%) that the Catholic Church is the historical church Jesus established and the Eucharist is truly Jesus, I’m freaked out thinking that I will have to “shop” Catholic churches that actually teach the stuff I’ve learned in all these apologetic books. How am I supposed to find a decent RICA program? Do I ask the Priest, "How do you like the Pope? Do you think he’s the real deal?? How am I supposed to know if the Priest is wacky or if most in the congregation (parish?) are pro choice? And I know it’s not supposed to make a bit of difference what the person in the pew next to me is thinking/doing - I’m just so sad to think that it’s true… the church I’ve read about doesn’t really exist and if it does I have to weed through all the weeds so to speak to find it. And don’t even get me started about Cathlic schools… my children go to a Christian School that teaches that the Reformers were the greatest thing since sliced bread but I’ve been told by Catholics NOT to send my kids to a Catholic School because they’ve all been hijacked by liberals and the religious education they’d receive would be heretic. So bottom line, I’m wondering what the heck am I thinking? I’ve gotta be nuts to want to be Catholic?! Dear God what are you doing to me?? And I’m thinking that only a former Protestant convert can really appreciate how freaked out I am. Anybody?
It seems that many people are pulling you in different directions. Too much noise. Information overload.

I’d suggest putting aside the books, putting aside the conversations with evangelicals and Catholics, and putting aside the forum, and pray for God’s graces and direction. Then, should you decide to come into the Church, take one thing at a time.

Peace, and may God bless your efforts.
The Barrister is right. If you have come to believe that the Catholic Church is the true Church - the one and only Church that Christ established - then you would be more crazy not to join even with all of the problems. Maybe it would help to know that, as bad as the problems are now, there have been worse times. I have read that 80% of the Church was affected by the Arian heresy in the Early Church. The problems leading up to and during the Reformation are another good example.

Don’t allow the actions of individual Catholics to be the determining factor in your decision. We are all sinners and are far from perfect. The Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ and in her alone is ALL of the teachings of Christ handed down through the Apostles and their successors. That is the reason I remain in the Church despite all of the problems I dislike so much.
Carol Marie,

I am a cradle Catholic and, believe me, I understand your frustration. Some people find it helpaul to reqd the Church Fathers; it gives them perspective.
May I recommend prayerful reading of the 3 volume set The Church of the Early Fathers By Jurgens?
Yes, we’re a diverse bunch, and you may have to go “parish shopping,” but it is all worth it.
One word: Euchatist! Nobody else has Jesus like this.
Pray & hang in.

God bless
Carol, I’ve complained here on these forums about what seems now pretty minor stuff (no kneelers, LifeTeen Mass, not finding the Tabernacle where I thought it should be, no crucifix, etc.) but you’ve sort of put this in perspective for me, so thank you.

In spite of some of the lack of uniformity, I know I can walk into any one of those Churches that I kind of criticized and KNOW I can find Jesus, present in the Eucharist, and know I can give thanks and praise to God along with the rest of the Catholics in the world, in a pretty-closely-uniform fashion. Whether it’s the N.O, Tridentine, LifeTeen Mass, etc. Jesus is there for us to receive in Communion. Most priests (if not all; every priest I’ve ever met at least) are right there to help us when we need it, even if briefly until an appointment can be set…and confession, well, I can’t even put into words the graces received through this sacrament.

If you are at the point where you do know that the Eucharist is the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, maybe you can find an adoration chapel and pray to him in the peace that seems to always be present there.

I think we all should pray for carol marie and all who are struggling with issues of faith.
I think it is good reflection for all of us. On these forums, we complain about a lot of things. Criticism is appropriate to a degree, and I think most of us realize that we are complaining not about the Catholic faith, but about some specific areas of frustration where the faith is not being taught or demonstrated properly.

But if we are not careful, people like Carol Marie may read all these things and conclude that the Catholic Church is so screwed up that it’s no different than anywhere else.

It is different. Those of us in the faith know that. We should be sure that while we are criticizing, we are also doing much to share our appreciation of the Catholic faith and the magesterium.

Possibly the biggest scandal of Christianity is its disunity. This was Jesus’ prayer in the garden. We have not lived it - of course with the Reformation - but also with the schisms with the Orthodox, and finally with the disunity within the Church itself. But we are still in Christ’s Church, and I am forever thankful for that.

