## The supernatural realm, though real, is irrelevant to a very large number of issues in Biblical scholarship.
For example, appealing to the “supernatural” will not:
- explain why Ur is called “of the Chaldeans” in Gen.11.31, centuries before they were present in Mesopotamia
- settle the reading or meaning of Judges 18.30
- gives us the text of 1 Samuel 13.1
- settle the order, dating, composition & integrity of Ezra & Nehemiah
- it will not settle the date or route of the Exodus
- it will not solve the question of whether there was an Exodus; or whether there were several
- it will not tell us whether the Genesis account of the Flood was influenced at all by Tablet 11 of the Gilgamesh Epic
- it will not tell us the date of Psalms
- it will not tell us whether the Psalm 104 was influenced by the religious ideas of Akhenaten
- it will not settle the vexed question of the location of Sinai
- it will not account the parallels between Canaanite ideas about Ba’al and Israelite ideas about JHWH
- again & again & again, in case after case, invoking the supernatural is completely useless and irrelevant in answering the thousands of detailed, important, and fascinating questions raised by close attention to Scripture.
That is why scholars do not use the category of the supernatural; it settles nothing.
It would be more “supernatural” to insist on a late date for all the Gospels than an earlier one; if the only source of knowledge about Our Lord’s life on earth was a direct Divine revelation made in the year 100 to each Evangelist, that would be a far greater wonder than for them to writre at earlier date such as 50 (say), when there would presumably be many human witnesses to what had happened. Yet an earlier date is often favoured over a later one - as though the God Who rules all things could not guarantee the truth of the Gospels as easily in AD 100 as in AD 50. Is something less true because it is later ? Not if we appeal to the supernatural - God is quite mighty enough to make sure that a later writer will be as inspired and truthful as an earlier one.
Scripture is indeed inspired - that fact is not in the slightest degree negated by adopting all the available tools of Biblical scholarship as now usually practiced.
It is no fault of the scholars, if the texts do not always mean quite what they have often been thought to mean - each problem should be taken individually, to avoid the danger of unhelpful generalisations.
Those who have only a casual knowledge of the Bible, won’t notice the problems raised - the fuller one’s acquaintance with the fine detail of the Bible, in all its bearings, the less easy it is to ignore the questions raised.
But this deserves a separate post. ##