I could not have put it better myself. Many of the modern biblical scholars who seem so obsessed with the historico-critical method are guilty of shoddy scholarship anyway. I think it is foolish to think Fitzmeyer, Raymond E Brown, Harrington e.t.c have somehow advanced our understanding of scripture and Theology more than Hahn, Garriggou-Lagrange, and some of the more traditional exegetes. I endorse the Navarre Bible Commentary as the best commentarys along with Ignatius Press’s study guide.My biggest problem with this whole issue is this. The Church teaches that one should interpret Scripture based on what the author wished to convey. The Church lists ‘history’ as one of the genres the sacred writers used; thus there IS history in Scripture. I realize that not all of Scripture is history, but there are many portions of Scripture that ARE written as history, and since the Magisterium over the centuries has made it very clear that Scripture can not err in any form whatsoever, it follows that any portion of Scripture which the sacred writer intended to be history must be taken as true history. I realize part of the issue is determing what was meant to be history and what was not, but it seems to me that many Catholics, including several on this board, have a very hard-time of seeing the history genre at all in Scripture.
Regarding the Gospels, I thought that the Church had infallibly defined that they are to be taken as historical works. They do convey spiritual truths, but I thought that it has already been established by the Magisterium that the Gospels are historically accurate.
I also struggle with the notion that 1800 years of tradition was false; that every saint, bishop, and doctor of the Church for the VAST MAJORITY of Church history was misguided with serious misunderstandings of Scripture. (If NAB footnotes are to be trusted, then the vast majority of Catholic saints, doctors, and bishops throughout history were indeed in error). I fear what scholars of the future will teach. How far will it go?
(Regarding the NAB footnotes, some of the teaching contained within them have really shocked me…I mentioned to my bishop that I found the footnotes quite liberal, and even bordering on heresy in some places—and he seemed to agree. At the very least, I think all must agree that the vast majority of popes throughout history would have considered the NAB footnotes heretical).