I only want to add one thing to the wonderful, supportive posts here.
I would ask that after you pray about this, find a Catholic parish in your area and make an appointment to talk with a priest. You seem to have done so much already to educate yourself about catholicism, that you may not need a full RCIA program. In our parish, we offer individual or small group instruction for those who are advanced in their knowledge of the faith, fully recognizing that for some people a strong Christian formation and self-study regimine has brought them to our door. Some of the people I have worked with only need the deepened, spiritual formation to enter the Church and maybe that’s where you are at. Just a suggestion.
Will pray that you remain open to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and will not judge the Catholic Church by some of the “fruit” it has borne. God bless you.
carol marie:
After reading several Catholic apologetic type books (Born Fundementalist, born again Catholic & Suprised By the Truth I,II, III - My Life on the Rock - etc.) I started to believe that I had been wrong about the the Catholic Church - it wasn’t just a bunch of made up nonesense without any scriptural support, but rather it was a faith rooted in scripture. I began to believe that maybe it was the one true church that Jesus started and that Luther was wrong to break away because surely God isn’t pleased with all the disunity and thousands of different denomenations. I wanted to belong to the one, unified true Church and until I found this website, I thought the Catholic Church was it. Now I’m thinking that the Catholic church is filled with the same disunity as the Protestant churches. I’ve read Catholics who think speaking in tounges is OK vs. Catholics who don’t. Catholics who think the Pope isn’t the Pope - Catholics who think the mass should be in Latin - that Vat. II was a huge mistake vs. Catholics who think it was great. Catholics who believe in Adam & Eve, Catholics who believe in evolution, I read of terrible RICA classes, Wacky Priests who teach their own ideas, Pro choice Catholics (I always thought THAT was an oxymoron but apparently not) Hindus doing their Hindu thing in Catholic churches and now today I look at a weblink from this site where I read that 40,000 pieces of child pornograpy are found on computers at a seminary in Vienna and the Bishop calls it a “childish prank.” So I gotta tell ya, I’m begininging to rethink this whole Catholic thing. I think that the “one Holy & Apolstolic church” that my soul longed for does not exist because with all due respect, from where I sit, you aren’t looking so Holy and you certainly aren’t “one.” 😦

I joined this site to hear and learn what others think and feel. I agree with the wonderful responses you have received. One thing to consider, I am an instructor in our parish RCIA and we have training and materials from the Church to teach prospective members. When we can’t answer a question, we consult the priest/bishop for resolution. I am far from an appologist and often consult to find some additional scriptual support for a position, but one thing you have if you join the Catholic Church. EVERYWHERE you go to MASS, you will understand what is going on…regardless of the rite being celebrated. You will have the opportunity to receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus!! Nothing can compare to that. The Catholic Church has the fullness of the faith, the most things that will help us get to heaven to see God. Please, take advantage of that…see a priest and PRAY!

God Bless you in your journey. I will say my daily rosary for you this week!

Try not to despair Carol. There have already been so many excellent posts here that anything I add would be redundant. Just know that I am praying for you and hope that the seed that has obviously been planted in you will grow to fruition. God bless!
Carol Marie,

What city do you live in? Maybe some of the orthodox Catholics on this forum would have some suggestions regarding what parishes they would recommend—ditto for the schools.

Let me give you my own experience: we drive 40 minutes to go to our parish that is very orthodox, with a wonderful, tell-it-like-it-is, no-holds-barred priest. There’s another perfectly orthodox church that would be about a half-hour away—we just happen to like our priest so much, we drive the extra mileage. For those times when I really want a dose of pure Catholicism with beautiful singing, I drive most of an hour to St. Agnes in St. Paul.

Now, there are some other parishes that are much closer, but they vary a bit in how orthodox they are. However, I will go to confession at one of those churches, or the occasional Mass, because they are more convenient.

My point is, you may be able to find exactly what you want, even if you have to drive a little. If you can find an orthodox parish, you stand in good stead of finding an orthodox Catholic school attached to it.
I hope you don’t think disagreement - even passionate disagreement - is a sign that the Church is off track. As other posters said, the apostles themselves had very strong disagreements. James (the Righteous) and Paul disagreed about basic rules with respect to observance of Jewish law. Peter - the Rock - mediated an agreement at the first Church Council, the Council of Jerusalem. Even after the agreement, there was tension between the two factions of the Church.

The earliest post-apostolic fathers had to face many disagreements over the true teaching of Christ and the apostles. Certain gnostic cults claimed to be in possession of sacred revelation - doctrines that directly contradicted what Jesus had said - that the apostles “forgot to write down.” This was in the first and second century! Great Church leaders such as St. Clement of Rome followed in Peter’s tradition by mediating these disagreements, and urging congregations to remain faithful to Rome.

I simply cannot believe that the apostles would allow the early Church to be wounded by dissension and conflict unless they felt very secure that such conflict was perfectly consistent with and firmly within the parameters entrusted to them by Jesus Christ.

