Watch: Joe Biden Loses His Mask at Press Event

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There is no way this guy won legitimately.
I don’t think people were so much voting for Joe as much as they were voting for non-Trump. The election was more about ensuring Trump did not get a second term.
I find that hard to believe.
Feanor2 on CAF going defunct . . .
Glad to see it go.
I believe you.

(I feel just the opposite. I have enjoyed and have great respect for CAF.
CAF will be missed by me anyway. A big "Thank You! to all the moderators here that have worked so hard as well as so many of the fine posters.)
Ambiguous relationships with white supremists! Ha! Ha!That is hilarious! Evidently you don’t know much about the history of the democrat party!!
Evidently you don’t know much about the history of the democrat party!!
We’re more concerned about what’s going on now, than 60+ years ago. But I understand why some Republicans would rather dwell in the past, than face up to where the white supremacists went after LBJ “betrayed” them.
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Trump won in a landslide. I would think “Catholic” Joe Biden’s conscience would be bothering him standing up before the nation pretending he is president from winning an honest election.
If you think more people voted for Joe Biden than voted for Barack Obama I have some great property in Arizona to sell you with a view of the ocean!
Trump won in a landslide.
True enough.

Trump’s win was an all-time presidential vote-getting record.

Unless you add in a cheated election result (my opinion) for Biden.
If Biden ever gets to be President here,
he will always be referred to by me as President with an asterisk.

President* Biden.

.* “Won” on a cheated election.
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Joe Biden doesn’t have a functioning conscience.Anyone who claims to live his faith yet votes for policies that allow for essentially infanticide ,isn’t going to have any compunctions about cheating his way into office.Not to mention the whole e China connection,Hunter,…
If you think more people voted for Joe Biden than voted for Barack Obama I have some great property in Arizona to sell you with a view of the ocean!
I have no problem believing that more people voted against Trump than voted for Obama.

And if you want to sell that property, you should market it to the conspiracy-theory crowd. You’ll have tons of offers!
And if you want to sell that property, you should market it to the conspiracy-theory crowd.
Except these are not theories (like the Trump-Russian-Collusion hoax was a mere conspiracy theory).

There have been many eye-witness testimonies even under oath concerning the Biden-cheat scandal.

I think the news media (social media too) is doing a “great” job of covering it up though. Just like they did the Hunter Biden escapades BEFORE the election too.
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Ambiguous relationships with white supremists! Ha! Ha!That is hilarious! Evidently you don’t know much about the history of the democrat party!!
  1. It is the Democratic Party.
  2. I probably know more about it than you do.
We’re more concerned about what’s going on now, than 60+ years ago. But I understand why some Republicans would rather dwell in the past, than face up to where the white supremacists went after LBJ “betrayed” them.
It’s just a ridiculous thing I’ve noticed Republicans saying recently. I say Republicans, but I guess I mean Trumps supporters, since there are many Republicans who do not stoop to such tactics.
Trump won in a landslide.
You mean just now when he lost to Joe Biden, elected with the largest popular mandate of any president in the history of the United States?
If you think more people voted for Joe Biden than voted for Barack Obama
They did.
Trump’s win was an all-time presidential vote-getting record.
Biden holds the all time record for popular votes received in a US presidential election, and the votes just keep coming in. Trump asked for a recount and he lost by an even wider margin!
Joe Biden doesn’t have a functioning conscience.
Clearly he does. He may not have come to the same conclusions as you, but he has a functioning conscience.
like the Trump-Russian-Collusion hoax was a mere conspiracy theory
Generally accepted as being accurate by everyone except Trump fanatics.
Joe Biden has a very poorly formed conscience,there that work for ya?
Biden can lose his mask all he likes.
I don’t care.

In fact, maybe it will distract him from attacking our religious liberties!
The only people who think it is a spoof are the Trump fanatics who cannot accept that their man lost. The votes have been counted and re-counted, legal action in the courts has got him nowhere. Biden won fairly and squarely. He is the legitimate victor and the next president of the United States. I think you will have to learn to live with this reality rather than just shouting “electoral fraud” for the next four years.
He certainly has a better formed conscience than Donald Trump.
Biden wants to PROTECT people being able to tear limb from limb, innocent persons.
He favors PROTECTING that!

The fact that you look at people complaining about that, and think THEY are the issue tells me . . . well, I am not going to say what it tells me.

But I do thankfully disagree with your world view.
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