OK, so is belief Roman Catholicism a necessary but not sufficient condition for a person to have the fullest possible relationship with God or not?
If Catholicism is not exclusively correct, which other religions are equally acceptable? Also, which things about Catholicism are in error? If the choice isn’t arbitrary, by what means are we to choose a religious belief?
Yes, others on this website have suggested I am “poorly catechized.” Unfortunately, the meaning of “Catholicism” is so different depending upon place and time, you’d probably think many Church fathers, popes, and saints were similarly poorly catechized, depending on the century/country. In grad school I used to argue with the Dominicans near campus. They didn’t seem to think I was poorly catechized. I’ve also had extensive arguments with priests from the Oratory, they also never suggested I was poorly catechized. I’m not sure which sub-culture of the Church you identify with, but if you tell me, I can try to speak your language to the best of my ability.
No, I do believe the objective and fullest expression of the truth is “out there” somewhere. What you need to do is give me some evidence or reason to suppose that truth is actually in your understanding of the RCC. You need to show me it is God’s official religion. Can you do this?
Can something be true yesterday and false today and properly to be considered “absolutely true?” To me, absolute truths do not change depending upon the circumstances, and time is a circumstance.
I’m not sure if God is mute or not. I suppose we discover something about him through reason and the observation of nature. How do you know that the Church is an interaction between the divine and the human in a way that (for instance) Islam is not?
So, the first quote is the opening of the Athanasian creed. Do you deny that it is a statement of the church? Why? How do I know that you know?
The second quote is by Pope Boniface VIII. It certainly seems to qualify as an “infallible” teaching, just by looking at it and considering it in the context of the historical teachings of many official churchmen for hundreds of years prior. If it isn’t an infallible proclamation, why? How do I know that you know?
I object because those statements are 1) unreasonable and 2) I have no reason to suppose the Catholic Church or any of her representatives is either more competent or more entitled to be taken seriously when they make such statements. To me, statements of the Church, or any other religion, and these statements (below) are peers.
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Is that why you reject them too? Somehow I doubt it, purely based on the religion you claim on this website. Obviously, I know nothing about you otherwise.
It’s not your responsibility to apologize for the actions of people who died centuries ago. I appreciate the thought though!