I’m the type of person who doesn’t like conflict, and I cringe when I see some of the arguments here on this board; but I am certain that the Holy Spirit guides this Church with a firm hand. I trust my Lord when He said that He established this Church to last until the end of time. And so it will.
carol marie:
After reading several Catholic apologetic type books (Born Fundementalist, born again Catholic & Suprised By the Truth I,II, III - My Life on the Rock - etc.) I started to believe that I had been wrong about the the Catholic Church - it wasn’t just a bunch of made up nonesense without any scriptural support, but rather it was a faith rooted in scripture. I began to believe that maybe it was the one true church that Jesus started and that Luther was wrong to break away because surely God isn’t pleased with all the disunity and thousands of different denomenations. I wanted to belong to the one, unified true Church and until I found this website, I thought the Catholic Church was it. Now I’m thinking that the Catholic church is filled with the same disunity as the Protestant churches. I’ve read Catholics who think speaking in tounges is OK vs. Catholics who don’t. Catholics who think the Pope isn’t the Pope - Catholics who think the mass should be in Latin - that Vat. II was a huge mistake vs. Catholics who think it was great. Catholics who believe in Adam & Eve, Catholics who believe in evolution, I read of terrible RICA classes, Wacky Priests who teach their own ideas, Pro choice Catholics (I always thought THAT was an oxymoron but apparently not) Hindus doing their Hindu thing in Catholic churches and now today I look at a weblink from this site where I read that 40,000 pieces of child pornograpy are found on computers at a seminary in Vienna and the Bishop calls it a “childish prank.” So I gotta tell ya, I’m begininging to rethink this whole Catholic thing. I think that the “one Holy & Apolstolic church” that my soul longed for does not exist because with all due respect, from where I sit, you aren’t looking so Holy and you certainly aren’t “one.” 😦
Check out the following…



carol marie:
Thanks to all who responded, especially BobCatholic who makes alot of sense. I guess my frustration is that as a Protestant I’ve had to shop around for a church that sort of fit what I already believe to be true - for me that’s a conservative type which is why I’d lean toward Baptist or Non-demoninational over Methodist. Whenever I moved to a new city I’d have to church shop to find a church that taught what I thought was true, based on my reading of the Bible and I’d wind up with pretty much an entire congregation of Christian folks who thought morally & politically how I thought. But now that I’m almost convinced (80%) that the Catholic Church is the historical church Jesus established and the Eucharist is truly Jesus, I’m freaked out thinking that I will have to “shop” Catholic churches that actually teach the stuff I’ve learned in all these apologetic books. How am I supposed to find a decent RICA program? Do I ask the Priest, "How do you like the Pope? Do you think he’s the real deal?? How am I supposed to know if the Priest is wacky or if most in the congregation (parish?) are pro choice? And I know it’s not supposed to make a bit of difference what the person in the pew next to me is thinking/doing - I’m just so sad to think that it’s true… the church I’ve read about doesn’t really exist and if it does I have to weed through all the weeds so to speak to find it. And don’t even get me started about Cathlic schools… my children go to a Christian School that teaches that the Reformers were the greatest thing since sliced bread but I’ve been told by Catholics NOT to send my kids to a Catholic School because they’ve all been hijacked by liberals and the religious education they’d receive would be heretic. So bottom line, I’m wondering what the heck am I thinking? I’ve gotta be nuts to want to be Catholic?! Dear God what are you doing to me?? And I’m thinking that only a former Protestant convert can really appreciate how freaked out I am. Anybody?
Ok, someone has been feeding you some exagerations. See, some of us, perhaps most, have years of being Catholic under our belts. I have been Catholic all of my life (31 years), so of course I’ve seen almost all of it. Of the 75-100 priests that I have known to any degree, only about 5-6 had issues. How do you find a good church? Just go. You seem to know enough about the church that you could tell early on. Want to hear something funny about the Catholic Church? The more in line with Rome a priest is, the more orthodox the Church is, then the more crowded it tends to be at mass. Another tidbit, Catholics are one of the few groups of people were a 25 year old is more likely to agree with a 82 year old than a 58 year old is. See, to an extent we are reaping what we sowed in the 60s. But, the chickens have all come home to roost, and the Church is deaing with it.

As far as the Catholic Schools go, the problem at the elementary and high school is not as bad as in the university. Check out the school, first.

The way I see it, most people want to be good Catholics, they just have never been taught how. They are like the Etheopian eunich in Acts, asking someone to explain the scriptures, but no one has come forward yet for too many of them
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